Possible tech for eels against CMT/Tyram for advantage


Aspiring Trainer
I came up with this idea and sharing my idea with you guys. Because of the emergence of terrakion decks out there, many eels players are trying to avoid playing eels altogether and just go straight up CMT. This is proven with many of the top 4 finishes being CMT decks at the 2nd week of states, an increase from the 1st week. I don't think I have seen anyone used this card yet with the emergence of CMT decks. Has potential to change the metagame and set CMT players back a step instead of them totally overwhelming you.

Raikou entei legend. It has an attack with [L][C] that does 80 damage to ALL pokemon with poke powers while discarding all attached energy. with your dynamotor, you could set this up in only 1 turn. This card is mainly used to kill off CMT/tyram decks in particular. It also has a free retreat cost.

For CMT: Usually they play 1~3 celebis in their bench, most of the time 2. Some CMT decks run smeargles and shaymins too and REL can take full advantage of that. You could surprise them with this using dynamotor and ninja KO them for 2~4 prizes at least. Plan the time to put them down mid~late game. Usually at this time, the CMT people are using celebis as junk arm cards. You can completely shut them down early too if they benched too many. Putting REL down to take your remaining prizes for the win! (2~4) You have the surprise element at your side.

REL can't be OHKO'd unless mewtwo has 7 energies (which is quite ridiculous and impossible if you run your own mewtwo). It can be 2HKO'd by tornadus though, so REL needs to be played at the right time. It's a psychological warfare out there, Most of your attackers are electric, so mostly their ideal attackers are mewtwo ex because of tornadus' weakness. Even if he replied with an 80/100 damage on REL after your first attack, You can just retreat and apply more pressure with your other attackers forcing him to catcher if he wanna take the REL out. If he doesn't, it's a psychological thing again with "should I bench another celebi to accelerate energy even though I can't kill REL this turn?"

Taking 2 prizes or more with REL is a worthwhile trade against CMT if your REL is knocked out imo. Of course more would be better, probably 4 at best. Also one thing to note, once most of the CMT players know the pressence of REL in an eels deck, they would rethink of benching more than 1 celebis. What this means? If you could get a KO on celebi, He can't send his other celebi into the active to easily power up a benched attacker with its poke power. This forces the CMT player to put out an attacker, get another celebi into the bench and use switch, thus more resource are used. better if skyarrow isn't up yet.

For Typhlo: Just attack twice for the win. REL has 140 HP and usually Tyrams max damage is 120. Probably look at his discard for plus powers and junk arms used to calculate your odds of being OHKO'd. Of course if they play reshi ex(most tyrams uses mewtwo instead of reshi though) and is in play, wait till you take out his reshi ex to 2HKO ALL yes i repeat, ALL his typhlos. Another way you could do is hurting the typhlos before they evolve for an ammount of at least 60 damage or catcher and attack with any of your attackers early game to force afterburner on his typhlos for retreat to reach that magic 60 damage for REL OHKO (80). It's an autowin when he has no typhlos. REL ideally should be used when 2 or more typhlos are set up.

Other matchups: You can use the fire typing to your advantage but very unlikely that you'll need him though. most probably he's a junk card for your sage and juniper for other matchups. You could use it to snipe out smeargles if you see that it's worth it to stop them from using your supporters. Can be used also on Electrode(90hp) with a plus power catcher or snipe if electrode already has 1 damage counter. REL can hit any jirachi techs too in damage spread decks.

Any thoughts?
I really like this card, and I considered it, but the only reason I can't run it is it does damage to your own Pokemon as well. I run ChandePlume so I'd knock out my dodrio, put Vileplume in danger, and take more than half of the hp off each of my Chandelure, as well as knocking out any cleffa/jirachi I have sitting out.

If a deck could utilize this card as the main surprise attacker and then other Pokemon with no powers, I think it could be pretty funny. Get something to do bench damage, like Fire Chandelure or Kyurem, then drop that to KO all Eelektrik, Celebi, Smeargle, Babies, etc. Could easily take 3 prizes against a Zekeels and completely shut down their engine at once.
in response to the above post, doesn't ERL only hit Powers, wich means it wont hurt Bodies (aka Dodrio) and Abillities (aka Lure, Eel)? Just my own ''ruling'' on it though?

