Writing Pokémon Max's Story: The PMC VS. The LPC Seventeen! COMPLETE!!!

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RE: Pokémon Max's Story: The PMC VS. The LPC Seventeen! CHAPTER 20 POSTED!!!!! Chapter 21 underway!!!!!!!

Boracay_Jason said:
When's the next chapter?

soon, its halfway done, i'm just really busy this weekend. i may get it up later tonight or tomorrow
RE: Pokémon Max's Story: The PMC VS. The LPC Seventeen! CHAPTER 20 POSTED!!!!! Chapter 21 underway!!!!!!!

:/ Thats odd, the main characters have pokemon from my final team either with them or in reserve lol
RE: Pokémon Max's Story: The PMC VS. The LPC Seventeen! CHAPTER 20 POSTED!!!!! Chapter 21 underway!!!!!!!

So we are all looking forward for this new Chapter, keep it comin Max, good work so far!!!
RE: Pokémon Max's Story: The PMC VS. The LPC Seventeen! CHAPTER 20 POSTED!!!!! Chapter 21 underway!!!!!!!

Lolsorry for not being online.. But next time... IM SURE SO EXCITED FOR THE NNEXT CHAPTER WOHOO! HOPE IT COMES OUT!
RE: Pokémon Max's Story: The PMC VS. The LPC Seventeen! CHAPTER 20 POSTED!!!!! Chapter 21 underway!!!!!!!

sorry, i've been having some personal problems.....but i'm here and i will have the next chapter soon.

RE: Pokémon Max's Story: The PMC VS. The LPC Seventeen! CHAPTER 20 POSTED!!!!! Chapter 21 underway!!!!!!!

Chapter 21: A Magma Storm!

Max had been climbing Stark Mountain, only bringing Jason with him.
“So Max,” said Jason, “Heard you saw your dad again?”
“Yeah,” said Max.
“You sound less than thrilled.”
“Ever since I came back, he’s been keeping something from me.”
“Well, I’m sure he has his reasons.”
As they climbed the mountain, a huge, molten boulder crashed down in front of them, knocking them off the face of the mountain!
“Go, Charizard!” yelled Max. Charizard caught Max and Jason and then flew them up to the top of the mountain.
“Look,” said Jason, pointing at the top of the mountain. There where chunks of magma blasting out at inconsistent intervals, and there was no lava flow.
“Hey Jason,” said Max.
“Yeah?” Jason replied.
“Ever gone inside of an active volcano?”
“No, why?”
“Straight for the mouth, Charizard!”
Charizard went towards the mouth of the volcano, and Jason yelled, “You’re mad!”
“This is no time for flattery!” said Max.
At they nose dived in and found two giant Pokémon, both very angry.
The duo hopped off and Charizard roared at them.
The slightly larger of the two roared back.
After five minutes of communicating, Charizard turned to Max and Jason, and began a game of charades.
First, he made a gesture of holding a baby, and then pointed at the two Pokémon. Then, he made a gesture of a fat man taking the baby and running off.
“Spike,” said Jason, “He must’ve taken their baby, and now they are angry!”
“Jason, take a picture of these two and send it to Ricky so he can give us more info on them,” said Max, “Charizard, tell them to calm down, and we’ll find their baby.”
Charizard did so, and the duo left for the base.

Back in Ricky’s office…
“Okay,” said Ricky, “This is Heatran, a Steel-Fire-Type. It was always thought that there was only one, but it turns out, there are in fact two; a male and a female. However, what Charizard described as a “baby” is actually the Magma Rock. The rock is like Heatran’s life force. If they don’t have the rock, they will die within a year’s time.”
“Have we located their base?” asked Max.
“Jay and Shadow went out yesterday to look for it….they haven’t contacted us yet.”
“Not like them to do something like that,” said Jason.
“Agreed,” said Max, “Ricky, download their last known coordinates to my PokéGear. Jason, let’s roll!”

