Pokebeach on PS3.


Loving Wifi in my life...
Anyone use it on PS3? I just first used it on there today, shame it looks so cramped. Quite shocked it was on there though, being able to see it on my TV! :)
If you think that's bad, try browsing on a PSP. It's absolute murder.
I remember when I used to browse the internet on PS3 and PSP as an alternative to using the PC (if someone else was using it or if I just couldn't be bothered). I just look back at it now and think wow, it's so much easier on an iPod/iPhone.

But to answer your question no, I have not. I haven't used my PS3 in a while actually...I should really.
Lol, just went on my PS3 and checked this out. It looks horrible. Shame...shame, shame, shame.

Edit; I got a widescreen TV, so that makes it look worse );
10 years? Seems a little extreme o_O Also, I don't get why the fans are so upset over this? o_O
1. Don't know where you got 10 years from.
2. We're hardly that upset, just stating that PB forums looks bad on PS3.
DSi Browsing? *shudder*
Wii browsing? "So...you wanna go out later?"
360 browsing? "What d'you say?"
PS3 browsing? "I..Ca..I can't see"
PSP browsing? *squint*
PC browsing? "It's the only thing that works!"