Who has gotten Alph Litograpy or Red Gyarados so far?

First booster pack I opened had a Red Gyarados (Reverse Holo, bleh).
The second had another Red Gyarados, which wasn't Reverse Holo, thankfully.
My bro got an Alph litograph from his first 6 packs at a pre release.

We opened like 2-3 boxes and there was 3 Alph's, 4 Red gyarados.
The Red Gyarados I got was a reverse foil, but I figured that was normal since it was the secret shiny of the set. Kinda bummed out that there's actually 2 versions. :p
I went to a tournament and opened my pack for entering, got a reverse holo red gyarados, so now i have the holo and reverse
I've bought 17 packs of heartgold & soulsilver packs, and I pulled alph lithograph with an Ampharos prime in my thirteenth or fourteenth pack.
I got the Alph Lithograph in my first packet.. I thought it was supposed to be holo but it has some weird texture over it and isn't - unless you can get it in reverse holo?

The rest of my packs were crud though, until I got a Ho-Oh top half in one and my girlfriend got me an extra pack and I got Meganium Prime - but it was my only Prime of the day :(
I got an Alph Lithograph, it is also BY FAR the most valuable card in the set(based on eBay). I love the texture on it, very cool card IMO.
I have an Alph Lithograph. Pulled out of my last pack in a box.

@Havak: Yeah, the Alph cards have a different texture. Sort of like a stony texture. I don't think you can get it in a holo either.
I pulled a reverse holo red gyrados at my pre but traded it, but have a holo gyrados non the less. I also pulled alph from my box, and am looking to sell it for a profit.
I have both. Pulled the Gyarados in some random packs, and got Lithograph in a draft at league today.
Just got my box today :D It was the first box i have ever baught, stoped collecting after gym heroes lol. But now im oler with an income i can finaly afford to buy boxes. Anyway out of the whole box i got 1 Alph. Realy want the Red Gyarados tho :/ Oh well roll on march 12th for my 2nd box :D