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Vileplume/Cinccino/Amoongus- Please Help!


Updated list below...
Pokemon: (23)
4-4 Cinccino (ND)
3-1-2 Vileplume (UD)
3-3 Amoongus (ND)
2 Cleffa
1 Shaymin-EX

Trainers: (25)
4x Professor Oak's new theory
4x Pokemon Collector
4x Cheren
4x Professor Elm
4x Seeker
3x Rare Candy
2x Interviewer's questions

Energy: (12)
4x Grass energy
4x Rescue energy
4x Double colorless energy

The deck aims to have Cinccino fighting a confused and poisoned pokemon. The "Smooth Coat" ability in combination with confusion gives Cinccinno a 75% chance to evade any incoming damage. Depending on how successful Amoongus' "Sporprise" ability is Cincinno can put out 50-100 damage turn one and 100-150 damage by turn two and all consecutive turns until KO. The 75% chance of evasion greatly increases the chances of reaching those consecutive turns.

Cleffa eeeek! Put down trainer lock with Vileplume as soon as possible, rare candies help expedite allergy flower. PONT, Cheren, PC and PE your way into your Amoongus' and Cinccino's. Retreat your hopefully surviving Cleffa and start your attack (See Goal). Try to always have a Foongus on the bench and an Amoongus in hand, ready to "Sporprise" new active pokemon (Seeker is key here). Double Colorless energy set's up Cinccino's attack faster while Rescue Energy keeps Cinccino (the one and only attacker) coming back over and over (Interviewer's Questions helps to get these special energies into your hand quickly). Sacrificing an Amoongus with a Rescue Energy will give you an additional "Sporprise" (but with 2-3 bench spaces dedicated to Amoongus and 4 seekers you should have plenty). If you ever get down to your last prize, use Shaymin-EX as your last stand but watch your hp, depending on the circumstance it still might be best to use Cinccino.

Match Up's:
The opponent match up doesn't affect much of anything that I can see. Whether facing a prime an outraged dragon, or something purple, most potent decks are going OHKO your Cinccino with it's measly 90hp... if they can hit it. If milling is their flavor devouring a deck is much harder when Durant is confused half of the time.

Feel free to give feedback concerning anything in the deck, these are some options to consider.
  • Unknown (Cure)
  • Slowking HGSS
  • Houndoom Prime
  • Musharna ND
  • Roserade UL

Roserade vs Amoongus

Roserade: With a 2-2 line I can free up a bench space and put in a 1-1 of an ability pokemon. Trade the Seekers for Rainbow energy.

Amoongus: Does not use my energy attach allowing Cinccino to always be ready, 2-3 energy can be a lot to recover if 1 or 2 Cinccino go down fast, testing the Roserade tech with Cinccino shows that this sometimes happens, and it's not fun.

I will be purchasing the components for this deck soon, please help me work out the kinks before I put down the money. Your thoughts, opinions, comments, and critiques are greatly appreciated!
Eelzone and other decks of the sort will easily go around your confusion condition since energy loss is no problem to them thanks to eeletrik
Maybe add another attacker besides cincinno. a mew two could work.
-2 IQ (usually won't be a problem to get out energies)
-4 elm(I don't think those are needed. Twins is better since the opponent will probably take a prize card before you do while setting up vileplume)
-4 cheren(I don't think it is the best drawing supporter that can be used)

+2-3 communication(better for setting up vileplume)
+3 Twins(good for setting up after setting up vileplume)
+2 N(I think this is a good drawing supporter. It can disrupt and refresh)
+2 sage's (good for setting up vileplume and others)

1 free space

Maybe that will be better. Hope I helped. :D
Darkrai909 said:
Eelzone and other decks of the sort will easily go around your confusion condition since energy loss is no problem to them thanks to eeletrik

Thanks, I didn't see that. If that is my only match up mayhem maybe I can specialize an attacker just for that circumstance, aka:

-1-2 Trainer (And Shaymin)
+1-3 Landorous (Lightning's weakness and Lightning Resistant)
-4 {G}
+4 {F}

What do you think?

Jirachi said:
Maybe add another attacker besides cincinno. a mew two could work.
-2 IQ
-4 elm
-4 cheren

+2-3 communication
+3 Twins
+2 N
+3 sage's

Maybe that will be better. Hope I helped. :D

Hey Jirachi =) I can't afford a Mewtwo-EX, I could just purchase a pre made Tier 1 deck if that were the case =P This deck is great because the cost will be comparatively low, The only pricey items being vileplume, PC, and Rare Candy, but all are under $10 each... as opposed to a $65 single Mewtwo.

But I think I will include another attacker... Landorous to help against my difficult Lightning match up.

Also, can you explain your trainer switches instead of just putting them on the page?
I know those cards exist and I picked the ones in my deck for a reason.

