Rarity of Trainer cards

DJGigabyte said:
Yes I am sure. There are 29 cards in the set, which means that you should get a specific one in an average of every 10 packs, but that's just an average.

People think that there are less Catcher, because they just look at Catcher and not Catcher.

This this this this this this this.

I opened a box of Dark Explorers. I got two Cheren. That just means that Cheren randomly appeared less in my box than it probably should have, not that Cheren in general is a shortchanged uncommon. Because pull rates are all random, nothing is sure enough to say something has been shortchanged, and especially not when it's a card that people have a vested interest in like Catcher. Like I said, I've seen people open boxes on Youtube and not pull a single copy of an uncommon card in that set. It happens, and not just for sought after uncommons like Catcher or N or whatever else.
Yeah, you can't just look at one box obviously, but you can look at the majority of boxes, which indicate that Catcher appears far less than others.
Wasn't there some kind of study done that showed that Catcher only appeared twice on a printed sheet of uncommons (before the cards are cut), instead of thrice like is usual? I could have sworn there was some kind of evidence found that backed up the statement that Catcher really was actually rarer.
I pulled 3 Catcher and over 10 of some other Uncommon in a box.

Also, Snape in a dress.

Your argument is invalid.