What Is The Best Theme Deck?


Aspiring Trainer
Hello. I'm kinda new to this whole Pokémon thing, and I want to start playing the TCG. I'm a beginner as I mentioned at the start, and I wanted to know, in your opinions, what is the best theme deck to buy? I want it to be a reasonable price, easy to get hold of and good quality for battles. Thanks in advance!

Gah, posted in the complete wrong forum. Sorry guys!
If you can find them, the Red Genesect box is actually pretty good. It gives you a lot of good Trainers for the format right now.

If not that, either the Xerneas or Yveltal theme decks are pretty good. Xerneas gives you a bunch of good Fairy cards, while Yveltal gives you... well, Yveltal. Both decks have good Trainers, but Yveltal has better ones.

After that, Elite Trainer Boxes and tins are good ways to build your collection.
There are also the two theme decks from Plasma Storm. One has a Druddigon on it, the other has Giratina. I believe they both come with 2 Hypnotoxic Lasers and 1 Colress, both of which are staple cards, as well as some Basic Energy to get you started, a guide that explains how to play as well as how to read the cards and know what each does, and a box (cardboard I might add) to keep unsleeved cards in.
Solar Strike from Plasma Blast will give you a blastoise. Four of those theme decks and you can use just the Blastoise and Suicune and have a fighting chance, honestly =)
i would quite like a Xerneas ;) they're one of my faves. I've heard good things about X and Y and Plasma Storm. Which ones are best out of those two?
If you like Xerneas, personally I'd say start off with two of the Xerneas decks (and 1 Red Genesect Collection - if you can find it and your budget allow for it).

Combining the Xerneas Decks can yield pretty decent results. Especially if you include at least 2 copies of Xerneas EX (again, if your budget allows, but it's recommended )

If you get two of the tins to go with it, you should have a few decent cards to add to the deck, and trade off. My best friend's little brother did this and he got 4th place in a tourney. He had just started that weekend too.
It's the "Resilient Life" theme deck from XY. It gives you a Xerneas (non-EX) with the Geomancy attack, which lets you dig up two Fairy Energy from your deck and put them on two Benched Pokemon in any way you like.
Xerneas is a basic, as it's not an evolved form of anything/fossil Pokemon.
When you get it, I recommend going this route with combining both decks:

Pokemon - 21

4 Xerneas
4 Spritzee
2 Aromatisse
2 Mr.Mime
4 Venipede
3 Whirlipede
2 Scolipede

Trainers - 22

2 Evosoda
2 Fairy Garden
3 Great Ball
2 Max Revive
3 Tierno
4 Professor's Letter
2 Professor Sycamore
2 Roller Skates
2 Super Potion

Energy - 17

10 Fairy
7 Psychic

This is probably one of the best ways to start up with this deck.

Also when you get your hands on a Xerneas EX tin (or two) perhaps replace the Mr.Mimes with one or two of them c'B
From TokenDuelist's list, I would make the following changes, using only what comes in the theme decks:

-1 Spritzee
-2 Mr. Mime
-1 Venipede
+2 Swilix
+2 Slurpuff

-2 Max Revive
+1 Tierno
+1 Great Ball

Slurpuff blocks special conditions like poison and sleep from hitting your pokemon. I must say I like the fairy abilities the XY cards bring. Xerneas accelerates your energy and has a pretty solid attack, Slurpuff blocks status moves, Aromatisse can transfer your energy at will, and fairy garden gives you free retreat. It's a rather potent set of abilities and effects.

If, later on, you're willing to add another $20 to the deck after you play it and find that you like it, you can drop the psychic pokemon to make room for 2 Jigglypuff, 2 Wigglytuff (the one with the Hocus Pinkus attack), and 2 Xerneas EX. In the trainers/energy section, you can ditch the roller skates, a couple professor's letters, and lower the total energy count to 14-15 to make room for 2 more Evosoda (great when you have 3 stage 1 evolution lines), another super potion, another fairy garden (you really want the garden in play) and some more supporters like Shauna.
So... Which one is best, Resilient Life or Red Genesect? Because I reckon I could get one of those two for Christmas.
Red Genesect is the better one just because it comes with 2 N along with several other staple trainers. You could probably get a good number of staples for any deck with just two of these theme decks. Heck, the Pokemon it comes with aren't that bad. Red Genesect might be a decent counter to Seismatoad.

Only thing to watch out for is the rotation next year which will most likely be XY on. However, there will always be expanded and cards like switch and ultra ball will still be legal.

TLDR: Red Genesect (for it's trainers alone).
pokedan24 said:
Red Genesect is the better one just because it comes with 2 N along with several other staple trainers. You could probably get a good number of staples for any deck with just two of these theme decks. Heck, the Pokemon it comes with aren't that bad. Red Genesect might be a decent counter to Seismatoad.

Only thing to watch out for is the rotation next year which will most likely be XY on. However, there will always be expanded and cards like switch and ultra ball will still be legal.

TLDR: Red Genesect (for it's trainers alone).
  • What are trainers?
  • What do you mean by rotation?
  • What do you mean by "TDLR: Red Genesect (for it's trainers alone)."?
Trainers: You know, trainers, the cards you get in packs and theme decks that aren't Energy or Pokemon.
Rotation: Every August, the cards you can play in competitive tournaments changes. Right now, you can use any cards from Boundaries Crossed and any set released after Boundaries Crossed. However, next August, it's likely to switch to X/Y on, meaning a lot of the cards in the Red Genesect Theme Deck will not be tournament legal come next August.

So for now, the best thing to get is the Red Genesect, but if you want cards that will be legal the next several years as opposed to just one year, I'd get something like Dark Hammer.