PokeBeach Album Club

I guess I'll go ahead and post my review since no one else has done so yet. I'm exhausted so I hope this turns out alright.


I chose this album because it's my favorite album of all time- about an hour of the finest slab of proggy, alt-rock goodness that's ever been made.

In my personal opinion and as a guitar player, it's one of the best guitar sounds that has ever been recorded, with layers upon layers of distorted and crunchy yet creamy overdubs. Throw a solid handful of ungodly, face-melting solos in there. It's absolutely gorgeous and Billy Corgan's wailing vocals fit flawlessly with each and every song. I actually bought a Big Muff Pi because of this album, as it was used heavily during the production.

The tone of the album ranges from hard rock (Quiet, Cherub Rock, Geek U.S.A) to emotional ballads (Spaceboy, Disarm, Luna) to explosive combinations of the two (Today, Mayonaise, Hummer). There is not a single filler track on the album. I cannot choose a favorite.

Not sure what else to say. 10/10. Will probably be the best review I ever give on any album.
An overall solid and consistent album. Not as strong as it could, I believe it had even greater potential, but it's still a good album nonetheless. Music is very good, and so are vocals; it's unfortunate that the quality of the recording is kinda lacking, causing a few problems to the overall structure. 7/10.
Pretty solid. I liked it, but it just wasn't my thing. I don't really have much to say. I liked how it had like no filler tracks.

7/10 should probably give it a relisten some day.
Given I won't be able to write up a proper review, I'm just gonna put some words here.

I liked it. I really liked it, it was pretty great, nice riffs, sick drums and solid vocals. It doesn't excel too far, but it does what it needs very well.

Strong 7/10
I can't write a good review right now sorry :/

7.5/10 It is just a very solid album all around. It is good enough for me to give it is a 7, but not good enough to get an 8.
Sorry, but I don't have time to write a good review right now :S

Somewhat good album, a little bit too grungish for my taste. Vocals are good.
damn that album made me sad. wow.

7 out of 10, good at what it does but maybe not something I'd listen to as often, mostly because most of the tracks are just ambient noise behind the singer.

Favorite tracks: Bear, Two, Shiva, Epilogue (coincidentally the tracks with the least amount of ambient noise on the album.)
Always been a huge fan of this album. So much raw emotion in the lyrics that can touch even the most depraved people. While Peter's vocal ability can often be cited as a downside to the album (often criticized as him having his mouth full of saliva while singing) I see it as a plus side. Much like Jeff Mangum's singing on "In The Aeroplane Over The Sea" it's filled with so much emotion and passion that you accept what is being presented to you.

There's nothing I really dislike about the album, it paints a beautifully tragic relationship with strong lyricism, fitting instrumentation and raw emotion.

FAV TRACKS: Antropy, Thirteen, Epilogue
It has feeling, that's for sure. The vocals aren't that good, but you can really see the singer's soul and intention. The music can be rather bland at times though, in some cases I actually found myself forgetting I was listening to something.

Very calm and relaxing album, maybe a bit too calm for me. Vocals were kind of boring and dull, and didn't like them that much, but I like how the album tells a story, even though I didn't pay that much attention to the lyrics. I definitely have to listen the album with thought again.
6,5/10 would listen again.
Wow. I have never listened to anything by the Antlers, but after listening I really feel like I should. Overall the album has a really cool feel to it. I loved the whole Dreamy feel the album had. It is hard to pick a song I love the most. It would probably come down to Kettering, Slyvia, Bear, or Two. It is just an all around solid album, and I am glad you choose it ;D

A very solid 9. I would go far enough to give it a really strong 9 to a 10, but I wouldn't say it is on the same level as albums I would give 10s :L
I think I still have to post my review on my album.

9/10 maybe an 8. It's g8, m8.

Might update this post with my Black Sabbath review, might just make a new post.
Well, looks like this was forgotten.

Black Sabbath pioneered heavy metal. Sporting an amazing setup of great artists, their first album might still seem a bit raw, but the-at that time-new sound is expressed perfectly through a number of great songs. The album does have its weak points; overall though it's a solid piece of work and a reference for heavy sound everywhere.

Listened to it a while back, but forgot to post my review! My bad, been pretty busy lately.

I've always liked Black Sabbath. My dad and my uncle, especially, are pretty big fans and I've listened to a lot of their music throughout my life.
Not a massive fan of Ozzy's voice, but the guitar tone throughout the album is really, really nice just like in most of Sabbath's music.
I'd give some of their later work a better rating, but a solid album nonetheless.

I totally forgot about this. BS is a great album and considering it was produced at the start of the Heavy Metal movement it has aged incredibly well. The guitar throughout the album has great tone, something I really enjoy. I don't have any tracks I've gravitated to, they're all pretty nice.
