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TyphloRam (Typhlosion, Reshiram)


Pokemon (16):

3-2-3 Typhlosion Prime (all HS)
4 Reshiram (BW)
2-2 Ninetails (all HS/CoL)

T/S/S (31):

4 Rare Candy (UL)
3 Pokemon Catcher (EP)
4 Pokemon Communication (BW)
4 Dual Ball (UL/CoL)
1 Switch (BW)
4 Junk Arm (TR)
2 Professer Juniper (BW)
2 Sage's Training (UD/CoL)
3 Pluspower (BW)

Energy (13):

12 Fire Energy
1 Rescue Energy


It's just regular TyphloRam. Get Reshiram and Typhlosion out as soon as possible, and then start attacking with Blue Flare. Ninetails to discard Energy just in case you need more cards in your hand. But don't worry about the Energy, Typhlosion can get them later. And that's pretty much it.
Hmm, let's see.

Zoroark isn't needed, since the counter to the Dragons are the dragons themselves. You just need the Pluspower to KO them back, which you don't have any of.... Anyway, try removing the 2-2 Zoroark, the Cleffa(a liability with Catcher) and the 4 DCE(almost never needed-donks are uncommon in this deck) for some other stuff you might need. 4 Switch is way too many, I'd either run 1 or none, 1 for dire situations.

You need more Dual Ball- getting the Basics out won't be easy, and you need a lot more hand refresh. Not sure if PETM is needed, I think it just takes up space, because you can get everything easily enough, which I just noticed you don't have any of.... Anyway, feel free to drop 2 Fire Energy, 12 is the lucky number for enough acceleration IMO (for me, anyway), so try it out. You'll still have enough energy for Roast Reveal around 4-5 times.

All in all, I'd do this:

- 2 - 2 Zoroark BW
- 1 Cleffa HGSS/CoL
- 3 Switch
- 4 Double Colorless Energy
- 2 Professor Elm's Training Method
- 2 Fire Energy

Total Removed: 16

+ 4 Pokemon Communication
+ 2 Dual Ball
+ 1 Junk Arm
+ 2 PONT (4 of these is great, always conistent hand refresh for bad starts)
+ 1 Rare Candy
+ 3 Pluspower
+ 2 Sage's Training (nice deck thinner, you may not want to discard your entire hand with Juniper, so this will come in handy)
+ 1 Rescue Energy (you probably need another- rescuing Reshirams is important)

Total Added: 16

Hope this helped.
I'd take out the duel balls and switch it out for pokemon collector. You'll be able to get more pokemon without having to flip. Then, snice you all ready have pokemon communation, you can grab an "extra pokemon" you get with pokemon collector and get the the stage 1 or 2 of the another pokemon on your bench. If you get what I am saying.
I hope it helps :D