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Virizion EX / Mewtwo Ex


Lost Deck Builder

  • 3 Mewtwo-EX
    2 Raichu
    2 Pikachu
    3 Virizion-EX

  • 2 Virbank City Gym
    2 Lysandre
    4 N
    3 Muscle Band
    2 Switch
    4 Ultra Ball
    2 Professor Sycamore
    4 Hypnotoxic Laser
    2 Startling Megaphone
    1 Computer Search
    4 Energy Retrieval
    4 Energy Switch
    4 Skyla

  • 4 Double Colorless Energy (XY 130)
    8 Grass Energy (XY 132)

Could use any advice on if I need to mess with this deck so more.
RE: Virizion EX/Mewtwo Ex

I am trying to avoid the normal Virizion EX/Genesect EX deck as that is pretty expensive since I currently don't have any Genesects. Are there any other pokemon I should use instead.
RE: Virizion EX/Mewtwo Ex

Abomasnow the old one uses grass energies to attack and the XY uses only colorless.
RE: Virizion EX/Mewtwo Ex

The one thing I would suggest would be:

- 1-2 Skyla
-2 Energy Retrieval
+2 Juniper
+ 1-2 Colress

Just so that you have plenty of draw power. Other than that, looks pretty good!
RE: Virizion EX/Mewtwo Ex

Sounds good on the Skylas and I was running into drawing issues. Quick question has anyone used this in competition?
RE: Virizion EX/Mewtwo Ex

I have played it in a league challenge or two, but there aren't too many tournaments going on at the moment. Also, they were played in the old format and didn't include Furious Fists.
RE: Virizion EX/Mewtwo Ex

My next challenge is still in the old format. Furious Fist isn't legal unit the 4th from what I understand. I was thinking of using this deck for my next challenge.
RE: Virizion EX/Mewtwo Ex

It performed pretty well. It did lose to a Pyroar because I prized a Raichu. But I beat one my friends who's pretty good and was also playing Pyroar in a best of five fun match, so it's not an impossible match up. Also I've been thinking about playing a single of copy of Sacred Ash in my list to help the Pyroar match up since it allows you to recycle Raichu.
RE: Virizion EX/Mewtwo Ex

My daughter is a Pyroar deck user and I got my raichu out but what killed me was no energy and no pokemon draws. We Simulated on TCGone since she is missing muscle bands.
RE: Virizion EX/Mewtwo Ex

You might want to try a single copy of Professor's Letters. It basically lets you Skyla for Energy. Once you are able to Emerald Slash though, you usually don't have a problem with Energies. I don't know what to say about not being able to get Pokemon on the field. You did add in those Juniper right? I would play a few more matches with it. You could have just gotten unlucky with bad draws.
RE: Virizion EX/Mewtwo Ex

I was extremely unlucky that day with draws that day but even so I did win quite a few matches with bad draws. Also good job on beating my daughter in tcgone she was getting a fat head on wins and thinks she could win with any deck so I'm happy you beat her bad.

I did take out one colress for a professor letter and that helped me out alot.

-1 Colress
+1 professor letter