Within the hour, Max was on his Charizard flying next to Jason on his Pidgeot heading towards the west.
“Hey,” said Jason, “What’s with that building?”
Max looked to where Jason was, and saw, in the middle of nowhere, a warehouse.
They landed in the brush and returned their Pokémon. They snuck into an open door, and looked down. It was a building that went several stories underground, and only the walls were lined with floors. If someone fell over the railing, they’d be dead in an instant.
On the bottom, they saw a huge table with Cinder and Spike sitting at it.
Max put a small device in his ear that Ricky had designed to hear things far away.
“So,” said Spike, “All we gotta do is return this rock to Stark Mountain, and then tell the press we captured it from the thieves! We’ll be heroes!”
“That is amazing,” said Cinder, “I can’t believe you thought up of it! Did you lock up those two PMC morons?”
“Yep, they’re in the basement!”
“Thanks!” yelled Max.
He and Jason sent out their flyers and swooped down. Charizard grabbed the rock, which was extremely hot, even for him, and Jason ordered a FeatherDance to distract the LPC.
“Go,” said Max, “Furret!”
Furret popped out, and Max yelled, “Use Hyper Beam!”
Furret blasted a hole in the ground, and when Max looked in, he saw the attack barely missed his friends!
“You’re lucky I’m a psychic!” yelled Shadow.
“Shut up and get up here!” yelled Max.
Now, every LPC goon was out and attacking them.
One managed to snatch the rock from Charizard, but then Shadow’s Salamence grabbed it in his mouth, only to be knocked down by Spike’s Skarmory. As it rolled along the floor, Jason’s Pidgeot grabbed it in his talons.
But, Jay’s Starmie mistook Jason’s Pidgeot for an LPC’s, and Hydro Pumped him out of the air. Max’s Charizard caught Pidgeot and Max said, “Go, Aggron!”
Aggron came out, and as he was about to grab the rock, he noticed Jason, and began charging at him!
“NOT AGAIN!” yelled Jason.
Cinder’s Typhlosion Picked up the rock and ran up the stairs and out side.
He was followed by Max’s Furret, who Hyper Beamed him into the woods. The four PMC members and two LPC members ran out and circled the rock.
“On the count of three,” said Shadow.
“One,” said Jay.
“Two,” said Spike.
And before Cinder said three, Max lunged and grabbed the rock in his gloved hands, and the chucked it high into the air, where it was caught by Lizardon, who flew off towards the PMC base.
“See ya!” yelled Max. The gang returned their Pokémon that couldn’t fly, and then Jay sent out his Altaria, and they flew off.

Back at base…
“Good job,” said Abad, “All that’s left is convincing those Pokémon to come here.”
“Yep,” said Max, “I sent Jason to do it, he was more than happy to.”
They felt the earth shaking, and looked outside, where they saw the two Heatran following Jason, who was hauling the Magma Stone on a cart being pulled by his Gengar.
“Looks like he’s back,” said Max.
“You know,” said Abad, “He’s a bit strange, but I’m glad to have him around.”
“So, what’s next on the ‘List of Legends’?”
“Hm…” Abad looked at his computer to see if he had gotten any e-mails, “Well, I received word from Snowpoint about some unusual happenings in a temple there, …want to check it out?”
“Sure, hopefully it’s not too dangerous…”
RE: Pokémon Max's Story: The PMC VS. The LPC Seventeen! CHAPTER 21 POSTED!!!!! Chapter 22 underway!!!!!!!

Going after regigigas, next, huh? Anyway, nice chapter :D
RE: Pokémon Max's Story: The PMC VS. The LPC Seventeen! CHAPTER 21 POSTED!!!!! Chapter 22 underway!!!!!!!

