The Clothes Thread

Mr. Random said:
Ugh, I don't like polos. You wash them once, and the collar gets all messed up.
Not in my machine. I like them because of their casual feel, and there semi-formal appearance.

For shorts, I wear dark brown "Dress shorts" to school and formal events, and plaid bright green, blue, and red shorts for more casual events.
TheDarkLucario said:
Megachu, either:
A] Your blind
B] Your a very loving person
C] They sneaked some clothes in the cart.

Dude, look at price tags first. Scientifically proven, your eyes are drawn to the price tag first. ;]

Good advice. I was admittedly a little distracted as I was receiving frantic texts from my mum asking if I was ok. I'm 15 and I'm not sure what all the fuss was about as I get the train every day, but... I must blind.

Bulbabuddy said:
Lol MegaChu, that stinks.

I love polo shirts. Amirite?

Ut really does stink.

I'm sure no one wants to hear me rambling on, so here is what I wear:

Whatever is given to me.
Bulbabuddy said:
Oh I love jeans. They are ridiculously comfortable. I prefer carpenter boot-cut, but I'll wear straight sometimes. Old Navy is where I purchase them, they're cheap and nice styles. Blue, sometimes Black.

Agreed. I usually go to Kohl's for jeans/sweats/trackpants. The prices are reasonable, and the sales are convenient.
I wear:
webcomic T-shirts
t-shirts I make
mostly v-necks
big ol' belt buckles (with wolves, eagles, whales, or guns on them)
my NRA (national rifle association) cap, my american flag cap, my grey beanie with a big boo patch on it, or a pokemon hat.

I shop at:
topatoco (internet) (internet)
urban outfitters (the only decent-ish men's clothes in my state.)

oh and I usually dress in all grey. cuz its my favorite color.
-Cargo Shorts
-Plain white tees
-Black sweater over white button shirt w/ khakis.
-Tennis shorts with tennis shirt

Adidas Tirand 3
Nike Air (slims
Adidas indoor soccer.