Finished The Challenge: Season 6 - The Winner Crowned!

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Also, the lag is unbearable. I mean seriously, is anyone else lagging as bad as I am? One time, it froze for at least 10 seconds. I feel like the excessive ads are slowing things down a ton :/
It wasn't lagging for me, although I add block everyone except website I want to support xD
*bbninjas fires a pistol
<steffenka> AND THEY’RE OFF!
<steffenka> What’s this!?!?
<steffenka> Looks like Xerneas has stalled his engine - that’s gonna cost him!
<steffenka> And here comes scattered around the bend, really gaining that lead!
<steffenka> !!!!
<steffenka> I think I spoke too soon - scattered just spun out… and both Keeper and Mora have zoomed past him!
<steffenka> Keeper and Mora are head to head at one lap left!
<steffenka> They’re racing around the second corner, over the bridge, around the-
<steffenka> Keeper has spun out!
<steffenka> And Mora’s on fire, crossing the finish line first!
<bbninjas> Great race everyone!
<bbninjas> Mora came first, Keeper second, scattered third and Xerneas fourth.
<bbninjas> Which means Mora gets 10 more coins!

*Mora rolls a 5.
*Mora is shot by Athena to Black Member’s Base 2.
*Mora reaches Celever!
<Celever> *waves*
<Mora> *waves*
<Celever> Wanna take a trip in my ‘copter?
<Mora> Tempting, but no.
<Mora> I need all the coins I can get!
<Celever> I would accept a payment in stars. :3
<Mora> You’d be too starstruck to accept. :U
<Celever> :V
<Mora> I’ll do nothing.
<Celever> Boring world.

*scattered rolls a-
<scattered> Ohey!
<scattered> It’s a pretty rainbow-box. :3
*scattered switches places with Mora!
<Mora> Dangit.
*Keeper rolls a 3.
<Keeper> ._____.
*Xerneas rolls a 10!
*Xerneas is shot by Athena to Black Member’s Base 2.

<bbninjas> Sweet, that’s all the rolling!
*bbninjas beckons contestants to follow him
*Contestants follow
<bbninjas> So, there’s a rope connected to two platforms over water.
<bbninjas> Treasure on the far side, you on this side.
<bbninjas> Cause everyone landed on red spaces except for Keeper, Keeper will be walking the rope to the other side.
<bbninjas> Seriously, you guys need to land all on the same spaces more often. :U
<bbninjas> Anyways, tightroping is too easy… so we’ll add an extra twist.
<bbninjas> The other three contestants get to shoot cannonballs at Keeper to try and knock him off!!
<bbninjas> And what’s better, both Keeper and the others will get to make their own gadgets!
<bbninjas> Sound interesting?
<bbninjas> Well, hop to it!

Tightrope Treachery
  • Contestants get to make gadgets for the upcoming tightroping event! An unpersonalised event would involve one contestant (Keeper) to walk across a tightrope about a foot-width with a straight posture and with strong wind blowing. The other contestants (scattered, Mora and Xerneas) get to shoot cannonballs at the tightrope walking from the ocean below.
  • Each team (Keeper vs Mora, scattered and Xerneas) will be required to make a gadget/s for the future event. The group will need to work together to design a boat, at the very least.
  • The gadget designed cannot alter the main event mechanics. For an example, Keeper may not design a grappling hook so he can easily move from A to B.
  • I’m not asking for anything too big (especially specific measurements or anything miniscule like that) as it will not be worth the effort, more so I just want a description and what your gadget actually does. Colour would be nice. Bonus points for some sort of visual because visuals are useful.
  • Like normal, don’t plagiarise otherwise large penalties.
  • Contestants have until Saturday, 10th of October, 7:00PM AEST (an extra day) to submit their gadget via PM to bbninjas and Celever. Please add all your team members in the submission. >_>
  • The winner will be team that designs the most effective gadget as decided by myself. Creativity will also influence the best. The winner will get treasure! $.$
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Idk at some point, the lag just stopped. And it was fine. I don't know why. But the game did crash multiple times.
Idk at some point, the lag just stopped. And it was fine. I don't know why. But the game did crash multiple times.
What was your time? I had to enter 1:25. I did get 1:23 at one point, but the game crashed and none of my upgrades saved. >.>
I think I got down to 1:15. I probably could have shaved that a little bit more had I actually stayed on and unlocked all of the upgrades, but I had two tests today that I hadn't really studied for. Glad I came out on top; I wasn't as confident that time as I had been with some of the other challenges (like the clicking challenge).
<bbninjas> So…
<bbninjas> There’s only a few minutes left and-
<Keeper> Woahwoahwoah
<Keeper> Here’s my gadget.
<bbninjas> It’s a hoverboard…
<Keeper> Mighty right it’s a hoverboard!
<bbninjas> I’ve seen hoverboards before.
<Keeper> Good for you.
<Keeper> MY hoverboard is powered by the most horrendous song ever made.
<Keeper> Three guesses.
<Xerneas> Friday by Rebecca Black?
<spambot> Wrecking Ball?
<Celever> This Dutch song noone has heard of?
<Keeper> No, no (._.), no
<Keeper> Baby, duh
<Keeper> Even YouTube agrees it’s the worst :UU
<bbninjas> Uh, of course.
<Keeper> Good thing is that it is: a) annoying b) a projectile-shattering pitch c) ironic
<bbninjas> How is it ironic?
<Keeper> That’s for me to know and you to not know. :U
<bbninjas> Right.
<bbninjas> Did our other team submit anything?
*scattered races to submit his team’s gadget thing
*scattered runs into a tree
<scattered> Ouch.
<bbninjas> D:
<scattered> Here’s the boat thing.
<bbninjas> Uh, nice drawing n.n;
<scattered> It’s equiped with an anti-Keeper gun!
<bbninjas> What does it actually shoot?
<scattered> Gooey gel :3
<bbninjas> Riiiiiight.
<Celever> Hey bb…
<Celever> These guys are out of their minds.
<Celever> Scattered is literally now frattered.
<Celever> (fractured + scattered)
<bbninjas> /sigh
<bbninjas> Well, uh, Keeper’s design is a bit more informative and interesting…
<bbninjas> So he wins!
*Keeper gets 15 coins; everyone else loses 5.
<Mora> >:L

