• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.

Miasma Wind (Leafeon, Espeon Prime, Blaziken & Roserade)

RE: Miasma Wind (Leafeon, Shaymin, Houndoom & Roserade)

No I haven't, I have no idea how to use Redshark? I have it but it's hard to use? Thanks for the idea I might just get rid of azelf. I'm not sure though yet
RE: Miasma Wind (Leafeon, Shaymin, Houndoom & Roserade)

No, use Axelf xD it helps a lot.

Redshark is 100% manual, it's like playing TCG but on the computer, that means that you have to move the cards, put the damage counters, discard the cards, took the prices, etc, but it's a good tool when you don't have the cards or you're not to sure with the deck.

I think that there is a tutorial in pokebeach, but (simply explained) you have a deck builder for... build the deck xD and you have 2 options for playing (single play, you against you (or another person, I mean, another deck) and you can play online with an hamachi server).
RE: Miasma Wind (Leafeon, Shaymin, Houndoom & Roserade)

Yeah I know what it does. I just don't get the whole hamachi server but thanks for trying to help i will try it out tommorow
RE: Miasma Wind (Leafeon, Shaymin, Houndoom & Roserade)


I neither understand the hamachi thing, but it still works if you practice against some famous deck (you play both decks), or single for test deck's speed.
RE: Miasma Wind (Leafeon, Shaymin, Houndoom & Roserade)

-2 Interviewer's Questions -- -- -- Your main attacker needs one basic Energy
-2 Rare Candy -- -- -- -- -- -- -- You run one Stage 2 line; Trainer lock
-2 Smeargle UD -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Not worth running only two of any starter
+1 Eevee, +1 Umbreon MD -- -- -- Situational techs
+1 Espeon MD, +1 Espeon Prime -- More situational techs
+2 Broken Time Space -- -- -- -- More consistency, especially with Blaziken
-1 Bebe's Search -- -- -- -- -- -- You need them, but 1 is fine
+1 Combusken -- -- -- -- -- -- -- No Rare Candy

-5 Grass Energy
+2 Rescue Energy
+3 Something else which I will think of and post soon

EDIT 2, revenge of the EDIT:
+3 Seeker
RE: Miasma Wind (Leafeon, Shaymin, Houndoom & Roserade)

Dude thats alot of changes! BTS are really expensive I can't afford two more I wish i could!:( (But if you know a place where they're cheap please tell me! Seriously) I am not going to add the espeon MD because I already have Shaymin X and adding espeon prime is kinda a waste i already have 3 Leafeons. Plus if i have 4 eevees and 6 eeveelutions thats kinda a waste of deck space. I might add umbreon but i really don't know. and since i can't get two more BTS i think i will keep the rare candies. I will get rid of the Interviewers and 2 Grass energies so i can add 2 fisherman and 2 rescue energy(so that if i lose alot of energy i can take them back out). But i am not adding seeker because there seems to be alot of Lostgar and that would help them. I might add twins but what to take out?
RE: Miasma Wind (Leafeon, Shaymin, Houndoom & Roserade) All help needed!

It's not a waste of deck space. The reason it's okay to have more Eeveelutions than Eevees is you aren't going to need more than 4 of them at once. You shouldn't need more than 2 or 3 actually. Sorry, I forgot to request you ditch Shaymin LV. X (Espeon MD is better), and the other techs all have situations in which they Excel. You can use Seeker with Umbreon MD to keep Leafeons alive preventing your opponent from taking as many prizes, and the presence of Lostgar is definitely not a reason not to play Seeker (They only help them that much if they play Seeker on their turn anyway). As for what to add in for Shaymin, Warp Energy could be useful, or perhaps an Umbreon UD to help against such decks as Lostgar. You run Rainbow Energy, so you wouldn't need a Dark one, but maybe an Expert Belt could fill the other space. Finally, if you plan on taking this deck to a tournament, then you must have someway to trade with people for Broken Time Spaces, and if you don't, then you should have no problem proxying them in.
RE: Miasma Wind (Leafeon, Shaymin, Houndoom & Roserade) All help needed!

Yeah but i will have a problem at States. They don't allow you to use proxies. I am not going to get rid of shaymin x. It has an amazing poke-body! I will put in umbreon MD but not Espeon and i guess I could use seeker. but I am keeping Shaymin X. i don't like Espeon Prime or MD so i won't be adding those. (I have a limited budget to get the cards i need)
RE: Miasma Wind (Leafeon, Shaymin, Houndoom & Roserade) All help needed!

Espeon MD's Pokebody is equally, if not more so, amazing. Also, if you're going to States, then you should be able to trade for Broken Time Spaces and other cards you need.
RE: Miasma Wind (Leafeon, Shaymin, Houndoom & Roserade) All help needed!

i need all the advice i can get! should i add espeon md and get rid of shaymin? im not sure? thats why i need your guys help! i need alot of advice before next week (states) so all help is extremely appreciated!
RE: Miasma Wind (Leafeon, Shaymin, Houndoom & Roserade) All help needed!

Pokemunkulys you finally cracked me after really thinking about it, it is a good strategy, I like the idea plus if i sell shaymin i could buy other cards! My only problem with this deck is DialgaChomp anyone have any ideas to beat that?
RE: Miasma Wind (Leafeon, Espeon Prime, Blaziken & Roserade) All help needed!

Problems against DialgaChomp...? I didn't have any problems against that deck... if you're using Blaziken, you can do the same strategy as against Steelix Prime, or maybe use Roserade. If you're not running Unown RETURN, you could try attaching every turn an energy to Roserade. If your opponent kills your Leafeons, you'll have a Roserade with a LOT of energies (I won with this strategy against a lot of fast decks, including LostGar and Yanmega Prime).

