Obama gets a snubbed refused handshake?

ElectroManiac said:
I personally don't like him, so I don't care. I would shake his hand, and be nice, but I wouldn't be all gaga over him. He is ruining America. It is as plain as that :p

And Darth Pika, is wrong. He has done work. He has quadrupled the nation's deficit. There's one thing he has done.

Yeah, I don't see how put us in so much debt is helping the economy. Besides, one of the thing he promised to do is bring troops home, but instead he just sends more in. With Bush people wouldn't shut up about it, but with Obama, almost nothing is said.
I think Obama is doing a great job in cleaning up the mess Bush left him. And mind you, it's only his first year as president. Only a fool would expect him to get something done at such short notice.
Solving all the world's problems in less than a year after Bush messed it up is a lot of work, yeah.
If Obama was complaining, it would be bad. I'm sure Obama doesn't feel this way, and of course the public will over-reacct. This means nothing.
Mr. Random said:
Solving all the world's problems in less than a year after Bush messed it up is a lot of work, yeah.
yep yep
dont look at what he HASNT DONE. (he may do it later)
look at what he HAS DONE IN ONLY LIKE 8 MONTHS ;0
DogMaster40 said:
Yeah, I don't see how put us in so much debt is helping the economy. Besides, one of the thing he promised to do is bring troops home, but instead he just sends more in. With Bush people wouldn't shut up about it, but with Obama, almost nothing is said.
Republicans suck at being good opposition.

And btw, the US sending troops into Afghanistan is more sensible than sending troops into Iraq, because sending troops into Iraq was based on a dubious claim while Afghanistan... Well, the US is very involved in the fight against Taliban. I wouldn't want to go to Pakistan or Afghanistan in my whole life for any reason if... yeah.
I think Obama has accomplished quite a bit in such a short time frame, if you think about it. Perhaps more than Bush did in all four years of his second term. It seems like that anyways.

We're on the road to recovery. Take a look at the stock market lately. Companies are starting to hire a bit more. I think it's going to be slow but we're headed in the right direction. You can't say he hasn't made an impact.
It doesn't matter how much currency a country has, It's about who can fire their nuke first! And with a democratic president I don't see us winning. lol.
Shining Raikou said:
I think Obama has accomplished quite a bit in such a short time frame, if you think about it. Perhaps more than Bush did in all four years of his second term. It seems like that anyways.

We're on the road to recovery. Take a look at the stock market lately. Companies are starting to hire a bit more. I think it's going to be slow but we're headed in the right direction. You can't say he hasn't made an impact.

Wait till tax season comes and the two big bills are done with(health care and climate change) then we shall see how much of an impact he has made.
I don't think that Obama inherited such a mess from bush but that bush got it from Clinton because Clinton didn't do what he was supposed to do after the first bush so I blame the mess on one person Clinton duh. Why bother saying that obama didn't do what he said he would we all knew he wouldn't do it of course.
Tristan said:
I don't think that Obama inherited such a mess from bush but that bush got it from Clinton because Clinton didn't do what he was supposed to do after the first bush so I blame the mess on one person Clinton duh. Why bother saying that obama didn't do what he said he would we all knew he wouldn't do it of course.


Clinton balanced the budget in his term before Bush came in. Idk if you noticed, but we are in a massive debt now and after Bush left. SOMETHING'S NOT RIGHT WITH THAT PICTURE :F Obama did inherit debt and problems with Bush. That is a complete fact and don't distort the facts. Whether Obama's making it better, IS yet to be seen. Personally, I have faith and hope.

dmaster out.
Noobnerd said:
Republicans suck at being good opposition.

And btw, the US sending troops into Afghanistan is more sensible than sending troops into Iraq, because sending troops into Iraq was based on a dubious claim while Afghanistan... Well, the US is very involved in the fight against Taliban. I wouldn't want to go to Pakistan or Afghanistan in my whole life for any reason if... yeah.
Somehow I doubt you'd say the same thing if McCain were increasing troop levels.
Pokequaza said:
Richest country? You're kidding right? Luxembourg is the richest country in the world, followed by lands as Norway, Qutar, Kuwait etc. The US is somewhere on the 7th or 8th place...

If you're rating by per capita... and pretty much every other country on that list is among the smallest countries in the world. You don't see as many people mentioning that fact... :|

guys seriously this thread was about a handshake NOBODY CARES what you think about the government go debate it somewhere else.
Where is the healthcare, where are the troops, where is the recovery?

I was for McCain. And now everyone witnesses Obama past the smoke and mirrors. It's good he hasn't done anything from a conservative standpoint, and for you libs? He's failed. He promised us a universe and gave us a penny. His economic policies suck, his Afghanistan strategy sucks, his healthcare package sucks... hoo boy.

And don't anyone argue he's "new". He promised results within mere months. And he's had his arse in the Oval Office more than long enough. I'm sorry, but miracles don't exist. Hope won't get you anywhere :/
While it was pretty rude of that guy not to shake Obama's hand, may I ask one question? Does it really matter? Seriously, Obama's a President, not a celebrity.
^ Those who voted for him just because "it would be so cool to have a black prez" still haven't figured that out. :/
I don't think most of you understand the political aspect of "getting things done." What it comes down to is there is an election in 2012. Do you think it is a smart political move to play all your cards well before then? No. You will see more happening the closer we come to the next election day.

And as for this "celebrity" nonsense, I hope you all actually pay attention to what your president is doing. That is far more important than any celebrity and not even comparable. This is the leader of your country and you best know what's up and be informed. I hope a lot of you wise up to that before you get voting.
Medaforcer said:
I don't think most of you understand the political aspect of "getting things done." What it comes down to is there is an election in 2012. Do you think it is a smart political move to play all your cards well before then? No. You will see more happening the closer we come to the next election day.
I for one think it would be smart to do stuff before an election, it make you look much better, and you can focus on new things. I think it was James Knox Polk who achieved almost all of his campaign promises during his first term, and he probably would've been re-elected had he run for a second term. Fulfilling promises only to be re-elected, and not for the good of the country, is low.