Finished Zombie Revolution-The Fight to Survive LOOKING FOR 2 NEW PLAYERS! GET YOUR APPS IN!!!

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RE: Zombie Revolution-The Fight to Survive STARTED. FULL REPLACEMENTS CAN JOIN!!!

OOC: lol


Sorry, in the new room you find:

their contraband room..which includes evidence, (mostly useless and illegal substances which I can't name lol)

Also, a sawed off shotgun, 2 20 pound bags of Ammonium nitrate, and a ton of cash and jewlery
RE: Zombie Revolution-The Fight to Survive STARTED. FULL REPLACEMENTS CAN JOIN!!!

OOC: heck, we almost died in the school had I not reminded Cris he had a Lighter :p

IC: Kingsly stashes the cash in his backpack. "Don't know if this would come in handy or not at the Grocery Store," Kingsly said.
RE: Zombie Revolution-The Fight to Survive STARTED. FULL REPLACEMENTS CAN JOIN!!!

"I'll take the sawed off shotgun and jewelry." said Cris as he grabbed the items.
RE: Zombie Revolution-The Fight to Survive STARTED. FULL REPLACEMENTS CAN JOIN!!!

Daniel is in the hallway looking for rooms ...

Sorry for pestering about this, but can you tell me if there are any rooms in the hallway ... I have been gone most of the day (In real life)
RE: Zombie Revolution-The Fight to Survive STARTED. FULL REPLACEMENTS CAN JOIN!!!


There are no other rooms.


oh yeah I forgot the attacking zombies :p

5 of the zombies start to make their way in and climb through the window :p
RE: Zombie Revolution-The Fight to Survive STARTED. FULL REPLACEMENTS CAN JOIN!!!

"Hey wait..." Cris said aloud to Kingsly. "This is ammonium nitrate. This can be used to create improvised explosives. Didn't Specter say he was studying to be a chemical engineer? I'm pretty sure he could make us some homemade grenades if we brought him back the right supplies. I say we go and ask him if he could make them for us." said Cris as he picked up the bags and made his way to the area where the others were.
RE: Zombie Revolution-The Fight to Survive STARTED. FULL REPLACEMENTS CAN JOIN!!!


Daniel hears a window breaks and head over to it. He finds five zombies, he swings his bat at three of their heads.
RE: Zombie Revolution-The Fight to Survive STARTED. FULL REPLACEMENTS CAN JOIN!!!


you hit 2 of them, bashing their heads in.

The other 3 scratch you, causing you some pain.

They now attempt to lunge forward and bite you
RE: Zombie Revolution-The Fight to Survive STARTED. FULL REPLACEMENTS CAN JOIN!!!

As Cris is making his way to the others he spots Daniel fighting off 5 zombies. "Watch out!!" Cris yelled as he dropped the bags of ammonium nitrate and he fired his saw off shotgun at the zombies.
RE: Zombie Revolution-The Fight to Survive STARTED. FULL REPLACEMENTS CAN JOIN!!!

The Mood is Dark...

Amber Collins finds her self in an Allyway littered in trash. She hears a faint noise and grabs her waist. Attached to a belt she a has a Beretta 9mm named Betsy. She walks towards a door that seems a bit odd. She feels like she is being somone. She goes for the door nob when she hears foot steps behind her. She turns around to see one single zombie. She doesn't want to attract attension so she knows hand-to-hand combat is the only way. She extends a Boton...

OOC: I just decided to go with a (mm and just a Baton) The others seemed to high powered for my character. Thanks for the help Mlouden!
RE: Zombie Revolution-The Fight to Survive STARTED. FULL REPLACEMENTS CAN JOIN!!!

OOC: sigh...this grows to fast lol. so lost

IC: "well i dont know much about what is going on around here but TAKE THIS ZOMBIES" catutie said as she shot 6 shots out of his staple gun at the remaining 2 zombies
RE: Zombie Revolution-The Fight to Survive STARTED. FULL REPLACEMENTS CAN JOIN!!!


you're actually with us..Unless you really want to be on your own and find your way there. your choice :p

Cris and catutie:

you collectively take down the remaining 3 zombies.
RE: Zombie Revolution-The Fight to Survive STARTED. FULL REPLACEMENTS CAN JOIN!!!

Cris said:
OoC: ^ Hey HL watch it!! Or I'll tell the Colonel what you said and he won't hesitate to punch you in the head again! :p

Without an arm? Sure. And hey, didn't I say I wanted to blow up the police station? :p

In: Gus whacked the 5 zombies with his Police Batons as they tried to get in through the window.

Ooc: Badly Ninja'd. I hope Drewscow realized I was actually standing in the window when he started whacking it...
RE: Zombie Revolution-The Fight to Survive STARTED. FULL REPLACEMENTS CAN JOIN!!!

OoC: @ mlouden03
Did my shots hit?
RE: Zombie Revolution-The Fight to Survive STARTED. FULL REPLACEMENTS CAN JOIN!!!

Daniel sees Cris come over to help. Daniel then goes back to swing his bat again at the remaining three zombies in the torso.

Don't listen to ^, I was to late.

"Thanks you guys! We have to barricade this window though" Daniel says.
RE: Zombie Revolution-The Fight to Survive STARTED. FULL REPLACEMENTS CAN JOIN!!!


Do you want to push him out the window? lol
RE: Zombie Revolution-The Fight to Survive STARTED. FULL REPLACEMENTS CAN JOIN!!!

^ 0_0 sorry to not notice you even thought you were standing there ... but you would want to push me? I would have to go all NINJA!!!:ninja
RE: Zombie Revolution-The Fight to Survive STARTED. FULL REPLACEMENTS CAN JOIN!!!

OoC: Are all 5 zombies dead? I'm a little confused.
RE: Zombie Revolution-The Fight to Survive STARTED. FULL REPLACEMENTS CAN JOIN!!!


Yes. all 5 are dead lol. 34 remain outside and more are slowly moving towards the window (since whoever tried to start shooting them for no reason)
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