zoroark .. is it really broken ?

I feel that this could be a fun Rogue, however, it just really isn't that strong, I mean 100 HP kills it, just play something that already has a good attack and reasonable HP, don't rely on your opponent, they could play around it.
Just got two ideas for this card-
Tech in VileGar v. Mirror match
Tech in Reuniculus/Gothille(when the format is B/W-on etc.) for mirror match

That's about all i could come up w/ for this guy b/c it doesn't do well in decks that don't need to hit for dark weakenss, luxchomp maybe but IMO WAY too slow(i mean two turns and making deck more inconsistent,in general, i'd stick w/ Weavile G)
pliskin, can you explain what you are talking about? Twins isn't broken, since it is limited to being behind prizes.
by the logic of twins being broken, Jirachi RR is even more broken. Get KO'd, final wish for a twins, use twins for another Jirachi and a warp energy. Bench it, warp, use twins again. Then next KO, final wish for blackbelt and kill unsuspecting opponent's pokemon.

oh, and if it's anything like metronome, you'll have to discard energy for ertain attacks, wic will make zoroark even less playable.