What to do?

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Fully Against Non-Canon Pokemon Names.
I'm feeling pretty uninspired for decks lately, and the last three ideas have either sucked, or rapidly became obsolete in the current format.

Should I just rip one of the decklists off the Beach or Gym and go with that, or buy a Theme Deck and Trololol my way to the top?
Ask it in
If you're serious about the theme deck thing, ask it in the thread omahanime linked to.

If you're looking for a real deck, but just don't know which one to use, ask here: http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/thread-the-what-deck-should-i-play-thread

If you want to ask in the thread I linked to, you'll have to be a little more specific about what you want (see that thread for details.)

EDIT- Never mind. For some reason, when I clicked the link in omahanime's post it went to something about theme decks. Either my computer is crazy or he fixed the link. Regardless, forget about this post.
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