The Dark Knight

Do you think The Dark Knight will make more than $600 million??

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My family went to see it, but i was sleeping and i got left behind...But i hope to see it, because it sounds like a great movie. I also saw the *beginning* on Youtube and the Joker stealing the money how he did was genius. I have to see the rest!
Papi/Manny said:
I don't see why you would need to see it more then once (even if it is a good movie) unless your gf or whatever hasn't seen it and wants to or another reason like. 4 times is a good 41 dollars down the drain. Your guess is absolutely wrong. I started the hunger thread to raise awareness to this problem (though I'm sure the majority of people know about it) and me and my family have donated thousands to the homeless and poor in our area. Why exactly should you care? Thats so idiotic its not even funny. 1) Your human (I assume). Its in your nature to care. Maybe your pride gets in your head and you think your vastly surperior to everyone, but your not and they deserve a fighting chance, right? 2) Who knows what they could do. Maybe one will find a cure for cancer or aids or another global issue. But whoops, he didn't have what every basic human needs and died. If you didn't know Abe Lincoln or Jesus personally (and this is just an example) and they needed some scrap of food, even food you're going to throw you, your just going to let them die? Thats just sick.

Are you freaking kidding? I didn't realize that saving lives is such a waste of money. Please tell me you don't donate blood, because if you did, you would know you're not getting anything (besides some juice and cookies) out of it and "all your doing" is saving 3 lives. So, if you had a choice to go watch a movie or go down the your local food bank and help feed, say, your starving friends, you would go waste your money and go see a movie then help save thier lives?

I agree with the whole rap is disgusting part, but I have to put up with listening to the more popular rap crud cause of my gf every day, so don't assume I don't know what I'm talking about. Some stuff that I haven't heard probly does have a good undertone (just as some rock and blues and whatever has negative drawbacks to it) but do you hear it that much on the radio? Not really.

Tankian (btw Scars On Broadway>Serj): Where do you live, because it sounds like its my perfect area to live in? :D

Humans by nature are selfish. The selfishness will over ride caring in most cases. Especially if its a choice between someone you know and someone you have never met. This is why your situation between friends and a movie is incorrect. Because I know them I actually care and would want them to live. If you believe people are so caring then why are there staving children? If people were actually that caring then that would not exist, because we, as a human race, would find that unfit. But it does exist because people are selfish and would rather keep their own money, I suppose I fall in to the majority. Before I had my tattoo done, I had given blood before because I know exactly where that is going. Blood does not have much use besides going to a hospital. Some of those programs where you donate will take up to 50% of the money donate, I believe the Salvation Army.

And my guess was to the starving children in Africa. You stated that you helped the homeless and poor in your area. That I consider a different matter as it affects your general area and more affects you then those in need in other areas of the world.
Papi, have you even seen this movie? :/// If you haven't, don't criticize us for watching a good movie.

dmaster out.
^I don't see what that has to do with anything I'm saying. I'm not even talking about the movie right now, just the outpouring of money that is being spent on it.
NyJonesy26 said:
^You make a very good point. The only reason I don't donate money and give blood is because I live in a poor family and I'm not exactly sure if my blood is donation material. I'm also very afraid of those huge needles they use to withdraw the blood.
Well, I'm not going to judge, but have you seen the movie? If so, then I'm not sure how poor you can really be when you have 10 bucks to go to the movies. Not trying to say anything but just what I'm thinking about your situation. Also, you can easily get your blood checked before you donate to see if you are infected with anything that they can't cure. The big needle was scarey the first time I donated too but it really didn't hurt at all. It just feels weird when they are removing the blood.
Pride said:
Papi/Manny said:
I don't see why you would need to see it more then once (even if it is a good movie) unless your gf or whatever hasn't seen it and wants to or another reason like. 4 times is a good 41 dollars down the drain. Your guess is absolutely wrong. I started the hunger thread to raise awareness to this problem (though I'm sure the majority of people know about it) and me and my family have donated thousands to the homeless and poor in our area. Why exactly should you care? Thats so idiotic its not even funny. 1) Your human (I assume). Its in your nature to care. Maybe your pride gets in your head and you think your vastly surperior to everyone, but your not and they deserve a fighting chance, right? 2) Who knows what they could do. Maybe one will find a cure for cancer or aids or another global issue. But whoops, he didn't have what every basic human needs and died. If you didn't know Abe Lincoln or Jesus personally (and this is just an example) and they needed some scrap of food, even food you're going to throw you, your just going to let them die? Thats just sick.