Chapter 21: o_O Off With the PMC's Head?!?!? o_O

Max and Shadow headed out to the newly discovered path, and while the route leading there was fully of sunshine, the path slowly became enveloped in a thick, dense fog.
“I can’t see a thing!” Max said, frustrated.
“Here,” said Shadow, “Salamence, Defog!”
Her Salamence flapped his powerful wings and cleared the fog. There was a small yet rocky mountain in a large clearing.
“Let’s get climbing,” said Shadow.
Once up the hill, there was an opening in the center, but it was impossible to tell what was in it or how deep it was, as it was covered in fog.
Max reached down and grabbed a rock; he threw it in. About five seconds later, there was a splash.
“It’s a lake,” said Max, “Looks about the same size as Acuity.”
“I thought there were only three lakes?” asked Shadow.
“And I thought when I came back from training, I’d settle down in a nice cabin at Lake of Rage; thinking is just bad. So, is there a cave or something somewhere?”
Then, they heard the cries of some tiny Pokémon, who came rushing out of a small cave. One was a green turtle, another a blue penguin, and the third was a blue and black cat.
They all ran and hid behind Max’s legs.
“Hey,” said Max, “Look these little guys up, would ya?”
Shadow opened a PokéDex, and it classified the green one as Turtwig, the blue one as Piplup, and the blue/black one as Shinx.
“I wonder what’s wrong with them?” asked Shadow.
Then, a mischievous laugh erupted from the cave, and the entrance exploded!
Whiro walked out, leading a giant Pokémon with one of the other LPC members on the Pokémon’s head!
“Behold!” said Whiro, “Giratina and his master, Coffin!”
“Why do I got this bad urge to run?” asked Max.
“Because we really should,” said Shadow.
Max sent out Charizard, scooped up the three Pokémon, and they were off faster than Zapdos.

Halfway back, Max got a call on his PokéGear.
“Yeah?!?” Max answered.
“Max, it’s Abad,” said Abad, “We have some legendary problems back home, the Regis up and left the main base!”
“We got bigger problems! Have Ricky find out EVERYTHING on Giratina, because the thing is on its way to the base to kill us!!!!”

They landed at base, and the whole gang was there, ready for a fight.
“Okay,” said Ricky to Max and Shadow as they got their Pokémon into position, “Giratina is a Ghost-Dragon-Type. Obviously, Ghost, Dark, and Dragon-type moves would be ideal for taking him down.”
“Yeah,” said Max, “Wait until you SEE the thing!”
Giratina appeared on the horizon, quite small.
“It ain’t so bad,” said Ricky. Then, Giratina approached quickly and grew in size fast.
“Idiot,” said Shadow.
“Masters!” yelled Abad, “ATTACK!!!!!!”
“Ominous Wind!” yelled Coffin in an eerie voice.
The wind wiped out EVERY Pokémon and their trainer!

