Monster Binders

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I have 5 lux x
I am debating whether or not to get a monster binder because everyone i know is saying that they are the best binders ever. Do you guys think it is worth the investment for me? Why or why not?

Also is $23 a good price for a monster binder?
samhink1 said:
Just get a 3-ring binder who cares what it looks like.

Its not what it looks like that is drawing me in to buy it, its the quality of the binder that i might want to get it for.
all of the qualities are the same i bought a five dollar binder and it has lasted me for 3 years and is packed full of pokemon cards
You need to look up what the Monster Brand binders are. They are much better quality than any "$5 binder".
I'd say its worth it especially for 23 dollars because they can go for more. So, I'd say go for it.
You know, as far as anything goes, I say if it's worth it to you than go for it. I myself don't really see the need to have a 23 dollar binder when a five dollar binder works just as well, but then my cards stay safe in my room on a bench of some sort, they don't really travel anywhere.

On the other hand, according to someone I know cards "Aren't worth the cost of the cardboard they're printed on." which I obviously think is wrong or I wouldn't be here :D
That's up to you dude, I wouldn't so it as I an content with the binders I have, It's just personal choice.
Anyone here who is saying that a 3-ring binder from Target is just as good as a Monster binder is extremely ignorant.

Monster binders are best if you care about your cards being protected in your car, bag, etc. and your cards staying in excellent condition, as well as if you don't want your cards to get stolen or dumped out everywhere when you pick up the binder wrong. There's no comparison to Monster binders and anyone who argues differently is uneducated.

$23.00 is a great price. If you could I wouldn't mind a PM of the name of the store you found that sells them at that price. :)
So...what exactly is a Monster Binder? Apprarently it's higher quality, but what's the difference? How do they protect your cards better?
side loaded pages is the reason i baught one. I had enough foolish people knocking over my binder for a lifetime.
EspeonROX said:
So...what exactly is a Monster Binder? Apprarently it's higher quality, but what's the difference? How do they protect your cards better?

Monster binders have side-loading pages, meaning that you can't dump cards out from the top (or side, because the pages are well manufactured) and people also can't slip their fingers in the top of your binder and steal cards (an issue in other games, and certain Pokemon communities).

The pages are also padded, so your cards are resting on a better material. In addition, the pages are sewn-in, so the overall quality of the product is better as well.

Monster binders are definitely a luxury, but so are all the cards that go in them, heh. If you're serious about protecting large amounts of valuable cards there's no other way to go, imo.
Sewn in? You can't add more pages? How many pages do they come with (and it's 3x3, right?) and where can I find them?
minimidget94 said:
no Its 9x9 slots, front and back, and theyre are plenty of pages.

9x9 pages? They must be huge! Unless they actually are like this:
they're 3x3.
No, you can't add more pages. I think they fit over 300 cards though. We have all of our modified legal rares+ stuff in 2 binders (one for supers one for rares).

And you can find them in certain card shops (if yours is good it can probably order it for you) and on eBay. eBay has the best prices but I'd encourage you to support your local hobby/gaming shop.
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