Are you freaking kidding? I didn't realize that saving lives is such a waste of money. Please tell me you don't donate blood, because if you did, you would know you're not getting anything (besides some juice and cookies) out of it and "all your doing" is saving 3 lives. So, if you had a choice to go watch a movie or go down the your local food bank and help feed, say, your starving friends, you would go waste your money and go see a movie then help save thier lives?

I agree with the whole rap is disgusting part, but I have to put up with listening to the more popular rap crud cause of my gf every day, so don't assume I don't know what I'm talking about. Some stuff that I haven't heard probly does have a good undertone (just as some rock and blues and whatever has negative drawbacks to it) but do you hear it that much on the radio? Not really.

Tankian (btw Scars On Broadway>Serj): Where do you live, because it sounds like its my perfect area to live in? :D

Humans by nature are selfish. The selfishness will over ride caring in most cases. Especially if its a choice between someone you know and someone you have never met. This is why your situation between friends and a movie is incorrect. Because I know them I actually care and would want them to live. If you believe people are so caring then why are there staving children? If people were actually that caring then that would not exist, because we, as a human race, would find that unfit. But it does exist because people are selfish and would rather keep their own money, I suppose I fall in to the majority. Before I had my tattoo done, I had given blood before because I know exactly where that is going. Blood does not have much use besides going to a hospital. Some of those programs where you donate will take up to 50% of the money donate, I believe the Salvation Army.

And my guess was to the starving children in Africa. You stated that you helped the homeless and poor in your area. That I consider a different matter as it affects your general area and more affects you then those in need in other areas of the world.
Obviously we have VERY different opinions on the average human mindset. People are definately far more generous then you give them credit for. I don't see what difference you knowing them even makes. Okay, so the day before you started being friends with them, same situation. Oh whoops, you didn't allow them to live and now your not friends with them anymore. Obviously you have some underlineing problems with the unfortunate, because otherwise you would realize that you might be throwing away something far more precious then you have. Why are there starving children? Maybe because its hard to grow food where they live? They have no running water to drink from and are too poor to afford it themselves? Theres plenty of reasons. The point is that it does exist and people are not trying hard enough to help them. You may call it selflessness, but in reality is a mixture of misinformation and ignoreance. 1) You can still give blood with a tatto that was done at a proper place with state registation. Why would you stop after you had your tat done? 2) Blood doesn't have much use besides at a hospital??? People are sick and dying in there every day, and I'm sure you've had friends/family in the hospital at one point, for surgery or other stuff. Saying blood, one of the most important resources on this planet, in one of the most saving (for a lack of a better word) places on the planet, isn't that important is absolutely insane and I think everything else you say afterwords from here on out should absolutely be questioned if you honestly believe that. I've never heard of the salvation army taking people's money, but we don't donate to/through them. We primarly donate used clothes/money through our local parish.