The gang had been put into cells, and their Pokémon locked away elsewhere. Max sat by Shadow who was hit hard, and was still knocked out.
She finally came to, and said, “They are on their way.”
“Who?” asked Max.
“I don’t know; it was all I got out of my vision….”
“We can’t stand by and do nothing,” said Abad.
“What do you suggest?” asked James, “We have no Pokémon.”
“Ricky, can you use Max’s PokéGear to take a satellite out of orbit?”
“Yeah, but it’d have to be one of ours…they are the only ones I can access without hacking, and without my computer…” said Ricky.
Max tossed his PokéGear to Ricky, who immediately got to work.
Max then sat down next to Lindsey.
“You okay?” he asked.
“Like you’d know…” she replied, “You are never around. I understand your job, but Abad told me he offered you time off…why’d you decline?”
“I have this strange feeling…ever since I found out my dad is keeping something from me, I feel like I have to do all this…I’m asking you to trust me…”
“Okay…but this gut feeling of yours better be right…”
“When has it been wrong?”
“Oh no,” said Ricky, “Battery died…”
“Great,” said Max, “How do we get out?”
There was suddenly a loud banging noise outside the building. They looked out a barred window and saw the Regis pounding away!
“See?” said Shadow, “Told you they were on their way!”
Then, Registeel broke through, and the gang got out. Regirock cam around from the side of the building with a sack of PokéBalls, and gave it to Abad.
“But how did they know?” asked Abad.
“Guys,” said James, “I don’t think they came to rescue us initially.”
“What makes you say that?” asked Jay.
“THAT!” he pointed beyond the building, and the gang saw a giant Regi!
“Regigigas…” Max muttered.
“What?” asked Shadow.
“When I was little, I mean really little, I remember my real dad saying two words; one was Regigigas…he knew about this Pokémon his whole life….”
“Is it on our side?” asked Abad.
Then, Regigigas knelt onto one knee and bowed before Max.
“That’s just weird…” said Jay, “Even for Max.”
“I think the answer is yes, Abad,” said Max.
“So you escaped!” yelled Coffin, who flew in on Giratina, “Shadow Claw that Regi!”
Giratina charged Regigigas, and then Max yelled, “Ice Punch!”
Regigigas slammed an icy fist into Giratina, sending him flying backwards.
“Aura Sphere!” yelled Coffin. The Fighting-Type move hit with a power to topple buildings, and send Regigigas to the ground.
“Dragon Claw!” yelled Coffin.
“Zen Headbutt!” yelled Max.
AS Giratina came diving down, Regigigas shot up and head butted him on the head, and a small device came flying off Giratina’s head.
“Mind control!” exclaimed Ricky.
Giratina looked at his legendary opponent, then turned to Coffin.
“I should run,” said Coffin in a high squeaky voice.
“Ominous Wind,” said Shadow.
Giratina used his attack to send Coffin and his goons into the horizon.
“Well,” said Max, “That went…well…?”
“C’mon you big lugs!” said Jason, “We got a nice, safe spot for ya!”
They gang went into the base and began reconstruction…again…
RE: Pokémon Max's Story: The PMC VS. The LPC Seventeen! CHAPTER 22 POSTED!!!!! Chapter 23 underway!!!!!!!

Hahaha that was funny... Weird but funny... hahah good chapter*S*
RE: Pokémon Max's Story: The PMC VS. The LPC Seventeen! CHAPTER 22 POSTED!!!!! Chapter 23 underway!!!!!!!

hey, Ricky should'a of known that, but anyways goood!!!!!!

Keep 'em comin Max!!!
RE: Pokémon Max's Story: The PMC VS. The LPC Seventeen! CHAPTER 22 POSTED!!!!! Chapter 23 underway!!!!!!!

Nice ending line Max. Giratina and Regigigas make an interesting combination for the story. As always, I loved it and I can't wait to see more.
RE: Pokémon Max's Story: The PMC VS. The LPC Seventeen! CHAPTER 22 POSTED!!!!! Chapter 23 underway!!!!!!!

sorry about the long delay on the Cresselia chapter....it's a painful one to write out at this moment in time for personal reasons, that, when i post it, you will quickly understand.
RE: Pokémon Max's Story: The PMC VS. The LPC Seventeen! CHAPTER 22 POSTED!!!!! Chapter 23 underway!!!!!!!

Awww.... Well take your time... We are not rushing (but we wish it won't be closed) :D I am excited to read it...
RE: Pokémon Max's Story: The PMC VS. The LPC Seventeen! CHAPTER 22 POSTED!!!!! Chapter 23 underway!!!!!!!

yeah ditto...it must be hard thinking of a way to make a chapter without copying the game (little boy, full moon isle, etc.). nice chaps.
RE: Pokémon Max's Story: The PMC VS. The LPC Seventeen! CHAPTER 22 POSTED!!!!! Chapter 23 underway!!!!!!!

Well I spoke to Max and he said he has school and stuff and some things to do..
And as you see his post above.it's painful writing it..So please everyone just stay tuned everytime and don't be impatient Don't worry he told me it will come out soon
RE: Pokémon Max's Story: The PMC VS. The LPC Seventeen! CHAPTER 22 POSTED!!!!! Chapter 23 underway!!!!!!!

Lol big lugs anyways good chapters
RE: Pokémon Max's Story: The PMC VS. The LPC Seventeen! CHAPTER 22 POSTED!!!!! Chapter 23 underway!!!!!!!

