Shooti's English name


Forever Young
The official Pokemon website just reveled That Shooti's English name will be Trip
check it out for your self

Read through the article in the link above, it tells you his name when it said "He'll also meet a new rival, Trip, as well as lots of incredible Pokémon he's never seen before. "

so what do y'all think of his new name?
I think that this one topic doesn't deserve its own thread.
The name itself is much better than some other Gen V names haha.
yea, but i wanted to let them know about it if they didn't already, they will lock it when they make an official post
Yeah me too I thought Cameron was a better one too, it seems more fitting with his picture taking and all
Hmm. No Cameron? No ST17 stamp of approval.
But no, this is actually a pretty bad name. Imho, there were plenty of other names that could've suited him better.
I think you might want to see this:
It's from Power Rangers Time force, (I can't believe i used to watch those series).

3-4 Power ranger fans just threw up in their mouths. Trip is an okay name, Shooti was a bad one, but they could've done better.
How does a character cross over from Power Rangers: Time Force, quits being a Power Ranger to become a Pokemon Trainer? I don't understand the logic. Still that's pretty funny...