BW/BW2 Version exclusives

NOTICE! Torneros is a pokemon black exclusive! Voltros is a pokemon white exclusive!

GF really wants to destroy us all who get white, don't they?
What!? Why does GameFreak have to do this to us?, Seriously, I was fine with it being a few version exclusives but also making legendaries other than the Cover Star exclusive too. I mean you wont be able to breed them so it is just a 1 way-trade.
GameFreak has something against Pokemon White.
Also is this confirmed?, if so, why did they put the only pure Flying type Legenary in one game?
Yeah, its confirmed. Serebii figured it out that he could only get one of them. I wanted the pure flying one! But oh well. I guess I can get the Gliscor and Zapdos.. May not be as good as the originals, but still.
This is terrible! D: How am I going to complete my pokedex now? Since the list keeps getting bigger, I wonder if there are any other pokemon that will be announced to be version exclusive. D:
I think it may be like how you got dialga or palkia in you dex in DP they show you a picture, but thats only for legends.
Yes Black has the better version exclusives! At least to me anyways. We get the pure-flying type which is awesome, and I prefer all the exclusive in Black to their counterparts in White.
No, Yuniran is the best. Bear that in mind.

I thoroughly disagree. It's fine with the version exclusives and I don't care which ones I get except if I don't get Yuniran. That thing is WIN.
This is getting ridiculous and confusing. Does anyone have or know of a completed list of the version exclusives?
Looks like I'm an odd case here. I prefer Reshiram but otherwise I prefer White's exclusives (except knight bug versus ninja) since I just love the golem and cell. I like the theme of nature and acient buildings more than the all high-tech things from Black... I still don't know which one I'll buy. Black has better legendaries, White has better regular pokemon and theme... Though decision...
YES! I'm glad I am getting Black, because it has way better version exclusives! I like all of Black's counterparts better than Whites. In most cases I like some better on one game and others on the other game.
Hah, I don't give a flying sausage about those terrible genie Pokemon. I couldn't care less if the pure Flying type is only in Black. Not like I'd ever use it. xD
I never use legends in my team because it feels like im cheating, so the legend version exclusives i dont care about.
I only use them for the league generally. Usually I dump them for a pseudo-legend since they are usually cooler and less uberish. I don't like uber legends and the only one I still have in a team is Kyogre. And as I love so much the golem and cell, I'll probably be getting White. I'm also thinking about the centipede/leaf-bug duo, are they going to be like more common in one than the other?
I personally like White's exclusives better. I also prefer the nature theme. Therefore, I am getting White. :)
I'm planning on getting White and that hasn't changed now.

I prefer the White version exclusives to the Black exclusives....except I wish White could have the anteater instead of the ant.
Trading with the overlord for whites exclusive. Personally, the only white exclusive pokemon i need is the grd/gho. Wish they had evened it out with really detailed pokemon in one game, and divine and simplistic pokemon in the other.
Now i get my wargle. The rest of the exclusives are good all around to me.
I will probably breed version exclusives and make them worth trading, then give em out.