Friend Code: 2020-1086-8448 (Bug Safari; Butterfree, Masquerain, and Pinsir)
Trainer Name: Kyamay
Time Zone: EST
Times Available: Monday-Wednesday: Anytime; usually more on at night
Thursday: About 12 PM to 4 PM
Friday: Unavailable
Saturday and Sunday: Anytime; usually on more often at night- average being 5/6-Midnight
Game: Pokemon Y/Pokemon Omega Ruby, but does somewhat have access to Pokemon X/Pokemon Alpha Sapphire
Special Note: Feel free to send a Private Message my way if it has been a while since we discussed a trade! I have gotten a large influx of trade requests since I got some non-Kalos Pokemon!
5IV Breeding Available Once Again!
Bolded means- Please Note!/Important
Green means- Low priority/want
Blue means- Medium priority/want
Red means- High priority/want
"Imperfect" 5IV Giveaways!:
List of what I can DexNav Chain can be found right here!
Current DexNav Chaining Queue:
Gloom for ilovecommas
Current Masuda Breeding Queue:
Currently Not Accepting Any; My Apologies!
Pichu for thegrovylekid -- Completed; Awaiting Pickup!
Slugma for Off-Site Trade
Totodile for Off-Site Trade
Meowth for Off-Site Trade
Shinies Available:
Friend Safari Pokemon! Ask and I will check to see what I have!
New! Shinies for IV'd Pokemon! Click the spoiler below for details please!
Services Offered:
Bolded means- Please Note!/Important
Green means- Low priority/want
Blue means- Medium priority/want
Red means- High priority/want
Please Note! - I AM A-OKAY WITH CLONES uwu
-MALE Nidoran with HA Sheer Force, 5 IVModest Nature, and Transfer Only move Dragon Pulse
-Modest or Timid Cobalion; preferably 4/5IV
-Lucky Eggs
-Event Surfing Pikachu/Raichu
-HA Starters Not Listed
-Hidden Abilities of the following Pokemon:
-Gen VI Shinies
-Previous Gen Shinies
-Heart scales
-Other hidden abilities
-Anything; just mention it and I'll consider it
Battle Rules:
Before I go into details, I would like to say that I do not battle often, but if one would like to, I will not deny their request. And as such, I would also like to mention that I find myself neither good nor bad; just that I seem to suck most of the time...
Also, I play by neither VGC nor Smogon rules. The following things are what I personally set and believe to be fair
**As well, I am very interested in Multi-Battles and Free-For-Alls!**
I'm now also on Pokemon Showdown! I'm always on as Kyamay!
Banned Pokemon:
Banned Items:
Banned Moves and Abilities:
Trainer Name: Kyamay
Time Zone: EST
Times Available: Monday-Wednesday: Anytime; usually more on at night
Thursday: About 12 PM to 4 PM
Friday: Unavailable
Saturday and Sunday: Anytime; usually on more often at night- average being 5/6-Midnight
Game: Pokemon Y/Pokemon Omega Ruby, but does somewhat have access to Pokemon X/Pokemon Alpha Sapphire
Special Note: Feel free to send a Private Message my way if it has been a while since we discussed a trade! I have gotten a large influx of trade requests since I got some non-Kalos Pokemon!
5IV Breeding Available Once Again!
Bolded means- Please Note!/Important
Green means- Low priority/want
Blue means- Medium priority/want
Red means- High priority/want
"Imperfect" 5IV Giveaways!:
Check Back Later!
List of what I can DexNav Chain can be found right here!
Current DexNav Chaining Queue:

Gloom for ilovecommas
Current Masuda Breeding Queue:
Currently Not Accepting Any; My Apologies!

Pichu for thegrovylekid -- Completed; Awaiting Pickup!

