ORAS Pokémon Contests in OR / AS

Aerodactyl said:
98Greener said:
Just. Please make them online. Or least have other people compete with you, locally.
It's boring competing against NPC's.

I can't wait for those special Pikachus you can get. Luchachu has pretty much replaced Minun on my Hoenn team.

They've confirmed at least local online play on their website! I'm hoping this extends past local, but we will see.

It also looks like customisation is pretty much confirmed to not return now. We get one outfit, rockstar or popstar depending on if your Brendan or May, and you can only wear it in the contest hall. I'm a little dissapointed that customisation isn't returning, especially because it means all those online battles are going to get super annoying fighting all those Brendan and May clones, but there are so many other awesome features about this game, I think it can forgive it and forget.

But contests.. look AMAZING. Especially with Mega evolution and going back to the original RSE style!

So you HAVE to wear that stupid pink thing as May?! I thought you could pick the outfit, as female Pikachu is wearing the Lucha outfit.
Blob55 said:
Aerodactyl said:
They've confirmed at least local online play on their website! I'm hoping this extends past local, but we will see.

It also looks like customisation is pretty much confirmed to not return now. We get one outfit, rockstar or popstar depending on if your Brendan or May, and you can only wear it in the contest hall. I'm a little dissapointed that customisation isn't returning, especially because it means all those online battles are going to get super annoying fighting all those Brendan and May clones, but there are so many other awesome features about this game, I think it can forgive it and forget.

But contests.. look AMAZING. Especially with Mega evolution and going back to the original RSE style!

So you HAVE to wear that stupid pink thing as May?! I thought you could pick the outfit, as female Pikachu is wearing the Lucha outfit.

I'm thinking that those two outfits were used as models since they're the most appealing to the masses and is what goes better with Japan's younger society.
As for customisation, I can't say it's there but I can't say that it isn't so I'll just wait to see it's confirmation or absence.
Leaf_Ranger said:
Blob55 said:
So you HAVE to wear that stupid pink thing as May?! I thought you could pick the outfit, as female Pikachu is wearing the Lucha outfit.

I'm thinking that those two outfits were used as models since they're the most appealing to the masses and is what goes better with Japan's younger society.
As for customisation, I can't say it's there but I can't say that it isn't so I'll just wait to see it's confirmation or absence.

Well, the wording Is what caught me. It says "the" costume Lucia gives you, meaning one... But I could still be a little hasty in my self drawn conclusion. You may not "have" to wear the costume, they just show the drawn artwork during the congest footage so I took it as a sign you had to be in costume. Only time will tell. I just feel the evidence is pointing strongly to one costume and no customization but please don't take my word as law. It's still theory! After all, game freak is capable of doing anything they want with their game.
Aerodactyl said:
Leaf_Ranger said:
I'm thinking that those two outfits were used as models since they're the most appealing to the masses and is what goes better with Japan's younger society.
As for customisation, I can't say it's there but I can't say that it isn't so I'll just wait to see it's confirmation or absence.

Well, the wording Is what caught me. It says "the" costume Lucia gives you, meaning one... But I could still be a little hasty in my self drawn conclusion. You may not "have" to wear the costume, they just show the drawn artwork during the congest footage so I took it as a sign you had to be in costume. Only time will tell. I just feel the evidence is pointing strongly to one costume and no customization but please don't take my word as law. It's still theory! After all, game freak is capable of doing anything they want with their game.

First of all, we just debating and sharing opinions so it's not something written in stone! ;)
You do have a point when it says "the" costume...I didn't read that but I checked and it says so. Hum...perhaps you're right, because the costumes are related to Pikachu and so when using other Pokémon, the character should have a standart costume but it still seems akward for them to force us those two costumes! Again, we'll have to wait and see.
Aerodactyl said:
Leaf_Ranger said:
I'm thinking that those two outfits were used as models since they're the most appealing to the masses and is what goes better with Japan's younger society.
As for customisation, I can't say it's there but I can't say that it isn't so I'll just wait to see it's confirmation or absence.

Well, the wording Is what caught me. It says "the" costume Lucia gives you, meaning one... But I could still be a little hasty in my self drawn conclusion. You may not "have" to wear the costume, they just show the drawn artwork during the congest footage so I took it as a sign you had to be in costume. Only time will tell. I just feel the evidence is pointing strongly to one costume and no customization but please don't take my word as law. It's still theory! After all, game freak is capable of doing anything they want with their game.

I didn't look for this wording, but could it be that Lucia only gives you one costume, but you can buy more?
I thought you got your costume based on the Pikachu costume you chose. So Rockster cstume if you chos Rockster Pikachu and Belle costume if you chose Belle Pikachu.
Based on the Manga, Lucha and Belle costumes fit May more anyway.
Blob55 said:
I thought you got your costume based on the Pikachu costume you chose. So Rockster cstume if you chos Rockster Pikachu and Belle costume if you chose Belle Pikachu.
Based on the Manga, Lucha and Belle costumes fit May more anyway.

If that's true, then I can't wait to be dressed in an Idol suit as a male.
Gonna look fabulous.
It sounds like your pikachu gets access to every costume and you get to change it when you want in the "green room"

Also drEspeon, I hadn't thought of being able to buy more. I hope you're right!