PokeBeach's February 2017 TCG Cup, Sponsored by TCGPlayer.com!

  • Are you a PokeBeach premium member? Yes
  • What is your PTCGO screen name? TheCrusader4
  • What timezone do you live in? EST
  • Did you make at least three non-tournament posts on PokeBeach in January? If not, do you promise to do that this month? We want to see you around the community! Yes, and yes!
  • Are you a PokeBeach premium member? - Yes!
  • What is your PTCGO screen name? - Coolpilot
  • What timezone do you live in? - Pacific Standard Time/PST (UTC-8)
  • Did you make at least three non-tournament posts on PokeBeach in January? If not, do you promise to do that this month? We want to see you around the community! - No, I don't think I had three last month, but yes, I promise to post more.
  • Are you a PokeBeach premium member? No

  • What is your PTCGO screen name? superdan151

  • What timezone do you live in? (If you do not know your time zone, check out a World Clock such as this one. For example, California’s time zone is “Pacific (GMT/UTC-8).”) EST, Toronto more specifically

  • Did you make at least three non-tournament posts on PokeBeach in January? If not, do you promise to do that this month? We want to see you around the community! Of course I did, and yes I will post more than last month as ususal ;)
  • Are you a PokeBeach premium member? Yes
  • What is your PTCGO screen name? SummerDaze
  • What timezone do you live in? (If you do not know your time zone, check out a World Clocksuch as this one. For example, California’s time zone is “Pacific (GMT/UTC-8).”) Eastern (GMT-5)
  • Did you make at least three non-tournament posts on PokeBeach in January? If not, do you promise to do that this month? We want to see you around the community! No, but I will.
  • Are you a PokeBeach premium member? No
  • What is your PTCGO screen name? ozzie347
  • What timezone do you live in? (If you do not know your time zone, check out a World Clocksuch as this one. For example, California’s time zone is “Pacific (GMT/UTC-8).”) GMT-5
  • Did you make at least three non-tournament posts on PokeBeach in January? If not, do you promise to do that this month? We want to see you around the community! No, only started playing recently and only signed up this month on PokeBeach. Will be around.
  • Are you a PokeBeach premium member? No
  • What is your PTCGO screen name? Itanchingco
  • What timezone do you live in? (If you do not know your time zone, check out a World Clock such as this one. For example, California’s time zone is “Pacific (GMT/UTC-8).”) GMT+8
  • Did you make at least three non-tournament posts on PokeBeach in January? If not, do you promise to do that this month? We want to see you around the community! Nope and yes
  • Are you a PokeBeach premium member? No
  • What is your PTCGO screen name? Sephiriad
  • What timezone do you live in? (If you do not know your time zone, check out a World Clock such as this one. For example, California’s time zone is “Pacific (GMT/UTC-8).”) EST -5
  • Did you make at least three non-tournament posts on PokeBeach in January? If not, do you promise to do that this month? We want to see you around the community! No. I most certainly will promise to!
  • Are you a PokeBeach premium member? yes
  • What is your PTCGO screen name? rotomboyz
  • What timezone do you live in? (If you do not know your time zone, check out a World Clock such as this one. For example, California’s time zone is “Pacific (GMT/UTC-8).”) UTC-6:00
  • Did you make at least three non-tournament posts on PokeBeach in January? If not, do you promise to do that this month? We want to see you around the community! No, but I promise I will!
  • Are you a PokeBeach premium member? Yes
  • What is your PTCGO screen name? grantm2001
  • What timezone do you live in? (If you do not know your time zone, check out a World Clock such as this one. For example, California’s time zone is “Pacific (GMT/UTC-8).”) EST
  • Did you make at least three non-tournament posts on PokeBeach in January? If not, do you promise to do that this month? We want to see you around the community! No, I can try.
  • Are you a PokeBeach premium member? no
  • What is your PTCGO screen name? marcos_dmmj
  • What timezone do you live in? EST
  • Did you make at least three non-tournament posts on PokeBeach in January? If not, do you promise to do that this month? We want to see you around the community! No, but I can do this month
  • Are you a PokeBeach premium member? No
  • What is your PTCGO screen name? Marcus503
  • What timezone do you live in? (If you do not know your time zone, check out a World Clock such as this one. For example, California’s time zone is “Pacific (GMT/UTC-8).”) pacific got/utc 8
  • Did you make at least three non-tournament posts on PokeBeach in January? If not, do you promise to do that this month? We want to see you around the community! Might've posted one but will post more this month
Ps I was on the overflow list from last month
  • Are you a PokeBeach premium member? - No
  • What is your PTCGO screen name? wwhh62
  • What timezone do you live in? Pacific (GMT/UTC-8).
  • Did you make at least three non-tournament posts on PokeBeach in January? If not, do you promise to do that this month? We want to see you around the community! I did, I plan to again this month!
  • Are you a PokeBeach premium member? No
  • What is your PTCGO screen name? italosreis
  • What timezone do you live in? GMT -4
  • Did you make at least three non-tournament posts on PokeBeach in January? If not, do you promise to do that this month? Not, but i promise that i'll do this month
  • Are you a PokeBeach premium member? No
  • What is your PTCGO screen name? McCvoys
  • What timezone do you live in? (If you do not know your time zone, check out a World Clock such as this one. For example, California’s time zone is “Pacific (GMT/UTC-8).”) EST
  • Did you make at least three non-tournament posts on PokeBeach in January? Possibly
  • If not, do you promise to do that this month?
  • want to see you around the community! Can doo.
  • Are you a PokeBeach premium member? no
  • What is your PTCGO screen name? ShadySjin
  • What timezone do you live in? (If you do not know your time zone, check out a World Clocksuch as this one. For example, California’s time zone is “Pacific (GMT/UTC-8).”) CST/ Central
  • Did you make at least three non-tournament posts on PokeBeach in January? If not, do you promise to do that this month? We want to see you around the community! Nope, I've not been around much the past few months. But I will be this month!
  • Are you a PokeBeach premium member? No
  • What is your PTCGO screen name? vivek8086
  • What timezone do you live in? IST (GMT + 5;30)
  • Did you make at least three non-tournament posts on PokeBeach in January? Yes
  • Are you a PokeBeach premium member?: I will be in a couple weeks!
  • What is your PTCGO screen name?: austincrediblle with 2 l's
  • What timezone do you live in? (If you do not know your time zone, check out a World Clock such as this one. For example, California’s time zone is “Pacific (GMT/UTC-8).”): Central time zone.
  • Did you make at least three non-tournament posts on PokeBeach in January? If not, do you promise to do that this month? We want to see you around the community!: I pinky promise I will make a bunch of posts this month!
Hey guys. I'm back for February and I have just a couple things to mention.