Again, I help both. Clicks to send food/money to Africa is helping them, right? And see, your thinking completely short-term and local only. If we followed your ideas, we would have a very isolated world and war would almost be guaranteed.
Papi/Manny said:
NyJonesy26 said:
^You make a very good point. The only reason I don't donate money and give blood is because I live in a poor family and I'm not exactly sure if my blood is donation material. I'm also very afraid of those huge needles they use to withdraw the blood.
Well, I'm not going to judge, but have you seen the movie? If so, then I'm not sure how poor you can really be when you have 10 bucks to go to the movies. Not trying to say anything but just what I'm thinking about your situation. Also, you can easily get your blood checked before you donate to see if you are infected with anything that they can't cure. The big needle was scarey the first time I donated too but it really didn't hurt at all. It just feels weird when they are removing the blood.
Well, I've only seen it once, and I actually had to have someone else pay for my ticket.
What do you think about the Dark Knight on track to beat the titanic's record of $600.8 million dollars in the box office? I think it is pretty amazing, seeing that so many people view the Titanic as a classic movie or one of the best movies of all time. I mean....the dark night was awesome, but it was not a classic that deserves to make 601 million. I'm not saying that the Titanic is that good or anything, but with all the people who view that movie as a classic....I am just thinking....any ideas?
NyJonesy26 said:
Papi/Manny said:
NyJonesy26 said:
^You make a very good point. The only reason I don't donate money and give blood is because I live in a poor family and I'm not exactly sure if my blood is donation material. I'm also very afraid of those huge needles they use to withdraw the blood.
Well, I'm not going to judge, but have you seen the movie? If so, then I'm not sure how poor you can really be when you have 10 bucks to go to the movies. Not trying to say anything but just what I'm thinking about your situation. Also, you can easily get your blood checked before you donate to see if you are infected with anything that they can't cure. The big needle was scarey the first time I donated too but it really didn't hurt at all. It just feels weird when they are removing the blood.
Well, I've only seen it once, and I actually had to have someone else pay for my ticket.
Well then, you are certainly a lucky fellow. Anything free is always good. Like they say, "If its for free, its for me" *unless its some kind of disease or something, in which case, no thanks*.
Kingvike28 said:
What do you think about the Dark Knight on track to beat the titanic's record of $600.8 million dollars in the box office? I think it is pretty amazing, seeing that so many people view the Titanic as a classic movie or one of the best movies of all time. I mean....the dark night was awesome, but it was not a classic that deserves to make 601 million. I'm not saying that the Titanic is that good or anything, but with all the people who view that movie as a classic....I am just thinking....any ideas?

I actually think it's really likely. TDK is half-way there, but we'll see what happens this weekend, as many people have seen it now.

dmaster out.
Pride said:
You never stated how it decreases intelligence. Personally I have seen this movie four times, and I am also nineteen years old, so by your logic I must be stupid for wasting my money on this? I must ask now what exactly have you done for the starving children of Africa? My guess is nothing. Do not be a hypocrite. Call me cruel but I could careless for them. I careless because I do not know them, I have never met them so why exactly should I care?

What do you gain for giving money to say the Red Cross? You get to say "yeah I did that" but you gain no return. With entertainment the return is always there. This is the difference. Is it fair or right? Of course not, but the basis in life is that it is not fair.

IMO, giving some money to organisations such as Red Cross isn't something that you can just say "yeah, I did that", you can save lifes. You'd be surprised how poor some people actually are and how you actually can save life with few dollars. I myself saw that in poorest parts of India and Pakistan.

Rap is disgusting music that should not exist for the most part. You assume every rap song is about the same thing, when in reality it is not. Do not be ignorant yourself.

Also I don't find rap itself disgusting (I listen to it). It's just a thing you hate or like. It's just an entertainment. Rap probably has best texts in the music world, they also rap about poor people and stuff, but I don't think they give a sh*t about children in africa. They just rap about it to make money =/ Sad, but true. You can see rappers in the expensivest clothes, best cars and many bodygurads, that rap about why people spend money on stuff like entertainment and similar useless stuff when they should help children in africa. But then you also have rappers that rap about other stuff.

TDK is still on the top of the top 250 on IMDB =)
I saw the dark knight. It was better than the other batman shows, it had more violence, And the joker seemed to have a different sence of humor than he had in the oldies...
I'm going to see it tomorrow with my cousin and then I'm going to see it with my friend and my dad. Sweet!! Two more times!!
They must have had a HUGE budgit to be able to do that scene where the joker burnt all that money.
I'm still rofl at the magic trick. I'm going to see it in a few hours with my Mom. :D

dmaster out.
After Isee it with my cousin today and my dad and friend another day, it'll be three times so far.
It just made $400 million!!!
Starting now, I'm gonna post a poll concerning whether it'll make $600 million or not. Vote now!!
I've seen it 3 times now. My Mom loved it completely, and she agrees it's the best movie of the year. She said it kept her on her seat. :D :D She also said that she missed Heath more because of this movie, and that made me think that he could have been one of the greatest actors of our time if he was with us today...

dmaster out.
I want to see it again sometime soon. Good thing I just got a job, I'll be able to pay for myself this time.