Writing Pokemon: Lunar Legends (Season 2: Chapter 2)

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RE: Pokemon: Lunar Legends

Ok, it is fixed.


Ch. 6

Len was walking around hoping he’d find a good and strong pokemon. He stepped on a branch and it started to move. “Hey, what was that?” Len said to himself.

Then a Magby came out of nowhere and pummeled Len to the ground. “Jeez, what is with all these pokemon tackling me?” Len said as he got up.

“A Magby, the perfect pokemon!” Len said in excitement. He looked the Magby in the eyes. He was a scared little pokemon running freely.

“Go Turtwig! Use tackle!” Len commanded. Turtwig tucked his head and ran into Magby. Magby fell backwards and hit a tree. But he wasn’t about to give up!

“Mag!” Magby screamed. Little fire droplets fell on Turtwig. Turtwig ran in circles trying to get the fire to extinguish off of him. Then Magby saw his chance.

“MAG!” it shouted. He tackled Turtwig hard and Turtwig hit the same tree that Turtwig had pushed Magby into earlier.

“Turtwig, don’t give up!” Len said. Turtwig barely got up. “Now, Turtwig, use Razor Tackle!” Len shouted.

Leaves were flying around Turtwig like a tornado. Magby’s eyes widened in fear. “Turt!” Turtwig shouted.

Turtwig tackled Magby hard and the leaves that shrouded Turtwig had cut him also. “Just my chance!” Len said. He threw the pokeball into the air and Magby was brought inside.

The pokeball shook. It shook again. Then once more. But then it stopped. “We caught a Magby!” Len shouted. Turtwig was happy, but hurt.

“Don’t worry Turtwig. We’ll go straight to the pokemon center” Len said as he headed out to heal.

After he healed he took out Magby. “Magby, are you ready to battle a trainer out here?” Len asked. Magby nodded and jumped onto Len’s shoulders. ‘Alright, let’s go” Len said.

They took a different turn, not the place where Len had caught Magby. Len saw two trainers having a pokemon battle. Then there was another trainer lonely.

“Hi, my name is Len. Would you like to battle?” Len asked. “Sure! My name is Solin!” said the girl.

They went to an open area and Len sent out Magby. “I just caught him, but I think we’ll do fine!” Len said. Then Solin threw out one of her own pokemon. It was a Budew.

“So, you have a Budew. I think we’ll be able to beat him, right Magby?” Len said. Magby nodded and then got his serious battling face on.

“Magby, use Smog Attack!” Len shouted. Magby covered the whole battlefield with dark smoke that tried to poison all the foes. Len and Solin were both coughing heavily.

“I’ll teach you not to mess with us! Budew, use Grasswhistle!” Solin said. Budew sang the tune and Magby quickly fell asleep.

He stopped shooting out the fumes and the battlefield became clear again. “Budew, use Bullet Seed!” she said.

Budew blasted tiny little seeds that blasted Magby into the hard ground. But since the attack had great power, it woke Magby up.
Then Magby got pretty angry and shot continuous flames at Budew. Budew fell to the ground all burned and bruised up.

“Budew, you did well. Come back” said Solin as she brought Budew back into her pokeball. “You fought well, but not well enough for Magby’s might” said Len.

“Well, see you around” the girl said as she left. Len then brought Magby back into his pokeball. “Well, I guess I’ll go wait for Z and Ryan” said Len as he headed back up the route.

As always, please leave comments.
RE: Pokemon: Lunar Legends

Please comment on my chapter. I am making Ch. 7 right now. Don't let this die so soon.
RE: Pokemon: Lunar Legends

Well, did you like Ch. 6? It's not that long...
RE: Pokemon: Lunar Legends

Well, this is a really long Ch. It is two and a half pages on word. Well, here is Ch. 7.

Ch. 7

Ryan headed out to a different area than Len had gone to. He stopped to rest next to a tree when seeds fell from the tree and hit him in the head. "What the?" Ryan said as he got up.

