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  1. Nefarious

    (1) 'Black' and 'White' Prerelease Leaks! [9/16]

    Letdown. Just... Letdown. G2 > G4 > G1 > G3 > G5.
  2. Nefarious

    BW/BW2 Trio Discussion- This Gen's Trio (Now with the Trio's Types)

    RE: What would this Gen's Trio Be? Psychic-Dark-Fighting
  3. Nefarious

    BW/BW2 Airplane in B/W?

    Could be to Hoenn. Then G6 could have some form of transportation to Sinnoh.
  4. Nefarious

    (1) Possible 'Black' and 'White' Spoilers - Unconfirmed [6/11]

    Reshiram + Zekrom are confirmed Yin Yang Pokemon.
  5. Nefarious

    (1) Possible 'Black' and 'White' Spoilers - Unconfirmed [6/11]

    Snake = Ourobros? Or however it's spelled.
  6. Nefarious

    BW/BW2 Location of Isshu (region)

    Generation 1 and 3 were linked, and 2 and 4 were linked. So this may mean, Generation 5 will be a standalone game, for the time being. Until Generation 7, which will somehow be linked with Generation 5 in the same way as the above. Also, this 'far away' place could be somewhere not related to...
  7. Nefarious

    BW/BW2 Zorua, Zoroark, new Legendaries' shiny forms?

    Shiny Zekrom could be White & Blue. Shiny Reshiram could be Black & Red; Black body, red flame from it's awesome torch and other details could be red, too.
  8. Nefarious

    (1) HGSS Battle Video [7/21]

    I was talking about the HG/SS advert, not the teaser to M13.
  9. Nefarious

    (1) HGSS Battle Video [7/21]

    Imo, FR/LG's music had way too much precussion (drums) in it. So, I hope that Johto's is OK.. I'm looking forward to the dogs' music.
  10. Nefarious

    (1) HGSS Battle Video [7/21]

    WPM, I think I've found that trailer you saw during the 12th movie premiere. Credit to that guy (his name is too long)
  11. Nefarious

    Pokemon Pokemon in 10 years

    Where do you think it'll be? Will Arceus have a daddy? Will we have over 1000 pokemon? Will we have HG/SS remakes?!
  12. Nefarious

    (1) Clearer HGSS Images [7/15]

    Wow, these games are leading to be the best out of all. But are Game Freak overdoing it and make G5 a bit badder than HG/SS? ;/
  13. Nefarious

    The goriest games...EVUR

    Uncharted is, once you get to the part with the Mutants.
  14. Nefarious

    (1) August CoroCoro Scans Fully Revealed [7/13]

    Ho-Oh's sprite could AT LEAST pose it sitting down or something...
  15. Nefarious

    The goriest games...EVUR

    Exactly. It's gory because it's scary because they're scarecrows animated by dark magic... -Does a ghost impression-
  16. Nefarious

    (1) August CoroCoro Scans Fully Revealed [7/13]

    Not sure x.x I don't think Nintendo need another handheld - DS is enough... G5 ftw?
  17. Nefarious

    Pokemon Mascots

  18. Nefarious

    (1) August CoroCoro Scans Fully Revealed [7/13]

    Possibly.. Or it could be that random body of water leading to Tohjo falls.
  19. Nefarious

    The goriest games...EVUR

    The most goriest game ever is.. well.. LITTLE BIG PLANET D:
  20. Nefarious

    Why Did You Join PokéBeach?

    RE: Why'd you join PokeBeach? I like the community better, people actually know where the shift or caps lock button is, and WPM has more reliable news. :)