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Post-a-deck part 23: Nidoking/Machamp X/Giratina X (Masters, States)


Hey. How's it goin'?
After a tough outing at cities, im gonna try to redeem myself at states! if you could just help me with this deck.

Pokemon: 25
4-2-2 Nidoking (TM-TM-TM) (yes i have triumphant cards now.)
3-2-2/1-1 Machamp X (TM-TM-SF/TM-SF)
2-1 Giratina X (PL-PL)
3 Sableye (SF)
2 Uxie (LA)

Energy: 17
9 {F}
8 {P}

T/S/S: 18
4 Bebe's
3 Candy
2 Expert Belt
2 Twins
2 Interviewer's Questions
2 Pokemon Rescue
1 Black Belt

Please reply!
Strategy? Because this just looks like you threw some cards together. What synergy is there between Nidoking and Machamp? Nidoking TR benefits from the support of Nidoqueen, but even then that requires a deck based purely on Nidoking/queen. Same goes for Machamp. It's one or the other, not both.
I have something like that.. It has 2 nidoqueen with maternal comfort poké body. 2 nidokings from triumphant and one that has the teritoriality poké body. 4 double colorless and 2 upper energy. Evo lines are all 1-1, 3 pokémon collectors, 3 pokémon communication, 2 interviewer's questions..

like they say, only focus on nidoking/queen or machamp. Maybe machamp donphan.

running basics or stage 1's (dugtrio if you don't have donphan)
What about it? At first i thought it was merely a tech, then i realised the {P} energy and know that you intend to attack with it. If it isn't a spread or disruption based deck then the Giratina line deserves no place in this deck.
I actually will spread damage, a role formerly possesed by KGL. also, im thinking of 4-0-4 Nidoqueen RR.
Okay, since Nidoking is listed first, I'll try to help your deck like that.

First, get rid of the Machamp except for a 1-1-1 tech. Get rid of Giratina Lv.X entirely. Boost up your Nidoking line to 4-3-4 and Sableye to 4. Add a 4-3-4 Nidoqueen line, 3 RR and 1 TM.
Next, your trainer line. Add another Rare Candy and Expert Belt. Get rid of Black Belt. Remove Pokemon Rescue for Palmer's Contribution. Remove Interviewers Questions for Pokemon Collector. I don't think Twins is needed either.
And finally, your Energy line. Get rid of 6 psychic, and add 4 Double Colorless Energy.
In all:

-2-1-2-1 Machamp Lv.X
-2-1 Giratina Lv.X
-1 Black Belt
-2 Interviewers Questions
-2 Pokemon Rescue
-2 Twins
-1 Bebe's Search
-6 Psychic Energy
-1 Fighting Energy
-24 total

+0-1-2 Nidoking
+4-3-4 Nidoqueen
+1 Sableye
+1 Rare Candy
+2 Pokemon Collector
+4 Double Colorless Energy
+2 Palmers Contribution
+24 total

This deck could also benefit from Broken Time-Space (3-4), but I couldn't find anything to take out for them. Hope this helps!

EDIT: I've never played King/Queen before, so this is just a guess :3
Decmasters list is a good start, but you could easily thin out the pokemon line thus having more space for T/S/S

3-2-3 Nidoking TR
2-1-2 Nidoqueen RR
4 Sableye SF
2 Uxie
1 Unown Q

You don't need anything more than a 2-1-2 Queen line. Just having 1 Queen out gives King 160HP and with E.Belt it rises to 180. I would however keep Twins seeing as this deck is hugely reliant on DCE so you want some way to search it out. 3/4 MooMoo milk would help this deck more seeing as you don't want King dying easily even with Queens healing supoort OR you could play 1 Shaymin UL + 2/3 Seeker/SSU to move energy from active King to benched king.

Just bare in mind that you have huge weakness to G-dos and a somewhat bad match-up against Dialgachomp.
Ill change to King/Queen and machamp prime. Maybe a 4-3-4 on machamp Prime AND Nidoqueen RR. machamp prime i feel is one of the most supportive pokemon in the TCG. also, with more than one in play, i can keep switching out when my active gets hurt bad.
In that case why not just base the deck entirely around Machamp (2 SF and 2 Prime is a good mix). Why clog up the deck with an unnecessary 4-3-4 Nidoqueen line when Machamp is more meta-worthy and doesn't flat out lose to speedier decks

4-3-2/2 Machamp SF/Prime
3 Uxie
1 Smeargle UD
1 Unown Q

This is a good foundation to start on and leaves room for techs (TECHS!!! not secondary attackers)
Ok ill dump the nidorino and go 2-0-2 on Nidoking and 4-2-4 Nidoqueen. I'm debating over whether or not its worth the $18 for 2 machamp prime.
Like i said before, don't run Nidoking/queen and Machamp prime in the same deck. Running 3 stage 2 pokemon won't do you any good. Consistency is what makes decks work, not combining random powerful pokemon, however if you can do both then you have a potentially good deck. It would be is your best interest to focus on a Machamp deck build. Nidoking/Queen is a nice deck idea but in the end it's too slow of a deck to compete in this format and it relies on too many factors. OR!! if you're on some sort of a budget you could easily base the deck on Nidoqueen and not include Nidoking or Machamp at all, here's a rough pokemon skeleton

3-2-2/1 Nidoqueen (2RR/1TR)
1-0-1 Metagross UL
3 Sableye SF
1 Smeargle UD
2 Uxie LA
1 Azelf LA
1 Unown Q

Needs a bit of testing to find out its quirks (if any) aggro Nidoqueen. Metagross is mainly for its body to easily swarm and heal Nidoqueen. Though it would be best if you had 4 DCE, but 2/2 DCE/Upper could do.
Ill add an extra Sableye SF that i found yesterday, and why smeargle UD? what does that do?
Smeargle is a nice early game tech and helps mid-game. It has a power that allows the user to look at the opponents hand and use any supporters effects (if any).