A Bulbasaur dropped from the tree and grinned at Ryan. "I'll catch you" Ryan said. He grinned right back to Bulbasaur. "Go Growlithe!" he shouted.

Growlithe growled loudly. "Growlithe, use Tackle!" Ryan said. Growlithe ran towards Bulbasaur and rammed into him, but to Ryan's surprise, Bulbasaur easily dodged it and countered with Bullet Seed sending Growlithe fly backwards.

"Come on Growlithe, don’t give up!" Ryan encouraged. Growlithe quickly got up and tried to pummel Bulbasaur again, but again Bulbasaur dodged and countered with another Tackle.

Growlithe fell back and got bruised up. "Growlithe, are you alright?" Ryan asked.

Growlithe struggled to get up. His legs crunched and wiggled. "Growlithe, give it one last try" Ryan said.

Bulbasaur chuckled. "You'll never beat me" said Bulbasaur in pokemon language. Bulbasaur then blasted a Bullet Seed attack at Growlithe.

The green droplets were coming at Growlithe at high speed. Growlithe maneuvered to the side and used Quick-Attack.

Bulbasaur was hit with a Critical-Hit and he flew back. Growlithe didn't leave any moment for Bulbasaur to regain his momentum. He blasted an Ember attack and Bulbasaur was crushed by the two attacks.

"I guess I just beat you" Growlithe said, also in pokemon language. "Go pokeball!" shouted Ryan.

Bulbasaur couldn't resist and couldn't escape the pokeball trap. "We've caught him!" Ryan said with joy.

"Alright, we might as well heal" Ryan said as he brought Growlithe back into his pokeball.

Ryan headed to the pokemon center when he ran into a little Burmy on the ground. He was hurt very badly.

"It'll be alright little guy" Ryan said as he picked him up. He scurried to the pokemon center.

When he got there, Zack was demanding that Nurse Joy would heal his pokemon faster.

"I need to get going! Hurry up!" Zack shouted. "I'm almost done" Nurse Joy replied. She handed him the pokeballs and he left the pokemon center quickly.

Ryan entered the pokemon center and gave the pokeballs to Nurse Joy. He waited about twenty minutes and Nurse Joy called him up.

"Your pokeballs have been stolen while they were healing" Nurse Joy said. "What? You've gotta be kidding me!" Ryan exclaimed.

"Here, take this pokemon and try to find the person who took your pokeballs" Nurse Joy said. "Thank you" Ryan said as he took the pokeball out of her hand and ran out.

Ryan saw this boy running away, maybe to flee the scene of crime?

"Hey you! Stop right there!" Ryan shouted. The boy then sprinted away, but Ryan was fast too.

Ryan quickly caught up with the boy and tripped him. His face fell flat on the ground. "Give me back my pokemon!" Ryan shouted in his ear.

"You'll have to beat me in a pokemon battle!" the boy said. "By the way, my names is Sammy. And I'll stomp you!"

"Haha, you wish! Go, my pokemon!" Ryan said. He didn't know what pokemon was even in there.

A three-headed bird appeared in front of him. "Dodrio!" the bird pokemon screamed. "D..D..D..Dodrio? Well, go Pikachu!" Sammy shouted.

The two pokemon looked at each other. "So, who will make the first move?" Sammy asked. "Good question" Ryan said.

While Pikachu was looking at Sammy for a command Dodrio slammed into Pikachu and sent him flying.

"Pikachu, get up and use Thunderbolt!" Sammy said. "Uh-oh…" Ryan said.

But to his surprise, Dodrio was unhurt. "What the heck?" Sammy wondered. "Well, buddy, you've got a long way to go if you don't know what just happened" Ryan said.

Sammy then looked at Pikachu who was knocked out. "Wait, how did that happen?" Sammy said.

"Well, you see, Dodrio made a Whirlwind around the Thunderbolt attack coming at him. Then once it was caught in the whirlwind, he had full control of the attack. He then sent the attack at Pikachu who could not take another hit, so it was knocked out. Even though the attack was not very effective, it still had amazing base damage strength" Ryan said.

