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Yeah, seriously, there's no point in even having it anymore. What we've seen proves that this is all a joke, and it'll be difficult to convince us otherwise. Remove this immediately.
Krucifier said:
LMAO I knew it was A joke >.>

next year WPM...make A better joke >.>
Dude, he made people freak out for about 10 pages worth of posts.
I think that that's a pretty good joke.

read the front page he got us x2 he said and none of his freinds are online and he's no where to be found? smellls like fish to me. but if not i'll gut these lafonte wanna be bastards... ( no mods to yell at me)
I was wondering why Strats weren't banned.  Our names are different, too :[

Edit: Wait a minute. I don't wanna be banned :[. N/m ...

Arcanine out.
Yeah....Surprisingly almost noone took the time to read that ;/

Makes me wonder if the mods are banned on Chat too. I can't access it so ...yeah ;/

Arcanine out.
Nah... they're not. WPM doesn't possess his +q (admin) status anymore since his account got deleted, so, yeah, he can't do anything in the chatroom ban-wise.
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