Two Magical Fish

I know WPM pretty well. Even though I'm terrible at these riddles, I'd be surprised if I was completely wrong.
It would make sense, but what would the surpise be, what was special, I mean the spelling and grammar rating is pretty cool, is that the something special...doubt it, but if something else is coming, what? What does this site need?
Cal being an Expert has nothing to do with it.
Why would WPM make a thread all about Cal being Experted?
Nothing has exactly happened in this thread for a while so all we know it could have been a stroke of WPM randomness.
Although, I could be wrong.
Either way, whatever happens will happen sooner or later
When WPM wrote this riddle, I had been pondering bout it. Earlier in chat today, I had asked a simple question: Does WPM have any rivals, per se?
Pory told me that and I quote: "yes serebii is pure evil but I'm not pure good",
WPM being "I'm" in that quote. So here is what I am thinking, perhaps and are going to merge? Think about it.
serebii + wpm are both site owners, which could mean the fish with magical powers. "One accepted all with a warm glow"= WPM where as "Its opposite exerted anger and rage." could have equaled serebii. right? Now think if serebii changed his/her ways, that would satisfy the next 2 lines:

"Magic is given to those who are accepting of everyone;
Magic is given to those who positively impact the most with what they are birthed."
Meaning if Serebii changes how he/she acts, we could easily infer that there could a merge.

EDIT: I was just speculating and my boredness is gone
I like the serebii beach merger idea, but if it already happened, that wouldnt make much sense now would it? Hmmm
CynthiaFan101 said:
oooohhhhhh.... I know what it >:)

I won't tell anyone....


^^Well this is going to cause an uproar and nothing but spam. Care to explain why you are so smart?
Guys, serebii will never merge with beach. I loled when I heard that idea. Anyways, if something s already happened then I need to go find out what it is...

*Fridge serches for clues.
Fridge, I was bored and felt like making stuff up but tried my hardest to stay on topic. But it's all good. Then again, that could be WPM's plan...time will tell.;) So, all in all, I wasn't serious, just well, had nothing to do. But thanx for loling :)
CynthiaFan101 said:
oooohhhhhh.... I know what it >:)

I won't tell anyone....


That's great. Keep it to yourself then.

Señor Noobnerd said:
darkrai1246 said:
I KNOW! n00bnerd is a S-mod.. IN DISGUISE!!! =O

bingo? An expression usually used at winning a popular board game when matching all pieces until you spell the word "BINO"???? GASP.
Is it the "something" locking the Game Corner? Or maybe the deck list program?
Water Pokémon Master said:
Something has already happened. Just no one has noticed.

And I don't have a clue about it?!
Seriously, I'm getting really annoyed being so ignorant here...