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Zekrom Eelektrik


Aspiring Trainer
3 Thunderus
1 Cleffa
2 Zekrom
2 Zekrom EX
4 Tynamo Free Retreat
3 Eelektrik
1 Shaymin EX
1 Tyrogue

4 Collector
3 Catcher
2 Switch
4 Junk Arm
3 Sages
3 N
2 Pokegear
3 Juniper
2 Plus Power
1 Super Rod
2 Level Ball

8 Lightning
2 Prism
I was actually thinking if I was to play this deck, whether it'd be worth adding in a Terrakion or if not, perhaps Virizion or Shaymin EX? Obviously the benefits of having Terrakion would be the mirror and Virizion, for countering Terrakion, (which is seeing a lot of play). I don't believe Landorus is a problem because it takes time to set up and can be easily knocked out with Bolt Strike.
Either Virzion (EPO or NVI) will not help in this deck against Terrakion. That is why he plays Shaymin EX. If you get him out when your opponent has only taken 3 prizes, you can take 2 prizes without worrying about losing after Shaymin EX is killed.
2 Zekrom Ex is not needed. It is just too hard to charge up more than one a game. I think you should cut it for a Smeargle to add to your draw power.
VictiniMan said:
If you get him out when your opponent has only taken 3 prizes, you can take 2 prizes without worrying about losing after Shaymin EX is killed.

You've kinda lost me here, how are you certain that you're taking two prizes unless you're knocking out two Terrakion or anything else with a grass weakness? Perhaps a two shot on another EX, but I'm not sure even that's a certainty. Saying you had six prizes to your opponents three and then proceeded to take two with Shaymin EX to which you're opponent then knocks out Shaymin and takes two prizes back leaving him/her on one, surely wouldn't that be a case to be concerned? If you could fill me in, that'd be greatly appreciated.
He was talking about a terrakion matchup. Well, you attack first with Shaymin EX and take a prize card, then terrakion attacks you for seventy, then you attack again for again for a OHKO on terrakion. You could last a lot longer with Shaymin EX though against terrakion if you had an eviolite on it so combined with resistance terrakion can at most 3HKO you not counting plus power.
Thundurus is a great starter, but 3 is just wasting too much room in the deck because you can't afford to keep drawing Thunduri late game.
I mean against Terrakion, since Shaymin EX would do 240 damage if your opponent has taken 3 prizes, and your Shaymin EX is knocked out, you would still be able to take 2 prizes with it. Plus, if you play SSU, then if they attack you, you can use that then keep on Revenge Blasting.