Finished The Ban Game

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Banned because my dad called to tell me to close the window in his closet since he forgot to.
dragonexpert said:
Banned because my dad called to tell me to close the window in his closet since he forgot to.

Banned because I didn't know that closets could have windows.
Banned because my closets are dark and scary.

Double banned because my closets have monsters in them

Banned because I just saw Harry Potter, double banned because I didn't see it at midnight, triple banned because my childhood is officially dead, quadruple banned because I want to cry and/or die right now, quintuple banned because typing on my iPod is slow.
Xdogking said:
Banned because I just saw Harry Potter, double banned because I didn't see it at midnight, triple banned because my childhood is officially dead, quadruple banned because I want to cry and/or die right now, quintuple banned because typing on my iPod is slow.

Banned because I bet they picked the wrong people for the job in a certain scene.
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