"Fine, take your stupid pokemon back! I don't want them anymore!" Sammy said as he threw the two pokeballs at him. Sammy then sprinted away.

"What a crazy boy" Ryan said as he put the two pokeballs on his belt. "Nice job Dodrio! Well, looks like we'll have to take you back" Ryan said with a gloomy voice.

Ryan put him back into his pokeball and went to the counter of the pokemon center. "Here is Dodrio back" Ryan said, handing Nurse Joy the pokeball.

"Actually, can you take an order? I need you to send this pokeball to someone" Nurse Joy said. "Well, to where?" Ryan asked.

"I'll need you to take it to Blackthorn City and give it to the Gym leader of that City. That is her pokemon. She trained with it since it was a Doduo" Nurse Joy said.

'I'll be glad to give it to her. That fight that I had with Dodrio really mad me happy. Just with Dodrio by my side, that was a wonderful feeling" Ryan said.

"That is wonderful, now, I guess you'd like your pokemon to really be healed" Nurse Joy said. "Yes, please" he said as he handed her his pokeballs once again.

After a few minutes Ryan got his pokeballs and went to the place where they would all meet back together.

"What took you so long?" Len whined. "Ahh, just some trouble. So, what pokemon did you catch?" Ryan asked.

"I got a Magby, how about you?" Len said. "I caught a Bulbasaur and I also got a Dodrio" Ryan said.

"A Dodrio?!" Len shouted in disbelief. "Well, it isn't mine. I have to give it to someone when we get to Blackthorn City.

"Oh, but you can still battle with it, right?" Len asked. "Ya, I already battled with it once" Ryan said.

"Well, I guess we'll just wait for Z now" Len said.

And again, as always comment.

Also, thanks for the compliment, Shadow_Master.
RE: Pokemon: Lunar Legends

Yay! The next chapter's going to be all about ME!

It will likely by the most epic chapter written in the history of existence.
RE: Pokemon: Lunar Legends

Haha, you wish. It'll just be like Ryan's and Len's chapter. You did realize that Ch. 6 was all about Len and Ch. 7 was all about Ryan, right? You did read it...? The chapter will be about you catching your pokemon and something happening to you on the way.
RE: Pokemon: Lunar Legends

Since the 3 day presidents day weekend is over, I won't get as much chapters done throughout the week. Minimun 1 Ch. in 2 days. But if everything goes well, 1 ch. per day.
RE: Pokemon: Lunar Legends

So...does that mean the next chapter will not be posted today?:(
RE: Pokemon: Lunar Legends

I'll start working on it now, but most likely unless I work really hard, it won't be up until tomorrow afternoon.
RE: Pokemon: Lunar Legends

Ch. 8

Fabrizio went to a different place than Ryan or Len. He headed out and stopped next to a tree. He then saw a pond right next to him.

He saw his reflection and lost balance. He fell on a rock. "Ouch" he said. Then he looked next to him.

The trees had opened up and made a separate path. "Since when was this here?" Fabrizio wondered.

Not knowing what would be in there, he just entered in his own will. When he entered, it was foggy, but the air couldn’t be fresher.

“Well, what’s going on here?” Fabrizio said again. He looked around and he saw a Pokemon Ranger running after a pokemon.

The pokemon was a Scyther. The Scyther turned around. The Ranger had no time to stop and it was slashed by Scyther.

The Ranger fell to the ground, injured. “Hey, stop what you are doing! I’ll catch you!” Fabrizio said.

Scyther lunged forward at him but Fabrizio stepped to the side. “Go Charmander! Use Ember!” Fabrizio said.

All the grass burned around Scyther and it jumped over the burning ring. “Scyther!” it shouted.

His long scythe-like hands became shiny. He then lunged at Charmander and used a strong Cut attack making Charmander fly backwards.

“Charmander, use Burning Tackle!” Fabrizio shouted. This was their little secret combo attack.

Charmander used Ember on himself and used Tackle on Scyther. Scyther flew backwards and he got burned.

“Now I’ll catch you!” Fabrizio said. He threw the pokeball and Scyther was captured inside!