1. The grace period for showing up late has been reduced to 15 minutes. It isn't fair to force your opponent to sit there for 30 minutes and then play your match out on top of it. When you schedule a time to battle, you need to commit to it. It's disrespectful to your opponent to blow them off. Players need to be more punctual, so you only need to wait 15 minutes before taking the win. But realistically this won't affect any of you because you're all good little boys and girls who would never do such a thing, right? :)

2. Players need to be more proactive in scheduling matches. More often than not, when I get added to a conversation, the first thing I see is "hey when can you play" or something vague like that. When pairings go up, your number one goal should be to get your match scheduled as fast as possible. The sooner you get your match done, the sooner you can relax for the remainder of the round. If you don't at least offer your opponent some times where you're available, you're just slowing things down. Even if your opponent responds with times they can fight, you're still going to have to respond back to them with an acceptable time anyway, so cut out the middleman, take charge, and tell your opponent when you can battle. Make them respond to you instead of the other way around. (As I've said before, if I need to award an activity win, your case will have more weight if I see that you were proactive and not relying on your opponent to spoon feed you a time to fight.)

3. On that same note, don't be lazy. If you're paired up with someone who is in a time zone and you don't know how to convert it into your own time zone, don't just ask them to convert it for you. Google it. It takes two seconds. I forget how far certain time zones are from CST all the time, so I just type in "est to cst" into Google, for example, and bam, I see it's an hour ahead. Remember, your goal should be to get your matches scheduled ASAP. Don't waste your time and your opponent's time by doing something that could be solved with a ten-second Google search.

4. Submit feedback, please! I wish I could say that the changes to the tournament prize structure was my idea, but nope. Things like the 15-minute grace period and more streamlined rules for scheduling a match were implemented as a direct result of feedback to the staff from both myself and you all. So while I've got you here, I'd like to invite you all to PM me any feedback you have about how the tournament is run in general. If you have any suggestions on how to improve your tournament experience overall, I'd love to hear them.

5. You have four days to complete each round. This was mentioned in the OP but it's worth mentioning again because it's not the norm and there were a couple times last month where people seemed to forget the deadline for the round. All the deadlines for every round of the tournament are listed as plain as day in the OP, so you should never be caught off guard.