Twins and N are great as long as I'm behind, but I don't know if I often will be, Cinccino can come out pretty quick, but maybe I should Twins, I can focus on a cleffa setup (Or if I don't throw down a Landorous or a recovery energy Amoongus) and Twins for Vileplume, Cincinno's, Spec Energies, Seekers... whatever I need. Thanks, I think I'll do that! But I still don't know about N

Pokemon Communication? Trainer Lock... What's the reasoning here?

Sages, I don't like this card, I prefer my specific Elm or Pokemon Collector, and Now Twins will help out too.

And I think I need to keep IQ around. PONT is my only other pseudo energy search (Unless I add twins) and vs Cilan, it helps get the special energy.

So I'm thinking overall:

-1 Shaymin-EX
-2 Elm
-4 Cheren
-4 {G}
+3 Landorous
+4 Twins
+4 {F}

Or do you all like Shaymin-EX?

Prism energy would cover all my bases instead of {F} and I could remove one more for Shaymin. But with all specials.... I'd be helpless against a Scizor Prime. Yikes!
Shaymin EX is really good actually because it can help win if the opponent has taken many prize cards. Why landorus? I don't think that there will be many scizor decks so I'd still use prism.
Jirachi said:
Shaymin EX is really good actually. Why landorus? I don't think that there will be many scizor decks so I'd still use prism.

Yea Jirachi that sounds great. And look at my reply to Darkrai for the Landorous explanation :D

Edit: Alright... My brain has been milling. I think Terrakion (revenge) would be better than Landorous. He's a 2HKO just like Landorous for Lightnings but also for other types (At least the 120 damage types), He sets up his attack faster (revenge), abundant harvest is useless in my deck and I'll be saving myself from bench damage, which is important if I'm fending off a Kyurem.

I'll add 2 instead of 3, I'm at a whopping 25 pokemon with all of this.... XD and rescue energy is in play.

-3 Landorous
+2 Terrakion
I meant as a lightning matchup actually. I think that terrakion would be a better matchup because it can revenge and can OHKO zekrom if no eviolites are attached.
Alright here is the updated list, Thoughts? =)

Pokemon: (25)
4-4 Cinccino (ND)
3-1-2 Vileplume (UD)
3-3 Amoongus (ND)
2 Terrakion
2 Cleffa
1 Shaymin-EX

Trainers: (21)
4x Professor Oak's new theory
4x Pokemon Collector
4x Twins
4x Seeker
3x Rare Candy
2x Interviewer's questions

Energy: (14)
4x Prism Energy
4x Rescue Energy
4x Double Colorless Energy
2x Fighting Energy

Edit: Alright, ordered and on it's way, thanks for the help! Feel free to continue to comment, I may be making changes as I play and test =)
I still think that another attacker would be good so cincinno wouldn't be the only attacker but its just my opinion. I think that more draw power is needed because I do not find 4 nearly enough. I'd cut some energies for them. Maybe IQ isn't needed either because usually you can get the energies needed using draw power so maybe
-1 rescue energy (I think that 3 is enough because you can usually get another set up and I usually use about 3 in decks like this)
-1 fighting energy(you already have prism energy which can be searched out with IQ)
-1 IQ (I don't think it will be a big problem getting out energies)
-1 cleffa (it can be searched by collector and having 1 more probably won't increase the chances of getting out in your starting hand)
-1 PONT (to make room for more drawing power)

+3 N (I find it to disrupt your opponent and to refresh your hand.)

2 extra
spaces for other things need that I might have forgotten
While scizor is a threat to the deck it is not an auto loss as you still deal damage through poison and confusion while having a 75% chance to make them attack for nothing, sure its a slow win if it happens but every deck has its bad match up. And even if you ran basic energy you would still be disadvantaged vs scizor so there overall hope you dont match vs scizor and run prism in my opinion.
techmek said:
While scizor is a threat to the deck it is not an auto loss as you still deal damage through poison and confusion while having a 75% chance to make them attack for nothing, sure its a slow win if it happens but every deck has its bad match up. And even if you ran basic energy you would still be disadvantaged vs scizor so there overall hope you don't match vs scizor and run prism in my opinion.

I'm sorry to anyone that runs a deck that is Scizor auto-loss, but if you do, you are one of the stupidest people in Pokemon. Because there are so many cards that discard special energy now that it's rediculous. There is only one special energy that can be retrieved from the discard and that's metals with Bisharp or Steelix, but there's only ten decks, mine being one, that actually run them. Unless you're running eels or a fire deck, Scizor isn't a problem cuz most don't use specials, but ones like this, yeah, it might not be auto-loss, but unless you can seeker up the amoongus and play it back down enough time to be effective, Scizor will probably cut this deck to shreds IMO.