PokéLost! Season One, Episode Six: Physics and all that Jazz [Night Three]

RE: PokéLost Season 1, Episode 1 [Pilot](Sign-up if you want freedom and survive a plane crash ;D)

Yep. I guessed that. Oh no! What a bummer. I'll not edit it now. I'll just be the Poké from now on. Pretend that never happened.

Also, that was OOC! *shot*

IC: Nageki strolled down the hustling, stinking, damp and humid street. He was so hot, he felt like taking off his belt. But he decided not to. He decided to go the local dojo to practice.

When he arrived, there was a sign on the door. On it some text read, "Closed due to the PokéCrunch. No more cleaning staff available." Nageki stared in disbelief. He'd been here for only a while, but had got used to the dojo. Out of cleaners? What?! Nageki turned away. He still had a long time before his flight left, and he wasn't one to sleep.
RE: PokéLost Season 1, Episode 1 [Pilot](Sign-up if you want freedom and survive a plane crash ;D)

???"Batui4 how much longer till your on the plnae?"

Me:"A few days sir don't know how long for sure threw.How's mew doing?"

???"Not so good hes getting madder by the second."

Me"Ok well I think I got the item to heal him I'll be there soon Batui4 out."
RE: PokéLost Season 1, Episode 1 [Pilot](Sign-up if you want freedom and survive a plane crash ;D)

Boddy, sitting alone in his small apartment, took out his large laptop. Boddy perused his Laptop files, his books, papers, and notes.

"Uggh! Where are my notes on the Shiny gene!" thought Boddy. "Professor Medik told me the life of a scientist would be one without organization. Now I see he's right."

Boddy suddenly realized that his notes on the Shiny gene were located on his hard drive. He opened his files, and quickly located the file. On it, were vast amounts of numerical facts and data.

Boddy was studying to complete his P.h.D in Pokemon Biology. His Thesis paper was to be on the effects of Pokemon Biology on the Pokemon itself. He had a million things to consider. Nature, Shininess, Ability, Pokerus, and most importantly, Pokelement.

Pokelement was a term coined by Boddy's mentor and idol, Professor Medik, an Alakazam. Pokelement was the term used to describe a Pokemon's special power, or ability. Through a short diagnostic, they found that Boddy's Pokelement was Force. There were others, including Pyro, Vegetation, Water, Air, Earth, Stone, Force, and more.

Now that his studies in Australia were nearly complete, he had one stop left. Los Angeles. There, he would meet Professor Galeilo, a world renowned Pokemon Biologist. He had reportedly just made a world breaking discovery, and Boddy would be the first to know.

Boddy opened up his Thesis, and began to write more about the Pokelements, when his stomach growled.

"No use on trying to write on an empty stomach." He thought to himself. He walked out, and looked for the nearest cafe.
RE: PokéLost Season 1, Episode 1 [Pilot](Sign-up if you want freedom and survive a plane crash ;D)

A man sat down at the same table Boddy903 was sitting at.
"Hello Boddy"

Yeah, sorry about the OoC ban. Feel free to direct all conversations to PM :|
RE: PokéLost Season 1, Episode 1 [Pilot](Sign-up if you want freedom and survive a plane crash ;D)

Boddy looked up, and studied the man over. He was unsure of what to make of him.

"Have a seat." said Boddy, not forgetting his manners.
RE: PokéLost Season 1, Episode 1 [Pilot](Sign-up if you want freedom and survive a plane crash ;D)

The man took a seat and cleared his throat
"The tail of the Dragon is never cold, that is the answer..."
The man then handed Boddy a small bag containing a old watch, and got out of his seat
"Good Luck..."
The man exited the building and left...
RE: PokéLost Season 1, Episode 1 [Pilot](Sign-up if you want freedom and survive a plane crash ;D)

The Tail of the Dragon is never Cold...
Shadow quickly turned to see who was addressing him. There was no one.
"Hey Shadow, what's the matter? You hear somethin'?"
Shadow cautiously turned back to his friend Marco, a Rhydon.
"Naa. Just some random chill up my back."
"Heh. You always know how to suprise me. Random chill he says..."
Shadow and Marco were strolling down towards the local superstore to get some supplies for his trip.
"I can't believe you're going to do it! You're actually headin' towards Los Angelas, the Gamblin' capital o' the world! You haven't even got a real house here yet!" Marco said as if he were announcing it on public radio.
Shadow gave him a angry glance.
"You know it's not like that, Marco. I'm heading there for a little R&R. Vacation. That kinda stuff. No gambling for me; not tommorow, not today, not ever again."
"Keh Keh, we'll just see about that," Marco guffawed as he gave Shadow a painful pat on the back.
RE: PokéLost Season 1, Episode 1 [Pilot](Sign-up if you want freedom and survive a plane crash ;D)

Ice looked around the rented house...

