Rotation after Worlds 2009-2010

What do you think the rotation will be?

  • Platinum- Up

    Votes: 75 67.0%
  • Legends Awaken- Up

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Others

    Votes: 14 12.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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StealthAngel667 said:
-So first, you argue that Cyrus is not that great and is on par with a setup Pokemon. Cyrus is inferior.
-Second, you argue that Spiritomb (both a setup and anti-setup Pokemon) is the only good alternative to Cyrus, and not good enough compared to Cyrus, because Cyrus can search for such AWESOME things. Cyrus is superior.

Whatever are you trying to say, exactly?
And you misread my post. I don't use the word Toolbox as the first SP 'toolbox' decks, those were just thrown together and didn't have the versatility that Luxray, SP Radar and to a lesser extent Garchomp brought to SP.
The meaning I meant is the fact that SPs have all kinds of tools at their disposal, which I further discuss as being the TGIs and some PT/RR/SV SP Pokes. It doesn't mean you use them all in one deck.

Also whether you find the format "boring" or not is completely out of the question. My post has always been about the format that will be most likely to come. The TCG is headed more towards other card games (and other usable strategies than just plain beatdown) with cards like Luxray and Power Spray, and I don't see why the TCG would discard all of those without one format where they can REALLY shine.

where do you see that I compare Spiritomb to Cyrus? I mention Spiritomb as being the only real counter tech to SPs, and go on to state that if the SP has any form of sniping ability, then it is going to be a game in the favor of SPs...due to the fact that, it is cards like Uxie and Claydol creating a draw engine that allows for EVO decks to be able to keep up with the efficiently consistent Cyrus comparison to the Lapras states that one gives a prize and the other doesn't...correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't giving your opponent prizes a bad thing?...I'm not saying Cyrus is on par with Lapras, I'm saying it's better...and where do you see that I said was Cyrus was a bad card??? I said, it isn't a broken card

as for your versatility comment, the Toolbox decks is what really showed the versatility that SPs had...Garchomp brought mass healing, and a mid-dmg snipe attack...Luxray brought disruption in the form of field manipulation, but that's not bringing versatility, that's just doing what many other SP pokemon have's not that these pokemon brought versatility to SPs, SPs have always had versatility in their actual pokemon and how they can be used...which I've never had a problem with in general, as a matter of fact, that is really the only thing I like the about the SPs is their pokemon...none of them are unbalanced, even when you put them's the TGI's I'm saying (and have always said) are broken and unbalanced, not Cyrus' being able to get them, but the actual TGI's themselves...because they don't bring versatility they just make it so the already versatile pokemon are brokenly easy to use

I'm fully aware that you are talking about the format to come...that's what's really being talked about here to begin with...and that's what's being discussed now...the format now is very indicative what next season's format will be like if it's PT-on...what's mainly being played and getting the wins?...LuxChomp/LadyGaGa right?...this isn't like last year's boom with InfLux (Infernape/Luxray) either, this is a much more consistent deck, and yes, you do see some surprises pop-up here and there...but that's now, when decks have steady draw engines and a good number of counter techs (and I'm saying it's boring now)...with a PT-on rotation, the majority of those techs and the steady draw engines are gone...leaving the still consistent Cyrus' engine intact, for SPs to just outspeed their EVO deck counterparts...which will be even more boring...SP cards and/or Spiritomb will skyrocket in the secondary market even more than now, because it will either be, play SP or run 4 Spiritomb for better chances or drawing it, so you can slow SP down

I'm happy to see the TCG headed in the direction of other winning strategies than prize wins...but saying that Luxray is indicative of the direction going towards other cards games is kinda reaching...Luxray's ability isn't new, it's something that's been rehashed in the form of a pokemon...and that's something the pokemon tcg has done stuff like this for years now...I can't remember, nor am I going to take the time to research, but I am not sure if we've seen cards like Power Spray before Alakazam (MT)...but I do know we've definitely seen "group" specific trainers and supporters though, so that isn't new far as these cards really shining...they have been, this is the 2nd season they've been apart of...and I think that Luxray being apart of the World's winning deck consistitutes as shining, along with it being apart of the National's winning deck, and the numerous other SP pokemon that made appearances last season and are still making appearances this season
Well now we know it is MD-up. I think it isn't to bad, I mean at least Claydol is getting rotated out, but I wish it was more.
Pokeman said:
Well now we know it is MD-up. I think it isn't to bad, I mean at least Claydol is getting rotated out, but I wish it was more.

Claydol dissapearing is an interesting change. On the one hand, SP loses nothing, and S2 decks lose their work horse. But on the other hand, without claydol in the format, garchomp isn't as important.
amisheskimoninja said:
Claydol dissapearing is an interesting change. On the one hand, SP loses nothing, and S2 decks lose their work horse. But on the other hand, without claydol in the format, garchomp isn't as important.

Correct. Gengar SF gains nothing, because of Claydol too. machamp will be really good SP counter in my opinion.
MD-on. Another thread can be made a year from now. ;)


dmaster out.
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