Quick question, when do we have to have become Premium members by to count for the tournament? Is it by the time I write this post, or start of the first round? I'm thinking about it, as are others I'm sure with the extra prizes on the line. If it's by the time I write this post I'll wait till next month, otherwise I still have some time for an impulse registration!

6. You get premium rewards as long as you are premium by the time round one starts, even if it happens after you sign up! You are more than welcome to purchase a subscription during the registration period, and it will make you eligible for the increased prizes during that month. No waiting needed. All you have to do is inform the Tournament Organizer (TO) (that's me this month) and your registration will be adjusted accordingly. @Nemesis1125

7. How have you not made three posts last month??? Newbies get a pass cause y'all're new, but the rest of you have no excuse. It doesn't take long to make a post somewhere. Our community is a bunch of pretty cool dudes and dudettes and I wouldn't have been here for as long as I have if it wasn't for the super chill community. No matter what aspects of Pokemon you're involved in, PokeBeach has something for you. Even if (especially if) you just play TCG.

8. We're already almost full! That's awesome. Please continue to sign up regardless. If you don't get a spot in this month's tournament, you will get priority registration for March if you mention this in your signup post. Don't get discouraged if you don't get a spot!...Alternatively, if you really want to play in this month's tournament, you can buy a subscription and guarantee yourself a spot.

Okay, that's all.

For those whose PTCGO username is not the same as their PokeBeach username, their PTCGO username will be found in parentheses following the PokeBeach username. As always, make sure your PTCGO username is correct. I won't be adding them to Challonge because there is no point in doing so. Should make the pairings list look a little cleaner, too.

Premium competitors:

  1. uncleyuri
  2. lt_tatter (lttatter)
  3. WastedSkyPirate
  4. Serperior (EspeonRox)
  5. MrCooper91
  6. Kyoushiro44
  7. killrnite
  8. Trixss
  9. Arneboy11
  10. PwnzorProd
  11. Dave Sontag (davesontag)
  12. My Little Keldeo
  13. Ceraphrim (Nephalite)
  14. Frosstoise
  15. normanc (TheCrusader4)
  16. Coolpilot
  17. SummerDaze
  18. Valyria (Sephiriad)
  19. Game_Loss (rotomboyz)
  20. grantm1999 (grantm2001)
  21. DaGod503 (Marcus503)
  22. BugTrainer (McCvoys)
  23. austincredible76 (austincrediblle)


  1. rainyman123
  2. theprp3
  3. ChuckP33
  4. flying-casual
  5. Ken Masters (Ken_Masters)
  6. Typhlosion17 (megaampharoas)
  7. Megaboy335
  8. Mariano11887
  9. Leandro_Altaria (LeoAlty)
  10. TheGuardian118
  11. jessalakasam (Trainerdylan19)
  12. josie0001
  13. Mazo (Mazo90)
  14. olivasds
  15. Silvant (WaaS)
  16. Nemesis1125
  17. Jenna573
  18. PikaMasterJesi (Master_Chuchu)
  19. Elbow (Elliot4me)
  20. Klein Houmani (flying-pichu)
  21. Calcab (Gabe014)
  22. Gible06 (Pokemon1050889)
  23. Chi-Town Master (Machamp-101)
  24. Jake_Silberman
  25. superdan51
  26. ozzie347
  27. Adrian9 (Itachingco)
  28. Marcos Denis (marcos_dmmj)
  29. Kamato (Arceas060105)
  30. The_Wolfgangsta (wwhh62)
  31. ItaloReis (italosreis)
  32. Sjin (ShadySjin)
  33. Vivek (vivek8086)

Open spots: 8

@Valyria @lt_tatter @uncleyuri I noticed you were also on the overflow list from January, so I've taken the liberty of including you as priority registration. Enjoy that sweet, sweet guaranteed spot!

If you have any questions, let me know. Looking forward to another smooth tourney.
Don't forget to send me your deck lists! You can send them at any time between now and the end of round one, although if you don't have priority registration and you're pretty far down on the signup list, I'd wait until signups are finalized until you send it. I personally like to wait until after I've played my round one match since I never know what deck I'm gonna use. Whatever method works for you is fine, just don't forget!!!!!
  • Are you a PokeBeach premium member? I am not :(
  • What is your PTCGO screen name? Ra2terra
  • What timezone do you live in? (If you do not know your time zone, check out a World Clock such as this one. For example, California’s time zone is “Pacific (GMT/UTC-8).”) EST
  • Did you make at least three non-tournament posts on PokeBeach in January? If not, do you promise to do that this month? We want to see you around the community! I did not but I promise!