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New and Improved Trade Thread: Need Luxray GL's x 2 and Gengar(Curse)

RE: New and Improved Trade Thread: 100% Updated Haves and Wants

Bump: New and Improved Trade Thread: 100% Updated Haves and Wants
RE: New and Improved Trade Thread: 100% Updated Haves and Wants

Hi sorry the Ampharos Prime just got traded... are you interested in any other Prime? I like your list so go ahead and offer.
RE: New and Improved Trade Thread: 100% Updated Haves and Wants

I could do 2 Legend cards for :

Mesprit Lv X

- Absol EX
- Scyther EX

LMK if interested.
RE: New and Improved Trade Thread: 100% Updated Haves and Wants

Is anyone willing to trade me these cards:
Gengar - 16/99 - (Curse)
2 x Luxray GL

For anything on my list(excluding the Lv X's)

Its a bit of an emergency so ill take just about any trade, thanks.