In response to the OP, I personally think ERL is too cluncky, takes too much effort to get on the board, and isn't worth the 2 prizes. I know it only has about 40 less HP of the average EX's, but it's much more of a hassle to get out. ALso, in a deck like Eels, which run aboyt 3/4-ish of both Juniper and Sage, aren't you afraid to discard some crucial LEGEND pieces? And even when compensating for that, you'd need to run a 2/2 line of said LEGEND, meaning 4 whole slots in your list.

tl;dr: Makes the deck too inconsistent without dedicated support, and just isn't worth it in the end.
REL only hits Pokemon with Powers. Not bodies or abilities.
I also considered using this card in my ZekEel deck. It's a great surprise that fits well into Eelektrik decks and only take to spots. It can give you the win out of nowhere since not many people expect to see it anymore.
I also used it a lot during last season when everyone played Uxie and Azelf.
I love seeing peoples face when they are in the lead and I suddenly take 4 prizes out of nowhere xD
Viole said:
I really like this card, and I considered it, but the only reason I can't run it is it does damage to your own Pokemon as well. I run ChandePlume so I'd knock out my dodrio, put Vileplume in danger, and take more than half of the hp off each of my Chandelure, as well as knocking out any cleffa/jirachi I have sitting out.

If a deck could utilize this card as the main surprise attacker and then other Pokemon with no powers, I think it could be pretty funny. Get something to do bench damage, like Fire Chandelure or Kyurem, then drop that to KO all Eelektrik, Celebi, Smeargle, Babies, etc. Could easily take 3 prizes against a Zekeels and completely shut down their engine at once.

poke power, poke body, ability are all different names :D

I agree it being clunky but becasue of the amount of CMT increasing out there, this card might playable. If you play dualballs, you can just swap it out for pcomm for this card. If like me, i sacrificed 1 level ball and a juniper for 2 pcomm. I run 3 juniper, 2 oak, 3 collector, 2N!, 1 twins and 3 sage atm and it works quite well

Running 1-1 REL is more than enough imo. If it helps, I run 1 zek ex, 1 tornadus, 1 terrakion, 2 mewtwo and 2 zekrom for my attackers.
Ah, I thought they homogenized everything into one supergroup of Poke-Powers, regardless if it was a Body, Power, or Ability. My apologies :x.

It'd still wreck my own Candles though, which isn't cool, and ChandePlume doesn't need help vs the Celebi portion of MTC, it's the Tornadus that's the issue.
James said:
in response to the above post, doesn't ERL only hit Powers, wich means it wont hurt Bodies (aka Dodrio) and Abillities (aka Lure, Eel)? Just my own ''ruling'' on it though?

In response to the OP, I personally think ERL is too cluncky, takes too much effort to get on the board, and isn't worth the 2 prizes. I know it only has about 40 less HP of the average EX's, but it's much more of a hassle to get out. ALso, in a deck like Eels, which run aboyt 3/4-ish of both Juniper and Sage, aren't you afraid to discard some crucial LEGEND pieces? And even when compensating for that, you'd need to run a 2/2 line of said LEGEND, meaning 4 whole slots in your list.

tl;dr: Makes the deck too inconsistent without dedicated support, and just isn't worth it in the end.

Most decks also run Super Rod these days, so even though you discarded one piece with Sage's or Juniper you would have a chance to get it back.
A 1-1 line would be enough because it will be few situations where you need it. But when you need it you can drop it, charge it and win the game out of nowhere.
Simwar said:
Most decks also run Super Rod these days, so even though you discarded one piece with Sage's or Juniper you would have a chance to get it back.
A 1-1 line would be enough because it will be few situations where you need it. But when you need it you can drop it, charge it and win the game out of nowhere.
haha ! basically sums up the whole point :D Any news out there with people trying REL out against reshiphlosion/CMT decks?
Simwar said:
REL only hits Pokemon with Powers. Not bodies or abilities.
I also considered using this card in my ZekEel deck. It's a great surprise that fits well into Eelektrik decks and only take to spots. It can give you the win out of nowhere since not many people expect to see it anymore.
I also used it a lot during last season when everyone played Uxie and Azelf.
I love seeing peoples face when they are in the lead and I suddenly take 4 prizes out of nowhere xD

So what if it oly hits powers. You'll be KOing all your opponent's Celebis and Smeargles.
It's a great card in theory, but after trying it out for only a couple games, I quickly realized just how much of a win more card it is. Unless you want to sacrifice consistence and drop Level Balls for Communications, it's near impossible to get out, and even if you do, it's likely you could have won anyway. Plus, after your first round in a tournament, people will know if you used it and they won't lay down more than one Celebi.
Cinema said:
It's a great card in theory, but after trying it out for only a couple games, I quickly realized just how much of a win more card it is. Unless you want to sacrifice consistence and drop Level Balls for Communications, it's near impossible to get out, and even if you do, it's likely you could have won anyway. Plus, after your first round in a tournament, people will know if you used it and they won't lay down more than one Celebi.

True I guess. I guess it's more of a "great on paper" card