Ruling Smeargle From RL


Eeveelution master
I've got a few questions on the smeargle that may or may not be in the next set the US receives.

Text in question:
Pokepower Portrait
You can use this power once during your turn, if this pokemon is your active pokemon. Look at your opponent's hand and choose one supporter you find there. Then, use the effect of the chosen card as an effect of this power.
(Can't be used if Smeargle is affected by a special condition.)

1. Can you decide NOT to use a supporter if your opponent has one? Or must you use one if it's in their hand?

2. What happens if you choose something you don't fulfill the requirements for? (For instance, choosing Bebe's Search when you have no hand) CAN you choose something you can't use, or do you have to be able to use it to choose it?

3. If you bring smeargle to the bench and then back to active (By warp point, for example) can you use the power again? If you have a second on your bench can you use the first, retreat, and then use the second?

Er, sorry, I guess that's more than a few questions. I would really appreciate some clarification, and I thank you in advance.
1. You have to choose one Supporter card you find if there is one.
2. There is nothing that says that you can't use Supporters if you don't fulfill the conditions for it, so if you picked Bebe's and had no hand, there would be no effect. (Although, I do not know why you'd want to do that.)
3. Your Active Smeargle cannot use that power more than once in the same turn, unless that particular Smeargle is removed from the field with means such as Super Scoop Up. If you brought another Smeargle into the Active position, though, it could also use Portrait.