"They couldn't have gotten somthin a little bit less tacky..I need to go out tonight.."

Ice searched the newspaper and magazines for a good place to hang out for a while...

"Hmm.. the Moon Light Beach Party is tonight. I think I'm gonna go...it last from now till late tonight...."

Ice puts on her sunscreen, bikini, and brings a jacket for the night time...

"This is gonna be fun."

She then heads out to the beach.
RE: PokéLost---Season 1, Episode 1 [Pilot]---Join and Survive

The man walked up to Shadow.
"Excuse me sir, do you know where to find a place to eat?"
RE: PokéLost---Season 1, Episode 1 [Pilot]---Join and Survive

Trainer wakes up from his nap.
"Ugh, ______ more hours to go?"
Trainer yawns and decides to stop by a nearby cafe for lunch, his stomach was rumbling.
RE: PokéLost---Season 1, Episode 1 [Pilot]---Join and Survive

Aggiegwyn finally finished the sketch she was working on. It was hard to draw with paws. She wondered if there was ever a time when the would have useful extra...finger to help you draw or something. She laughed.
An aposable finger?! What a pathetic idea!
She heard giggling down the hall, and realized it was a group of girls. One of them was a Glaceon, which was pretty rare to see in a place as hot a Australia. Aggiegwyn decided whatever they were planning on doing for the next hour was better than what aggiegwyn had planned; which was nothing.

She followed the Glaceon down to the beach.
RE: PokéLost---Season 1, Episode 1 [Pilot]---Join and Survive

Ice looked at the beach taking in the sun...

"I bet there is lots to do here on the beach..."

Ice seperated herself from the rest of the girls that had followed along and took a look at the water to see a beautiful Coral Reef...

"Ahhh Somtimes I wish you could just freeze time and keep this moment forever.."

She walks over to a clear spot on the beach..she places her towl down on the sand and gives the chief(A Lucario) a call...

"Ah Ice you have called to give me an update...are you on the plane yet."

"No sir I just wanted to let you know that the plane will leave for LA in a couple days. I'll be back at base soon."

" Can you tell me again exactly why you want to make a pit stop at LA before returning to Alaska Base??"

" Because that's were the finals of the Martial Art copetetion is being held and I get to compete."

"Oh Ok.. Just be back home safe mmk??...." *Click*

The chief had hung up..

"Somtimes I think he acts like my dad..."

Ice takes out her Diary to record the day she has been having.
RE: PokéLost---Season 1, Episode 1 [Pilot]---Join and Survive

"You write in a journal?" aggiegwyn asks. She hoped she didn't scare the girl, she really just wanted something to do. She walked over and sat by the ice pokemon.
RE: PokéLost---Season 1, Episode 1 [Pilot]---Join and Survive

"Oh...uhmm my names Ice and yeah I do keep a journal it helps me remeber some of the days like this that I don't want to end..may I ask what is your name??"
RE: PokéLost---Season 1, Episode 1 [Pilot]---Join and Survive

"Aggiegwyn. You can call me aggs for short. Your friends seemed to be excited by something. I'm pretty free this afternoon, and I was wondering if there was some kind of event I needed to know about."
She smiles, but inches away from the water as it gets closer to her feet.
RE: PokéLost---Season 1, Episode 1 [Pilot]---Join and Survive

"OH there is a big beach party tonight you should so stay with me and hang out. It's the annual Moon Light Beach party thingy and tonight is a full moon so I hope things don't get to wild ,hehe, so what about it wanna stay and hang for the night?"

Ice felt a embarased when she ran what she had just said to Aggs through her head.
RE: PokéLost---Season 1, Episode 1 [Pilot]---Join and Survive

Aggiegwyn was somewhat shocked by Ice's easy relaxed nature and how she was so friendly. Ice must have come from a place that was nice small, and community friendly.

"Sure, thanks for letting me know. But we won't be able to hang out for too long, I have to leave in a few days."
RE: PokéLost---Season 1, Episode 1 [Pilot]---Join and Survive

"Ahh thats ok I do too. I'm just stayin for the finale tonight. This party has been goin on for a while and tonight is the grand finale.....it's somthing to do with the full moon being a blue moon and there gonna have fireworks, sounds fun... but I got to finish packing in the morning so I might have to leave early as well."
RE: PokéLost---Season 1, Episode 1 [Pilot]---Join and Survive

"Oh really, that is somewhat convienent. Blue Moon huh? Okay then, let's just hope that that will be the only moon we see."
She pauses.
"Where is the "big finale" party anyways?"
RE: PokéLost---Season 1, Episode 1 [Pilot]---Join and Survive

"It says on in the newspaper that it will be on the east side of the beach so...over...there were all the rocks are...there is the Gazibo with all the refreshments and seating in it too...hmm looks like a nice place to have a big finale....so Aggs what do you usualy do on a day like today?"