*Mora rolls a 3.
*scattered rolls a-
<scattered> Moar green boxes and high numbers! ^_^
*scattered is shot by Squirtle Squad to Red Moderator’s Base 1!
*Keeper rolls a 8.
*Keeper is shot by Athena to Black Member’s Base 2.
*Xerneas rolls a 1. :(
*Xerneas reaches Cypher333!!
<Cypher333> Another vict-visitor!
*Xerneas waves half-heartedly
<Cypher333> So, let’s have a roulette.
<Xerneas> You like roulettes a lot, don’t you…?
<Cypher> Gee, you’re an observant one!
<Cypher> And as you may be observing, the roulette has chosen Chance!
<Cypher> Basically, you get to choose the fate of someone’s entire life!
<Xerneas> I am so hyped.
<Cypher> Great!
*Xerneas hits box.
<Cypher> Aha! You’ve been fated to have your fate changed!
*Xerneas hits second box.
<Cypher> And guess what!
<Cypher> 20 of your coins will be MY coins!
<Xerneas> You thief. :U
<Cypher> Ohey, don’t call me that!
<Cypher> You’ll ruin my reputation. :U

<bbninjas> Aaaaanyways
<bbninjas> Let’s begin with the next minichallenge!
<bbninjas> We’re gonna play another game of Tug o’ War!
<Mora> How so?
<Mora> The rope got eaten.
<bbninjas> Oh, so it did.
<bbninjas> Well, if you go left, then right, right, right, then left, then [...], and right, you’ll find my secret rope stash!
<bbninjas> It’s guarded with secret mechanism trap things, though.
<bbninjas> So you better flip the right switch. n.n;
<Keeper> Hooray >_>

Tug o’ War
  • The four contestants have reached the entrance to bbninjas’ secret stash to grab a rope.
  • There are four switches. The contestants must flip switches until the unlock the door that hides the rope.
  • If flipping a switch activates a trap, Xerneas will be unaffected (as he is in a nifty Cypher Suit) while Team Keeper/scattered/Mora will become weaker.
    • Switch A is covered in slippery, green moss. If you look up, all you can see is thick undergrowth and if you look down, all you can see is an odd mix of fresh and partially decomposed leaves.
    • Switch B is surrounded in stones. There is a suspicious boulder located ‘above’ the switch.
    • Switch C appears to be rotting. There is a wooden cage located above that is poorly concealed.
    • Switch D doesn’t appear to have anything suspicious about it. You can see the sky above and the ground looks solid albeit slightly leafy.
  • Players must discuss in thread the switches they’d like to activate. Players may vote to activate a switch by posting in thread: ##FLIP: [Switch]. A switch will be activated when there is a majority voting for said switch, that is, three contestants. A single contestant may only vote for a single switch at one time.
  • I may drop the majority as I see fit and if no rope is unlocked, I will punish both teams.
  • Once a switch has reached majority, the flip will be locked in and players may vote for another switch. Providing I’m around, I will update when a flip has been switched, but when I’m not around, the show must still go on.
  • Xerneas is aware of which switches activate traps, but the other three are not aware.
  • Contestants have until Sunday the 11th of October, 7:00PM AEST to unlock the rope.
My gadget device is a bright pink hover board, which has the ability to latch itself to objects and push itself off of them. Meaning I must still cross the rope, thus leaving the game in-tact. It comes with a price, however, as the board's generator is powered by Justin Bieber's song "Baby," which thoroughly annoys every person within earshot, causing migraines and dizzy vision as well. (The song also has the added bonus of causing some projectiles to explode before hitting me, due to the high-reaching notes.) To combat this, however, I also wear a set of earmuffs, allowing the song to infuriate my opponents while I safely focus on crossing the rope.

Image for reference:

It shoots a gooey gel ?
Why not. I agree that Switch D looks too innocent. Switch C looks like the most benign other than Switch D.

Why not. I agree that Switch D looks too innocent. Switch C looks like the most benign other than Switch D.

I think you'll need to post it like this:

Anyway, bb had to go recently, and unfortunately I don't know what the switches do any more than you do. You guys might be in for a wait.
Yeah, Idk what happened...

Actually, I just saw King Xerneas's vote, which tells me something. If A had been a trap, he would have voted for it and triggered it (since he's immune to the traps and stands to gain from us getting hit by them). Instead he voted for B.

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