I look forward for a new chapter, but take your time and make it great.
RE: Pokémon Max's Story: The PMC VS. The LPC Seventeen! CHAPTER 22 POSTED!!!!! Chapter 23 underway!!!!!!!

Chapter 23: Once in a Cresselia Moon!

Max walked into Abad’s office. As he did, Abad said, “Sit down.”
Max sat across the desk from his friend, and he continued, “Max, we haven’t gotten reports for a few days…why don’t you take a vacation? Really short, I mean a week…just so you can unwind?”
“I don’t know…my mind has been racing ever since I used Regigigas in battle…did you see the way I handled him? I didn’t even know his attacks yet I did…”
“That’s why you’re third in command! You don’t need to know a Pokémon, and you can battle flawlessly! You know that it wouldn’t matter what Pokémon it was, you can mop the floor using it!...Look, take a week off and take Lindsey with you. I hear a week-long cruise is leaving today in a few hours from Canalave City. Fly over there and take the week off.”

“Um…” said Lindsey as she took her bags out to Charizard, who now had a special saddle on him; seated two and designed to carry cargo.
“Other than…you know…fleeing for our lives, I’ve never flown on Charizard for fun…”
“C’mon!” said Max, “You can’t tell me you don’t trust the Pokémon who’s been with me since I was five, can you?”
“Yes, yes I can.”
“Get on…”
Lindsey sat in front of Max so he could hold her and make her feel a little safer.

They arrived in Canalave City, and boarded the cruiser.
“Wow,” said Lindsey looking at their room, “This is awesome!”
“Attention passengers!” said a voice over the P.A. system, “Our first stop will be the rugged Iron Island, where you can dig up a fossil or two while we visit. We will arrive in approximately three hours.”
“So” said Lindsey, “We got three hours to kill.”
“Heard there is a huge pool on the main deck…” said Max.

After quickly throwing on their bathing suits, they were in the pool splashing around…of course, Charizard was less than thrilled and stayed in the room.
Lindsey went underwater, then accidentally breathed in the water!
Max dove under a grabbed her, and brought her onto the poolside. She coughed up some water and was okay.
“Thank you,” she said in a sweet voice.
“No problem,” said Max, “Let’s go dry off and get dressed, we’ll be there soon.”

“Attention passengers,” said the P.A., “We will now be docking at Iron Island to re-fuel. Please do some sightseeing. We will depart in five hours so you have plenty of time.”
Max and Lindsey went onshore and went to the fossil digging site.
They were each given a fossil digging set, and they dug away.
“Max,” said Lindsey, “Check this out!”
Lindsey dug up a full fossil of a Pokémon!
“Wow,” said Max, “An entire fossil! We can take this to Cinnabar Island, they have a fossil regeneration station there! You’ll have your own new Pokémon!”
“You keep it,” said Lindsey, “I want you to.”

After boarding the boat, they met the captain…Mr. Briney!
“Max!” he exclaimed.
Max saw his Wingull, nicknamed Peeko, sitting on his shoulder, and gave him a pat on the head.
“So,” said Lindsey, “Who is this?”
“Mr. Briney,” replied Max, “When I went to the Hoenn region for the first time, he gave me a nice boat to cruise the waters with.”
“And,” said Briney, “You wrecked it.”
“Sorry, but most things can’t stand a full-throttle Aeroblast.”
Lindsey just looked away. Max had never told her about that story before.
“So,” said Max, “Where’s the next destination?”
“Full Moon Island,” replied Briney, “Said to be home to a beautiful Psychic-Type Pokémon. It is said that once in a blue moon the Pokémon will appear only to two people who truly are meant to be together, and then bring them good luck for their whole lives!”

