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RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

I don't buy the photoshop claim. I think this guy just doesn't want to get in trouble. That Hawklucha pic was too "well-done" but that's just my opinion
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

SavvyJackal said:
Why do I have this weird feeling that he's actually lying about Photoshopping it? lol

im studying design and stuff i love pokemon i lov epokebeach
it was just a bad joke
cant wait to play XY
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

rdecargh said:
ahhah sorry it was so funny
but i still love ya
sorry bye i t was a boring sunday
sorry bie

This guy made a new account just to post these pictures, guys.

While I want to believe they are fake, they could still be very real. He could of found them from 4chan or another website for example and then just made the account to say he created the pictures.
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

Anthony Quintessenza said:
rdecargh said:
ahhah sorry it was so funny
but i still love ya
sorry bye i t was a boring sunday
sorry bie

This guy made a new account just to post these pictures, guys.

While I want to believe they are fake, they could still be very real. He could of found them from 4chan or another website for example and then just made the account to say he created the pictures.

He most definitely didn't find them anywhere. Pokebeach is the only website in the entire internets with these photos. Unless of course my $20 program is lying to me.
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

So.. how did he photoshop the overworld picture and the picture of Quilladin in battle, which we've never seen before?

The Quilladin was even nicknamed Dr. Mundo!
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

Stefan Cfc Pavlović said:
im glad its fake because it's aweful

im not a good artist i know
i took the bird for the previous fake leak and just create something messing up with the color lol
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

Stefan Cfc Pavlović said:
im glad its fake because it's aweful

I like Hawlucha, but not that other ... thing. It looks like a screwed up version of Lileep/Cradily to me. >_>
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

If we get that last photoshopped evolution, I'll stop bothering him with questions and requests. Because if things actually turn out to be true, I wouldn't want to get him into trouble (well, more than he might already be in if it's true). If it isn't, then at least we have a nice photoshop wiz among us and a pic of a fan evolution to enjoy :3
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

Wow those were some pretty legit fakes.
Anyway, noticed the Pokemon X and Y forums is getting flooded with a lot of people.
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

rdecargh said:
Stefan Cfc Pavlović said:
im glad its fake because it's aweful

im not a good artist i know
i took the bird for the previous fake leak and just create something messing up with the color lol

Bad artist eh?
You say this, but there have a lot of people debating if the part where you said it was just photoshop is actually the only lie you said. xD
If they are indeed fake, they are pretty good.
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

This smells an awful lot like a hasty cover-up attempt.

For what it's worth, I checked the images with one of those jpeg compression analyzer things, and there wasn't any kind of weird distortion around the pokemons (or anywhere else, for that matter).
Our leaker here would have to be a pretty damn good photoshopper if these were indeed fake, since I can't find any weird parts in the images and the style of the pokemon matches the official pokes' looks', not to mention that the blurriness of the pokes seems to match that of the background elements.
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

Mia Vinje said:
Wow those were some pretty legit fakes.
Anyway, noticed the Pokemon X and Y forums is getting flooded with a lot of people.

Yeah. Some of them are probably people from other competing sites trying to get news on this guy's fakes.
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

rdecargh said:
SavvyJackal said:
Why do I have this weird feeling that he's actually lying about Photoshopping it? lol

im studying design and stuff i love pokemon i lov epokebeach
it was just a bad joke
cant wait to play XY

blink twice if game freak is making you say this. lol
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

MoonMachine said:
This smells an awful lot like a hasty cover-up attempt.

For what it's worth, I checked the images with one of those jpeg compression analyzer things, and there wasn't any kind of weird distortion around the pokemons (or anywhere else, for that matter).
Our leaker here would have to be a pretty damn good photoshopper if these were indeed fake, since I can't find any weird parts in the images and the style of the pokemon matches the official pokes' looks', not to mention that the blurriness of the pokes seems to match that of the background elements.
Possibly, could be some sort of coverup or he could telling the truth that he lied.
Anyway, I'll be surprised if these are actually in the game, though I doubt it.
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

I don't think these are fake. the overworld picture with the rocks matches an area on the actual map.
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

Nah, these are real. No way could he have faked these. Just trying to avoid Nintendo's wrath.
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

Holy ... Pretty great photoshopped. But why do I have such an odd feeling, like you'd told us a lie even twice? Second time with saying, you'd have photoshopped it, nah..?
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