T2 with Dialgachomp in Ohio


The Mods, doubt my Knowledge.
I wake up really early this morning and know that today I have my first Cities and a party right after it.I take a long shower, talk to Pokeman on beach, eat some breakfest(coffee is awesome) and was off.Let me tell you the ride wasn't pleasant either.I get their and I swear 3 people borrow a total of 10 cards from me for their decks. I sign in and somehow one guy is sick and one couldn't make it so we don't have a T4 at Dayton Ohio for the first time ever. We begin our 4 rounds.

Round 1: ?(She won some tournament the week before in Kentucky) - Kingdra/Machamp.
Did I ever tell you I run Dialgachomp? No well it wasn't a fun match. The whole game I think i am in the clear because all she plays is Kingdras until she searches for a Machop and I'm think great. I set up a bunch garchomp C to snipe it better she never leaves it on the bench. I basically Remove lost everything and with 3 Special metal energy she can't do squat while I heal. In the end I don't see one Machamp the whole game and I take all 6 with her taking none. 1-0

Round 2: Wyatt M. - Machamp
I was dreading this and i mean seriously guys!TWO MACHAMPS IN A ROW! I can't do anything and i take 1 prize while he takes 5 before I scoop because I want to go eat my Taco Bell.It's at this time I think that maybe I shouldn't have played Dialgachomp. 1-1

Round 3: Justin - Leafeon
I face this Leafeon at league before and he didn't have alot of Uxie so he played 2 Dodrio. I end up sniping a bench Eevee and Power Spray the Echo Draw and once again i win with him not taking a single prize.Justin ended up playing everyone from our League that day. 2-1

Round 4: Ben I.? - Yanmega
At this point Piplup 234 and Ty are playing right next to me and this guy. He goes on telling me this is his BEST record EVER. I start Staraptor FB to his Yanma.I draw attach and Quick attack for 10. He draws attaches and ends his turn. I Collector for a bat and quick attack putting him at 30. He evolves Yanma and ends his turn. I use my 4 poke turn on his yanmega, attach an Expert Belt and Quick Attack for the game. I find it funny how all the games i won my opponent never took a prize except for one but it was bait. In order for me to have a chance at Top Cut I need Piplup to lose, my 1st and 3rd round opponent's to win and my 2nd round opponent to lose. This all happens.

I got a party to go to and I wasn't planning on Top Cutting so i don't resleeve right now. Some how I sneak in as 2nd to face Ty and i go to resleeve. it is Regigigas vs Dialgachomp and i see Ty asking for pointers against Dialgachomp.

Top Cut: Ty W. - Regigigas
Game 1:
I can't do anything and for some stupid reason I thought Gigas was weak to Colorless and I send up my only fighting type Lucario GL. If I had retreated it next turn i could have dealt 160 to his belted Gigas and stand a better chance but I don't and I only take 1 prize while he gets all six.
Game 2:
Same as the first one but he Sacrafices damage off and he KO's my belted Uxie Lv.X for game.

I wasn;t to surprised to lose to Ty, it seems that when we meet it's always to decide who is gonna get first or second. I get my 10 packs and leave. I go and pull 1 gengar prime, 1 Celebi prime, 1 Bottom of PDL, and 1 top of CDL. i end up with a boat load of rescue,twins, and Seekers. i had a great time and I had plan to dedicate this tournament to my dead Poke-Friend from texas, Teru.

2nd place
Gengar Prime
Dialgachomp being the one deck I own with
Winning record
Top Cutting
Taco bell

Not learning from my mistakes
Wyatt going 2-2
Dragonpulse going 2-2
No Medal :(
Looking back I made a few misplays in Top Cut that could have gave me a better chance maybe.