With Briney’s words echoing through his head, Max and Lindsey got off to look around Full Moon Island.
“This place is beautiful,” said Lindsey.
“Yeah,” said Max, “Untouched by modern civilization…people wonder why I go to far off places to train…the scenery is amazing…”
They continued to walk for twenty minutes until they found a pathway in the forest. They walked on the path for about a half hour, and they were in a clearing. In the center of the clearing was a wing that shined like the moon.
Then, Max’s PokéGear rang.
“Hello?” Max answered.
“It’s Ricky,” said Ricky, “Shadow is in the middle of some weird nightmare…she won’t wake up…”
“And do you know what to do?”
“I did some research. On Full Moon Island, there is an item called the Lunar Wing, said to awaken anyone from the deepest sleep. I looked at the coordinates from your pokegear, and saw you were on the island.”
“Max,” said Lindsey, “If Shadow’s in trouble, we’d better go.”
“Alright,” said Max, “Ricky, I’ll be back ASAP.”
“Alight! See you soon!”
“Max-Over and out!”
Max went to grab the Lunar Wing, and then was shot back by a psychic force field.
Groaning as he got up, he said, “I thought that looked too easy.”
Then, a pink Pokémon whose color reflected the light even brighter appeared, and released the force field.
“That’s the Pokémon,” said Lindsey.
Then, Max and Lindsey were filled with a strange sensation through their bodies.
Not even questioning what happened, Max and Lindsey hopped onto Charizard and flew off as fast as the Fire-Type could carry them.

They landed outside the base. Max returned Charizard, and rushed in with the Lunar Wing in hand.
“This way!” yelled Jay who was waiting by the elevator.
Max ran in and the duo waited for the elevator to reach the floor with the bedrooms.
They went into Shadow’s room, where Ricky was waiting.
A few seconds later, Abad and Lindsey came in.
Max approached his old friend, and could here her muttering something about a dark Pokémon…
Not entirely sure about what she was saying and wanting to know more, he forgot about it quickly and placed the Lunar Wing into Shadow’s hand.
There was nothing.
“Why won’t this work?” asked Ricky.
“Lindsey,” said Max, “Could you stay with her? We have to do some serious research.”
“Don’t worry, but hurry, who knows if this is fatal,” said Lindsey.
The guys ran to the elevator to go up to their library.

“No way…” said Ricky.
“What?” asked Max.
“According to this book, there is a Pokémon who can put people into a never ending sleep. The only way to awake them is the Lunar Wing.”
“Okay,” said Jay, “But we have the Lunar Wing and it did nothing.”
“Because Shadow is a psychic, remember?”
“Wait, that means that this Pokémon causing her dream is a Dark-Type?” asked Max.
“I believe so…see, it shows numerous powerful Psychic-Types being decimated by this Pokémon. I believe because it is in fact a Dark-Type, it has a stronger hold on its victims. Since Shadow does have psychic powers, it may have a stronger hold on her.”
“Is there any way to defeat this thing?”
“Get the legendary Cresselia herself to come and break the hold.”

Max ran into Shadow’s room where Lindsey was, and said, “We’re going back to Fullmoon Island.”

Along the way, Max explained to Lindsey they would have to find Cresselia and bring her back to the PMC.
They landed in the forest where they encountered the Pokémon before, and she appeared before them!
“Do you think she’ll listen to us?” asked Lindsey.
“Sure do…it’s one of those few, non-hostile legendaries, as far as I can tell…” said Max, “Cresselia! Please, we need you to come with us!”
Cresselia looked at the couple, and could tell their intentions were pure, and, using her psychic powers lifted the two onto her back and flew off towards the PMC HQ.

Once at the base, Cresselia lifted the sleep from Shadow, and Abad convinced the Psychic legendary to stay at the base.
Upon taking Cresselia to the vault with the other legendaries, James checked the egg, and it was moving!

RE: Pokémon Max's Story: The PMC VS. The LPC Seventeen! CHAPTER 23 POSTED!!!!! Chapter 24 underway!!!!!!!

Quite...i see why you might have had a few difficulties *wink*

anyway good chapter, just a tad rushed with the last paragraph...
RE: Pokémon Max's Story: The PMC VS. The LPC Seventeen! CHAPTER 23 POSTED!!!!! Chapter 24 underway!!!!!!!

Why I wonder what the egg would be...Anyways good Chapter!
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