Slugma for Off-Site Trade

Totodile for Off-Site Trade

Meowth for Off-Site Trade
-Every generation's grass starter! [Shell Armor Turtwig and Contrary Snivy]
-Every generation's fire starter! [Speed Boost Torchic, Iron Fist Chimchar, and Magician Fennikin]
-Every generation's water starter! [Defiant Piplup and Protean Froakie]
-Eevees with various natures in Luxury Balls
-Espurrs with Hidden Ability Own Tempo
-Solosis with Hidden Ability Regenerator
-Hawlucha with Hidden Ability Mold Breaker
-Spheal with Hidden Ability Oblivious
-Magic Guard Abras [Will breed as desired]
-Polar Vivillon
-Has access to all fossil Pokemon so will breed whatever is desired
-Ekans bred upon request
-Taillow bred upon request
-Dratinis bred upon request

-Every generation's grass starter! [Shell Armor Turtwig and Contrary Snivy]

-Every generation's fire starter! [Speed Boost Torchic, Iron Fist Chimchar, and Magician Fennikin]

-Every generation's water starter! [Defiant Piplup and Protean Froakie]

-Eevees with various natures in Luxury Balls

-Espurrs with Hidden Ability Own Tempo

-Solosis with Hidden Ability Regenerator

-Hawlucha with Hidden Ability Mold Breaker

-Spheal with Hidden Ability Oblivious

-Magic Guard Abras [Will breed as desired]

-Polar Vivillon

-Has access to all fossil Pokemon so will breed whatever is desired

-Ekans bred upon request

-Taillow bred upon request

-Dratinis bred upon request
Shinies Available:
**Usually trades Shinies for Shinies but I will usually auto-trade if a legendary is offered. Exceptions for shiny fish!**
*Personal Shiny Rarity Guide! Blue means common and I will gladly trade for other common shinies when offered-- Orange means uncommon and I will often have to think over offers for said shiny-- Red means rare and I will require a rather fantastic offer to consider giving it up*
All shiny fish listed have been chain-fished unless specified!
-Shiny Female Seaking [Named: Feferi; will change if desired]
-Shiny Blue Basculin [Spanish; Unknown if fished or bred]
-Shiny Male Kingdra [Named: Eridan; will change if desired]
-Shiny Male Politoed [Japanese; Unknown if fished or bred]
*Personal Shiny Rarity Guide! Blue means common and I will gladly trade for other common shinies when offered-- Orange means uncommon and I will often have to think over offers for said shiny-- Red means rare and I will require a rather fantastic offer to consider giving it up*
All shiny fish listed have been chain-fished unless specified!

-Shiny Female Seaking [Named: Feferi; will change if desired]

-Shiny Blue Basculin [Spanish; Unknown if fished or bred]

-Shiny Male Kingdra [Named: Eridan; will change if desired]

