DPPt/HGSS What's Your "Shiny Moment"?

I don't have any shinies, and I've played since R/B. But I had one of my cousins over for a week and we were playing our pokemon and we were both like "Dood, what if we find a shiny?"
Next week I get a phone call its from my cousins brother. He says:
"Kenny, (me) theres a shiny rayquaza staring at me." :0

He later caught it with only regular balls (STOP LAUGHING) because he had no masterball. This was his 9th try too.

He ended up catching it!
OK, scratch my last post here. I tried to find a shiny of my own for once, and today the Latios event kicks in. I figured it was a perfect time to try to catch a shiny. Not even 20 tries in SRing (Soft-resetting) and it is shiny. I freaked out and I used a Master Ball, something that I only had 2 of. Now, I have a nice, Sassy, legend!
I recently got 2 shiny Electrike in Platinum, and I'm gonna start SRing for the shiny regis in Emerald once I beat the E4 and can clone masterballs (I have 6 badges right now.)
A year ago I was playing scrabble with my mom and grandma. While I was waiting for my turn I was playing Pokemon Pearl. I was in the trophy garden for some reason, and I encountered a wild Pokemon, but then I looked up from the video game and 5 seconds later I heard the shiny Pokemon sound! It turned out being a shiny Staravia, which I then battled and caught. I evolved it into a Staraptor and then stopped playing my Pearl. Next time I picked it up, which was half a year later, I just randomly deleted my save file to start a new game, and FORGOT MY STARAPTOR WAS IN IT! I was really angry because I lost the only shiny I ever encountered (except for red gyarados).... :(
My first shiny was a Roselia in my platinum, I was looking for Eevee's in the thropy garden and after hours of searching(I was trying for 8 Eevees cause I wanted to get all its evolutions.) I caught one, I completely forgot about the Eevees by that time and went straight to the PC to admire it's awesomeness.

My second and only other shiny, was a shiny biddof I caught while trying to catch biddof and starlys with quickballs and dusk balls (doing no damage just cathcing them right away) so I could fill up the ranch and obtain Mew, so I just caught it and showed it off to my brother who to this day has caught no shinys on his own, and went back to what I was doing.
My first shiny was actually in Pokemon HG/SS.
It was a beautiful, shiny.... Geodude. I was SO hyped, cuz y'know... it was my first shiny. :p
I weakened it a bit, the usual... and then, of course, it used Selfdestruct. But the thing was, I wasn't mad at all. I couldn't stop laughing. xD Then in Platinum, I encountered a shiny Shinx. Tried weakening it with a simple Scratch from Chimchar. And woopdydoo, a critical hit. >.>

Then after making a new Platinum file, I found a shiny Bidoof. Unlike my other unfortunate shiny encounters, I actually caught this Bidoof, and named it Ruckus... hurr. xD Eventually, I saw a shiny Shellos. This time, I weakened it (and of course, Shellos doesn't learn any self destructing moves at such an early level) and threw a Pokeball at it. It didn't work. I was too scared to waste my last Pokeball, so I tried weakening it even more. It fainted... When you think about it, my first shiny was the red Gyarados in HG/SS. And really, it doesn't count as a shiny to me. =/
I was looking for a Skarmory to trade to my friend (she asked for it) and ended up running into a shiny one! I caught it, but I wasn't going to trade a shiny one, so I found a non-shiny to trade her :p Now whenever I ask her for a pokemon to trade she asks for my shiny Skarmory, hehehe

Not too long after that, I was in her dorm room with a friend and we were all playing HG/SS, and they were talking about how lucky I was to get the shiny. During the discussion, I run into a shiny Dugtrio XD They couldn't believe it!
Mine was when I was doing the last bit of training for the VGC I found a Tangela at Mt. Silver, I didn't want to use my MB on it so I sent out my T-Tar, then used Ultra balls as the sandstorm was taking it's HP. I also have been giving the nicknames to my shinys something with "Star".
The others
Geodude-Earth Star
Machop-Star Fist
Tangela-Vine Star
Sunkern-Sun Star
Latias- Super Star
i was playing my diamond and i encountered a shiny gastley i tried to catch it but first hit was a critical hit and it fainted i was so sad...
I have 15 shinys but the only one I've ver random encountered was a pikachu in leaf green. it was actually the first pikachu I had encountered in the game and I missed the sparkles and couldn't even tell it was shiny but I caught it anyways and was in luck!
My shiny moment was in pokemon diamond.
I had just learned about chaining and I was really excited to try it out.
The swarm was of surskit, I go to the patch of grass and chain, @ 9 chains I encounter a shiny patch and barely manage to catch my first shiny surskit! : D
The ultimate soul silver fan said:
I haven't caught a shiny, YET and I don't know why? Why does everyone catch shines and i don't?

Heh, that's exactly what I thought. Then all of a sudden, I started encountering shinies as soon as I started a new Platinum file. xD
Shiny electrike in sapphire :) only shiny i have ever found even though i have played since gold ! :O
I've not actually encountered a shiny on my own, however, I have a good number of shinies from other people.

The first was a Tentacruel from my friend Drew. He gave it to me as thanks for showing him the Emerald Cloning Glitch.
Then I got a shiny Combee, from someone named Stevie (I think I know them in real life, not sure though) and since it's female I'm gonna make it a Vespiquen! ^v^
My FAVORITE shiny is a shiny charizard. I traded a Suicune to get it, and at the time, HGSS weren't out so not many people (that I knew) had one. I don't regret it at all. The charizard is female too, and while I don't really care about genders, I think that's kinda cool. Even though it's hacked to be shiny (the person caught it in a master ball, lol) they didn't hack its stats or anything.
Another one is also from Stevie, it's a shiny Shaymin. It's cute.

Lastly, the red Gyaradoses. I have two, soon to be three. one of them is Japanese though so I like that one :)

I'm trying hard to SR a shiny Johto starter in HG right now ^v^