“We caught him!” Fabrizio said as he gave a high five to Charmander. Charmander gave a big smile.

“You won’t get away with the monster you just caught! Go Minum!” the ranger shouted. “MINUM!” the pokemon shouted.

“You ready for another battle Charmander? Because you have no choice at all! Use Burning Tackle!” Fabrizio commanded.

Charmander crashed into Minum, but then he got paralyzed because of Minum’s ability, Static.

“Charmander, get up and use Ember!” Fabrizio said. But Charmander lay down on the ground and couldn’t move.

“Minum, finish him off with Thundershock!” the ranger said. Charmander was crushed by the powerful blow and was sent right back to Fabrizio’s pokeball.

“Seems like I only have one resort left! Go Scyther!” Fabrizio said. Without any command Scyther used a strong Cut attack on Minum sending him flying into a tree.

“You knocked him out in one strike!” the ranger whined. He then sent out his next pokemon, Plusle.

“You won’t stand a chance” Fabrizio said. Scyther used Slash on Plusle giving him a major cut on his back.

He then picked Plusle of the ground. “Scyther!” Scyther screamed. It then used Mega Kick, an attack that a normal Scyther would not know.

Plusle fell to the ground and was majorly hurt. “We won!” Fabrizio said as he brought Scyther back into his pokeball.

“No, don’t leave me here anymore! No!” the ranger shouted as the trees closed up again.

“What was that place all about. Well, I’ll never forget that adventure” Fabrizio said.

He then walked to the place where they would meet. “Wow, you guys already finished. Well, let’s go to the pokemon center to heal” Fabrizio said.

“Actually, we already healed” Len said. “Well, I need to heal to stay here” Fabrizio said.

Fabrizio exited the pokemon center after his pokemon were healed and stepped through the gym doors with Len and Ryan.

“This is it! Time to get our first gym badge!” they all shouted in the room. It echoed through the whole building. “Oops”

Please, please comment. And I Like Pokeymanz, this is all about your character!
RE: Pokemon: Lunar Legends

My Scyther is a malicious killer?

*Pumps Fist* Yessssssss.

But what do you mean by 'The trees suddenly parted'? Did I enter like an alternate realm?
RE: Pokemon: Lunar Legends

Well, the trees opened up making a separate path then the regular one. The once you entered the foggy area, the trees closed behind you. They like, slid, and opened. I know that kinda defies the laws of physics, but still, come on, this is pokemon. They slid and created a new path. The trees were like doors. They opened and then closed behind you leaving no trace of you at all.

And Remember this chapter! That place where you went will appear later in this fanfic. I don't want to ruin the chapters for you, but just remember that place. It will play a big role in the future!
RE: Pokemon: Lunar Legends

i like this story, i just wish people liked mine. i wonder why you have more fans then me?
RE: Pokemon: Lunar Legends

It's only natural for people that have been on the forums longer to have more fans.
RE: Pokemon: Lunar Legends

Well, I would have been much more popular on the forums if I hadn't taken a break. I was getting addicted to PokeBeach. I just kept refreshing the page for hours! Nothing happened. So, I took a long break. Oct-Jan. Well, almost everyone forgot about me, but some people still remembered me and greeted my when I returned. Some didn't reply so well...(Not saying any names). But you see the fanfic that the mod made? He is mostly getting attention because he is a mod. If I was a mod, people would be reading my story like crazy. But since I am not that popular here anymore, I can only hope to get some fans.
RE: Pokemon: Lunar Legends

Ch. 9

The whole room was silent, only the noise of their footsteps could be heard.

They stepped onto a big arena and a battle was going on.

“Totodile, finish Pidgeotto off with Water Gun!” Zack shouted. A huge water beam crushed the Pidgeotto into the wall.

“You have beaten me. Here is the Zephyr Badge!” Falkner said proudly. Zack snatched it out of his hand. “Good riddance” he said as he spat on his shoes.

“Hi, we are here to battle you for the Gym Badge!” Len said happily. Right before Falkner was about to speak a huge BANG was heard outside.