-Shiny Male Politoed [Japanese; Unknown if fished or bred]
Friend Safari Pokemon! Ask and I will check to see what I have!
New! Shinies for IV'd Pokemon! Click the spoiler below for details please!
Here is how this works: I love to collect shinies, like most fans of the games. But I lack the patience for the methods of shiny hunting. As such, I will be willing to specifically breed Pokemon for a shiny in return! Rates would go as followed:
Chain fished Shiny Pokemon: 1 (One) 5IV Bred Pokemon
Previous Generation Shiny Pokemon: 2 to 4 and up 5IV Bred Pokemon; depends on rarity and want value of offered shiny
Generation VI [Or hatched in Kalos] Shiny Pokemon: 3 to 4 and up 5IV Bred Pokemon; Depending on the rarity and want value of offered shiny
Chain fished Shiny Pokemon: 1 (One) 5IV Bred Pokemon
Previous Generation Shiny Pokemon: 2 to 4 and up 5IV Bred Pokemon; depends on rarity and want value of offered shiny
Generation VI [Or hatched in Kalos] Shiny Pokemon: 3 to 4 and up 5IV Bred Pokemon; Depending on the rarity and want value of offered shiny
Services Offered:
-Simple breeding services [Breeding is on a first come-first serve basis] **Please note! I am not a very advanced breeder; I have only just begun to IV breed! Please be patient as I take my time to create your desired Pokemon!**
-Masuda Breeding!
-Battle Maison Items! I will get whichever item you would like, even Ability Capsules, but please keep in mind it will take me a bit of time
-Y/OR exclusives
-Most, if not all, X/AS exclusives
-EV Training if you'd also like for me to train the Pokemon for you as well [May take time depending on whatever else I am currently doing in game]
-Shiny Chain Fishing
-DexNav Chaining! [May take some time]
-Will nickname upon request!
-Masuda Breeding!
-Battle Maison Items! I will get whichever item you would like, even Ability Capsules, but please keep in mind it will take me a bit of time
-Y/OR exclusives
-Most, if not all, X/AS exclusives
-EV Training if you'd also like for me to train the Pokemon for you as well [May take time depending on whatever else I am currently doing in game]
-Shiny Chain Fishing
-DexNav Chaining! [May take some time]
-Will nickname upon request!
Hall of Fame Traders!:
Prince Dedenne: Very reasonable and easy to work and trade with; has a large selection of shinies!
King Xerneas: Fair trades and efficient in getting what you request
xDkoYx: Easy to trade with and equally easy to communicate with
Check: Great deals and fair with what is asked for in return for trades
King Xerneas: Fair trades and efficient in getting what you request
xDkoYx: Easy to trade with and equally easy to communicate with
Check: Great deals and fair with what is asked for in return for trades
Bolded means- Please Note!/Important
Green means- Low priority/want
Blue means- Medium priority/want
Red means- High priority/want
Please Note! - I AM A-OKAY WITH CLONES uwu
-MALE Nidoran with HA Sheer Force, 5 IVModest Nature, and Transfer Only move Dragon Pulse
-Modest or Timid Cobalion; preferably 4/5IV
-Lucky Eggs
-Event Surfing Pikachu/Raichu
-HA Starters Not Listed
-Hidden Abilities of the following Pokemon:
Analytic Patrat
Poison Touch Grimer
Sheer Force Tauros
Sheer Force Female Nidoran [Preferably 5IV with beneficial nature; no patience to breed for this like I am the others]
Unnerve Axew
Harvest Phantump
Gooey Goomy
Poison Touch Grimer
Sheer Force Tauros
Sheer Force Female Nidoran [Preferably 5IV with beneficial nature; no patience to breed for this like I am the others]
Unnerve Axew
Harvest Phantump
Gooey Goomy
-Shiny Froakie
-Shiny MALE Espurr; capable of being nicknamed HIGHLY preferred (You may have your pick of anything in the list for this)
-Shiny FEMALE Litleo; capable of being nicknamed HIGHLY preferred
-Shiny Tyrunt
-Shiny Klefki
-Shiny MALE Espurr; capable of being nicknamed HIGHLY preferred (You may have your pick of anything in the list for this)
-Shiny FEMALE Litleo; capable of being nicknamed HIGHLY preferred
-Shiny Tyrunt
-Shiny Klefki
-Shiny Drowzee
-Shiny MALE Nidoran
-Shiny MALE Nidoran
-Other hidden abilities
-Anything; just mention it and I'll consider it
Battle Rules:
Before I go into details, I would like to say that I do not battle often, but if one would like to, I will not deny their request. And as such, I would also like to mention that I find myself neither good nor bad; just that I seem to suck most of the time...
Also, I play by neither VGC nor Smogon rules. The following things are what I personally set and believe to be fair
**As well, I am very interested in Multi-Battles and Free-For-Alls!**
I'm now also on Pokemon Showdown! I'm always on as Kyamay!
Banned Pokemon:
All Pokemon that are highly powerful Legendaries which would include -- Arceus, Darkrai, Deoxys [All forms], Dialga, Giratina [Both forms], Groudon, Ho-oh, Kyogre, Kyurem [Normal, Black, and White], Lugia, Mewtwo, Palkia, Rayquaza, Reshiram, Sky Shaymin, Xerneas, Yveltal, Zekrom, and Zygarde
If it is not listed here, it is free game to battle with against me!
If it is not listed here, it is free game to battle with against me!
Banned Items:
No Pokemon holding the same item as another!
Banned Moves and Abilities:
Abilities- Moody, Sand Veil, and anything that may increase evasion
Moves- All One-Hit KO moves, anything that may lower or raise accuracy or evasion, and the spamming of switch out moves such as U-Turn
The reason for the evasion and accuracy clause for me is that I find it an underhanded tactic and by no means a fair fight [Same for all listed abilities- including Moody due to its random nature]. As for the spamming of switch moves, what fun and strategic value is there to only run the entire match?
Moves- All One-Hit KO moves, anything that may lower or raise accuracy or evasion, and the spamming of switch out moves such as U-Turn
The reason for the evasion and accuracy clause for me is that I find it an underhanded tactic and by no means a fair fight [Same for all listed abilities- including Moody due to its random nature]. As for the spamming of switch moves, what fun and strategic value is there to only run the entire match?
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