Worst Case Scenario

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6th Generation... Is AWESOME!
Hey! Here is what this thread is all about: You give me a situation, and I will come up with the worst case scenario. If I can't come up with one, you can close this thread. But I am good with these, so it will be pretty hard!
You're in a box, an empty box. There is air, and nothing else in the box. Just you, not even clothes on your back. No door, no nothing, just walls and a room temperature air filled room. You are a superhuman who dosn't get hungry or thirsty and can live without food or water.
You are starving in the middle of a big dessert,you spot a oasis,but it turns out to be a mirage.There is a actual oasis,but the real one has no water.
@Darkvoid: You stay in there for the rest of your mortal life, don't do anything, and your "superhuman" powers give out, you go to heaven.
@Safariblade: You go to the opposite of heaven.

@Gleafeon:You end up there until you die.
When I say dont go to heaven, I obviously mean you go to hell. You lose for stating the obvious.
Ok then worst case scenario this

Draw 7 cards
Horsea, kingdra prime, phanphy, donphan prime, rare candy, rare candy, uxie

Bench, rare candy it all. Uxie for 7 you get all the energy required and a seeker
they have an active basic with only 50hp
and a benched unknown Q

Worst case scenario?
Someone spills water all over your cards.



Then someone drops a lighter.

Your cards burn.

I win.
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