The Throw An Object Game Version 1.0

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I dodged the bucket. I throw another bucket of water at golem1996 (Charizard version). This time, however, I keep the bucket in my hands so only the water goes flying into golem1996 (Charizard version).
Jigglypuff13: Time for the Noobnerd treatment!

*golem1996(Charizard) turns into Palkia*

SPACIAL REND! Good luck getting back!

*golem1996(Palkia) turns back to Charizard*

I throw a locked-on fireball into space to hit both Senor Noobnerd and Jigglypuff13!
I throw a fire ball at PalkiaROXS along with a note that say check the last 50 posts to figure out whats going on
I throw an ability neutralizer and my 32 boxes full of Pokemon at Lt. Houndoom to keep him from using those whatever-they-are stuff.
I throw myself into the game. I then throw a note at golem1996 saying who cares how he got back as nothing in this game makes any sense at all, so of course people will come back even if they have been sent to space or whatever.
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