They ran out of the gym and everyone was crowding around a weird looking object. “What is it?” said one voice. “I don’t know!” said another.

Then this goo like thing jumped out of the mysterious rock that everyone was crowding around. “Ahh!” one voice shouted.

That sent the whole city to chaos. Everyone screamed and ran to their homes. Falkner looked at the gooey substance and followed it until it stopped.

It then transformed into a majestic pokemon. “Look, it is a pokemon!” Falkner shouted. The mysterious looking pokemon disappeared into the sky.

“What did it look like?” Fabrizio asked. “It had long gooey arms and well, a creepy looking face. I have no idea what it was! I have never seen it before in my life!” Falkner shouted.

“Hmm, seems strange, but we have to get going soon, so can we please battle?” Ryan whined. “Sure, just let me get my pokemon healed” Falkner replied.

They headed back to the gym after Falkner’s pokemon were healed. “I’m up first!” Len said as he held his pokeball in his hand. “Go Turtwig!” Len shouted.

Turtwig grinned and waited for Falkner to send out his pokemon. “Go Spearow!” he shouted.

“Turtwig, use Tackle!” Len said. Turtwig was running towards Spearow at high speed. “Spearow, fly into the air!” Falkner said.

Spearow made a quick turn and flew into the air, but Turtwig wasn’t going to give up this easily!

“Turtwig, jump!” Len said. Turtwig jumped into the air and grabbed Spearow by his claw. He brought him down to the ground and used a Tackle and then Razor Leaf attack making him fly backwards and getting knocked out.

“Spearow, come back!” Falkner commanded. “Now see my strongest pokemon!” Falkner shouted. He threw the pokeball into the air and a Pidgeotto glided out.

“Pidgeotto, use Whirlwind!” Falkner shouted. Pidgeotto made a big tornado around Turtwig and he hit the wall behind him.

“Turtwig, can you still fight?” Len asked. Turtwig’s eyes really told the verdict. “Come back Turtwig! Go Magby!” Len said.

Magby blasted an Ember attack and Pidgeotto easily dodged. “Is that all you’ve got?” Falkner said.

“Oh, this is just the beginning” Len smirked. Magby charged up his fire power. “Pidgeotto, how about we start rough! Use Wing Attack!” Falker commanded.

But Falkner didn’t know what Magby was saving. “Release!” Len shouted. Right before Pidgeotto crushed Magby with Wing Attack, Magby shot out a huge Ember of all the fire power he was saving.

It burned Pidgeotto’s wing and it fell to the ground, badly injured. “Can you fight more?” Falkner asked.

Pidgeotto got up and nodded. “Alright, this is it! You either win or lose! Show your true strength! Brave Bird!” Falkner shouted.

Pidgeotto’s body started to shine. It flew up into the air and then zoomed towards Magby. “Magby, Smog!” Len said.

Pidgeotto’s shine was lost in the heavy smog. Pidgeotto couldn’t realize where he was going and his whole Brave Bird attack plan failed.

Pidgeotto crashed into the wall and the re-coil was unimaginable damage. Pidgeotto fainted.

“You fought well, Len. I’ll use different pokemon when I fight your friends! I don’t want to keep healing and coming back. Well, here is your Zephyr Badge!” said Falkner as he handed it over to Len.

“Ya, I got a Zephyr Badge! In your face, Z and Ryan! Oh, what now? You can’t get some of this, oh!” Len said immaturely.

“So, who’s up next?” Falkner asked. “That’d be me” Fabrizio said. He walked up to the heated arena.

“I’ll choose this set of pokemon for our battle! Go Starly!” Falkner shouted. “Go Scyther!” Fabrizio said.

“This better be an interesting battle” Fabrizio mumbled to himself, thinking of the first move he’d use.

OK, this is Len's gym battle. The next chapter will be Fabrizio's gym battle and last but not least, Ryan's gym battle will be Ch. 11. Alright, so comment and leave anything that you saw was either grammatically wrong or just plain weird. (There should be nothing out of the ordinary in this chapter)
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