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Sealed Boxes Wanted


Ghost Master
Looking to potentially buy a sealed box, preferably Call of Legends, but interested in other sets as well.

Kinda hoping to find a deal on one. I don't expect it to be dirt cheap, but I'm looking to spend a bit less than if I were to order one off Trollandtoad.com or Amazon. So naturally, the cheaper the better.

I also have Bulk, and other randoms for trade, so feel free to post in my trade thread or PM me if I have something we can use to barter with.

Feel free to post here or PM me with any offers. Thanks!
piplup234 said:
Are you looking for a CoL box?

Eh, probably not. It was a pretty lame set, IMO. If it was like, super super cheap, I might be interested. But since my finances are a bit limited, I'd prefer to invest in a set with good trade-bait and decent trainers and such.

Thanks for checking, though!
While that is a fantastic and more than fair deal, I'm afraid I'll have to decline. I just looked over the CoL scans again, and there just aren't enough cards that I like/find useful in the set. So I'm going to hold off until I can find a HGSS or TR box.

Thank you very much for the offer, though. :)
Alright. I'll keep you in mind. I think I'm gonna keep shopping for CoL in the meantime, but if I decide on TR or EP, I'll let you know. Also, LMK if you come into any CoL. Thanks!