Big Brother: Oh Brother Not Again! Challenge 3 ends October 17th, 9 PM Central! Support games that n

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RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother Not Again! - Read the rules. The first HoH is... Muddy68! Nominate two people for eviction!

What do you mean?
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother Not Again! - Read the rules. The first HoH is... Muddy68! Nominate two people for eviction!

He means Muddy, Batui, and red blastoise each choose one other player to participate with them in the Power-of-Veto competition.
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother Not Again! - Read the rules. The first HoH is... Muddy68! Nominate two people for eviction!

OOOOOH!!! That sounds fun!
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother Not Again! - Read the rules. The first HoH is... Muddy68! Nominate two people for eviction!

I pick Leafy101.
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother Not Again! - Read the rules. The first HoH is... Muddy68! Nominate two people for eviction!

red blastoise and Muddy, your picks for the PoV competitions?
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother Not Again! - Read the rules. The first HoH is... Muddy68! Nominate two people for eviction!

So every one else does not participate right?
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother Not Again! - Read the rules. The first HoH is... Muddy68! Nominate two people for eviction!

Correct. Also, a MASSIVE wi-fi mess-up happened. My Shiny Latios went away through a weird glitch. If I traded you one, PM me.
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother Not Again! - Read the rules. The first HoH is... Muddy68! Nominate two people for eviction!

I'd like to go with Snorchu.
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother Not Again! - Read the rules. The first HoH is... Muddy68! Nominate two people for eviction!

Now, we wait on red blastoise.
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother Not Again! - Read the rules. The first HoH is... Muddy68! Nominate two people for eviction!

Yeah! Thanks for picking me, Batui!
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother Not Again! - Read the rules. The first HoH is... Muddy68! Nominate two people for eviction!

I PM'd red blastoise, no responce. The random person shall be... Flare. All right, I am going to test you on your flags. I am going to post a series of 10 flags once either Leafy, Muddy, Snorchu, red blastoise, batui, or Flare posts. I want this through PM.
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother Not Again! - Read the rules. The first HoH is... Muddy68! Nominate two people for eviction!

ok post the flags.
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother Not Again! - Read the rules. The first HoH is... Muddy68! Nominate two people for eviction!











Other 5 will be up in a few minutes, small computer issue.
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother Not Again! - Read the rules. The first HoH is... Muddy68! Nominate two people for eviction!

Ok so do i just pm you what the flags are for.
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother Not Again! - Read the rules. The first HoH is... Muddy68! Nominate two people for eviction!

Once I do the other 5, yes.
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother Not Again! - Read the rules. The first HoH is... Muddy68! Nominate two people for eviction!

Rookies, all of you. You don't know how to play.
Only one of us has truly seen the game show before.
Come one and all, let us enjoy the comedy.
Kills us it does, to see such lunacy.

Three from the Host, three from the Power.
One of you goofed up and chose me.
Mayhem is coming. Are you ready?
Because it sure won't be easy to avoid.

BTW, are all flags up?
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother Not Again! - Read the rules. The first HoH is... Muddy68! Nominate two people for eviction!

Muddy, stop. I now need to assign a new sabator. Snorchu was the original, but accidently PM'd his note to Muddy. I will now PM the new sabator.
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother Not Again! - Read the rules. The first HoH is... Muddy68! Nominate two people for eviction!

Yeah, I was the Sabator. I was going to offer Muddy my attempt at immunity, but now I cannot guarantee your safety. I made the mistake due to my extreme exhaustion. I have five lab reports, all due next week, plus additional assignments for other classes. Fun, right.

A word of advice: Never send a PM on borrowed energy.
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother Not Again! - Read the rules. The first HoH is... Muddy68! Nominate two people for eviction!

Alright, the new sabator is assigned! Batui, Snorchu, red blastoise, Muddy, Flare, and Leafy, you have two days to do this PoV challenge, beginning now! You have until Sunday at 9 PM.
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother Not Again! - Read the rules. The first PoV competition has started! Ends at 9/19, 9 PM Centr

so the rest of us wait for it to be over
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