If you could change ONE thing about the Pokemon TCG....

What category would your change to TCG fall under?

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Blue Thunder

so long!
A while ago, there was a thread that asked "what changes would like to be made to the TCG". However, now that we have many new members in the forum since this thread, I decided to ask and see what people thought.

In this thread, you basically the top thing you want changed in the TCG. It could have to do with pack distribution, game mechanics/rulings, or even how tournaments are run. Anything that relates to the TCG goes!

You may list more than one change you want done, but make sure you acknowledge your top choice, seeing as this thread is asking for one change...

I guess that's enough of an introduction....so start the discussion! =]
RE: If you could change ONE thing about the Pokemon TCG...

I want cheaper packs. That way, the cost of playing is less, and we get more players.
RE: If you could change ONE thing about the Pokemon TCG...

Ah, I remember that thread. Partially 'cause I made it. =P

As I said before, I'd like to see more variety come out of the sets. Nintendo should make ALL of the rares be powerful cards that people would want to use as main attackers and make almost all of the commons and uncommons techs.

Speed Mode (my thread in the Redshark forum) is a direction in which I'd like to see Nintendo go with the rules, but that's probably too extreme for this thread.
RE: If you could change ONE thing about the Pokemon TCG...

You're right, we have too many junk rares.
RE: If you could change ONE thing about the Pokemon TCG...

I want Nintendo to sell indivisual cards for fair prices, and to have less junk rares.
I think one thing we wanted is being changed... easier way to get... CLAYDOL!!! and... UXIE!!!
RE: If you could change ONE thing about the Pokemon TCG...

jirachinick said:
I think one thing we wanted is being changed... easier way to get... CLAYDOL!!! and... UXIE!

They are making them easier to obtain. They are going to be given out as league promos.
RE: If you could change ONE thing about the Pokemon TCG...

Mr. Random said:
I want cheaper packs. That way, the cost of playing is less, and we get more players.

And the Pokemon People would get less money... which means we would get worse prizes. =p

I wouldn't change a thing. Oh, except I'd like SP pokemon to go away, but I don't have a real problem with them. It's just that soo many deck ideas are rendered useless by Mespirit/Power Spray. But we can live with it, so I guess I wouldn't change anything!
RE: If you could change ONE thing about the Pokemon TCG...

Actually, tPCi sells packs for pennies each. Stores just inflate it to make a profit.
I suppose I'd balance out the game, and have subdivisions by premier rating for swiss rounds.
RE: If you could change ONE thing about the Pokemon TCG...

If they made less junk rares we wouldn't have a metagame. And metagames are good. ;p

I'd change the fact that you can win before your opponent can really do anything, aka a donk. There are so many players who spend hours upon hours testing, only to be knocked out of the tournament by getting T1'd.
RE: If you could change ONE thing about the Pokemon TCG...

I'd like to see no rotation, but that will never happen. Changing the pack's cards to have a gurantee Holo wouldn't be bad as well.

dmaster out.
RE: If you could change ONE thing about the Pokemon TCG...

One thing I would like to see is a little less focus on speed decks. The only viable way to win in tournaments IS a speed deck, or else everyone else's speed deck will just crush you.
RE: If you could change ONE thing about the Pokemon TCG...

Holographic TCG battles so you won't have to travel for a real tourney. Plus it would look cooler. :p
RE: If you could change ONE thing about the Pokemon TCG...

This is pretty hard, but less junkier rares. Like that Articuno from SV and stuff. Those were terribad. I'd also enjoy having some more T/S/ST with more crazier effects, just because it'll be more fun. Speaking of fun, more tourney's.
RE: If you could change ONE thing about the Pokemon TCG...

More Unpaid invites. It gets more invites out there.
RE: If you could change ONE thing about the Pokemon TCG...

Optional Muligan. To make a better game =)

EDIT: Removed s from Muligan. Just 1.
RE: If you could change ONE thing about the Pokemon TCG...

Well people could optional mulligan until they get a perfect hand, thats pretty cheap. IMO at least. Anyways, I say the speed of this game. Your deck has to be fast or you lose everything, its sad.
RE: If you could change ONE thing about the Pokemon TCG...

Seth1789110 said:
Well people could optional mulligan until they get a perfect hand, thats pretty cheap. IMO at least. Anyways, I say the speed of this game. Your deck has to be fast or you lose everything, its sad.

If they do, you'll be drawing a lot of cards and you'll get a perfect hand. Here's how I say the optional mulligan should work:

  • Both players draw a hand
  • Players flip a coin to see who goes first.
  • The player going first determines whether or not he's mulliganing.
  • If no, then the second player determines whether or not he's mulliganing.
  • Either way, if yes, then the other player has the option to draw a card, mulligan himself, or do nothing.
  • This continues until players are satisfied with their hands.

Seems somewhat reasonable. There's the problem of players playing with one Basic and 59 Energy, but that problem occurs with the current mulligan system as well. IMO, the best mulligan system is in MtG, where if a player mulligans, he has to draw one less card.
RE: If you could change ONE thing about the Pokemon TCG...

I'd like to see equality between cards. We have Arcanine SV that does 40 for 4, with no effect. We also have Lucario DP who does 40, and 20 snipe for half the energy cost.

Yeah, if there was equality, there'd be no metagame. But I don't like Metagames :)