Wow, there's actually an Illustrator Pikachu on ebay



$32k, not so bad LOL. At least there's some proof they do actually exist.

I like how he said the card came from a 6 year old boy who won the contest then states they were given out 13 years ago lol - Probably just a typo
whats the text actually say? or what does it do ( iknow its not for battling purposes as much as collecting but i'm still curious)
Wow. So there's two that are known to be out there. The Silvertro's have one, and although John does plenty of business with brianjapan, I don't think that's his.
there is more than 2 to be known since these were given out to the winners who created a card for the tcg game back in the early pokemon days.i think the text would just say congratz on being choosen for their picture will be made into a card or something like that
I don't know, if I had 32.5k to spend I would definitely buy it, well at least I would make an offer for like 20k. It'd be pretty cool to say I had a card that there are only 6 of in the world.
^I don't know I would rather complete all the other sets if I were to collect cards and not just play with them. That is if I ever had 30k to spend.
you're right, some people have a different opinion. i personally would never do it. ever. but if someone would, thats not my decision. I will respect your opinion.
IDK if I would by it, because if it got damaged or something, WOOSH there goes 32K down the toilet :p
mitchocalypse said:
i'd rather have a car lol. 32 grand on a card.. meh..

And you could have money left over for taxes and plates.

festizzio said:
Cars will always be around. There are only six of these, it's the rarest pokemon card in the world!

To many people a car is a necessity and that card will always be a luxury.
When was this ever thought to not exist?

Also, I'm sure that this isn't Brian's. He's probably just listing it for someone to get a gauge on how much it would go for.
Oh I know lets have all of pokebeach contribute 100$ then we can all own a something that is rare then we can ripe it into millions and we all have it XD

Cool but what does it say?

Nuh, UH. Not for me. Yes, Pokemon's cool, but not worth spending this much money on. What are you gonna do with it, flaunt the card at tournaments? Show it off to your buddies? Stare at it for hours? No thank you. I'm not going to lie, that's a sweet-looking card, but too expensive.