I've seen many players present themselves in different ways when playing Pokémon. There are players that use their own name, the playable character´s name, original names (self-picked and not based on anything or anyone), or names based on other characters. This is also closely tied to gender and customisation; there are those who make full use of the features to change appearance and those who don't care about it.
I have personally most often played the game with the name of the character (although in generation 1 I used Ash instead of Red the first times, because I thought that was his name
). On the Internet and everywhere else I always use my real name, "Drohn"; I find it weird if people call me by something that isn't my own name, but when playing Pokémon I like it better to use the actual character to make it seem more "canon" and it's something I've grown used to since I played the game for the first time. I played through Pokémon Y once with my real name, but in the second (and current) playthrough I'm using Calem. I've always used the male character and didn't try out customisation. I probably would have given the latter a shot if it was for free in-game, but I would have gone back to the original eventually.
What do you base your character on and do you customise them when possible?
I have personally most often played the game with the name of the character (although in generation 1 I used Ash instead of Red the first times, because I thought that was his name
What do you base your character on and do you customise them when possible?