Also, I thought that the worst weakness of this deck was Steelix Prime. You fought against it?
RE: Miasma Wind (Leafeon, Espeon Prime, Blaziken & Roserade) All help needed!

OH YEAH i forgot about him! Ha ha yeah. I haven't played him yet. I thought the biggest problem was DialgaChomp cause they to are not allowing you to use Poke-bodies and possibly poke-powers.But i forgot about that deck. have you played luxchomp yet?? If you did how did you do againest him? (The reason i was asking about DialgaChomp was because in battle roads i lost to that deck and it made me come in 6th. So now i will always hate that deck. anyway yeah you are right steelix is probably the worst weakness of this deck. I will playtest that today. Also how does my deck list look i kinda think it's messy but i don't know? (are you going to take this to states?)
RE: Miasma Wind (Leafeon, Espeon Prime, Blaziken & Roserade) All help needed Before States!!

I need all the help i can get!
RE: Miasma Wind (Leafeon, Espeon Prime, Blaziken & Roserade) All help needed Before States!!

Here I am again xD

Emm... yep, I want to take my deck to states or something... I feel a lot of potential in Leaferade (also, no one uses it).

I played against DialgaChomp twice, and I won. It's not very difficult because Dialga only cuts the HP boost, but you still can do 150 (also, I don't run any HP boost, so Dialga G Lv. X doesn't affect me =P). If Garchomp is active, use Leafeon or Espeon Prime. If Dialga G is active, use Leafeon or Blaziken (I recommend Leafeon). You always have the last resort: Roserade with its 20 twice each energy attached to it. And also remember: if the HP boost is blocked, you always have Espeon Prime. Against those decks (or a Charizard deck) it's better to build 1 Leafeon and 1 Espeon Prime as main attackers, instead of 2 Leafeons.

Against LuxChomp... erm, I played once, and the opponent's deck was horribly builded, so he could never build anything. But it's a deck that it's a challenge against any deck (well... not a challenge if you have Donphan Prime or Machamp...). It's like Jumpluff (oh, how I hate that deck...).

Your decklist looks like mine, adding Uxie, Azelf Espeon and Umbreon MD. It's a nice decklist, maybe you'll have some problems building the entire thing (I mean, Umbreon/Espeon MD, Blaziken, Roserade, a pair of Leafeons and a lot of energies to use on Roserade... also 1 or 2 Unown RETURN). I dunno if you're already doing it, but I recommend you building in this order: Leafeon, Roserade, Blaziken, another Leafeon (or Espeon Prime), Umbreon/Espeon MD. IMO, Interviewer's Questions is a very useful supporter in this deck, because you can have a lot of energies in your deck for Roserade. I know that everyone says that is highly recommended use Espeon and Umbreon MD for this deck, but for me it's like mixing an Eeveelutions deck with a Leaferade deck xD

If I have some idea to help you, I'll post it later (Y)

P.S.: Oh, I'll post a strategy-help of this kind of deck against other famous decks.
RE: Miasma Wind (Leafeon, Espeon Prime, Blaziken & Roserade) All help needed Before States!!

Thanks Man for helping so much! I'm not sure i think there are too many pokemon. I mean yours is simple how many pokemon do you have not as many as mine. I want my deck to simpler but to still win states or to still have it as a beast deck if you know what i mean :D (It's a dream, but with the right deck i know i could win!) So thanks alot and if you want keep the advice coming!
RE: Miasma Wind (Leafeon, Espeon Prime, Blaziken & Roserade) All help needed Before States!!

It's a pleasure to help with what I know xD so, if you want to simplify your decklist, I would recommend you:
-1 Umbreon MD (you already have Espeon Prime for the weakness stuff, and about the retreat cost, you can discard the energy, took it again with Fisherman and attach it with Leafeon Lv. X pokepower (I WANT ONE LEAFEON LV X SO BAAAD))
-1-0-1 Blaziken PL (Use 2-2-2 or 1-1-1)
-1 Espeon MD (still a doubt... because having 110 HP it's a great advantage)
-2 Rare Candy (you don't need it if you have a 1-1-1 or 2-2-2 lines of Blaziken, and you already have BTS)

There you have 5 spaces (without counting Espeon MD). I would add:

+3 Psychic Energies (because you'll need it against decks like VileGar, where you need to do 100 and KO with poison, and 4 Rainbow Energies it's never enough...)
+1 Uxie Lv. X (yes, I know, it's hard to obtain one... but it works great)

It just an opinion, but you'll have a simplified list of pokemon there. Oh, and you're using Eevee as a starter too, right? I think that is a good idea to have a better starter, like Smeargle, Jirachi or Sableye...
RE: Miasma Wind (Leafeon, Espeon Prime, Blaziken & Roserade) All help needed Before States!!

Yeah I like the idea!! All i need now is uxie x and a couple other cards and i will be good to go!! Thanks for helping so much I appreciate it! I still don't know about espeon MD cause your right 20+ would help but with only one in the deck it would be hard to get possibly.I would love a better starter but with a starter you need 4 for the best chance oof getting one and i don't have 4 of any so i'm still on a search for that. Also i love the new decklist which one do you like better (I think this new one is but i am just making sure, because you put now it's simpler.) also what do you recommend a 1-1-1 of blaziken or 2-2-2?
RE: Miasma Wind (Leafeon, Espeon Prime, Blaziken & Roserade) All help needed Before States!!

I think that it will go better with those changes. About Espeon MD, you'll find how useful it is when you play the deck. Of course that I love more my decklist because it is made with the cards that I find useful xD but it will be very interesting seeing your new decklist in play. And good luck with getting the Uxie Lv. X xD

I'll post again if I have another idea :) with some luck this sunday I'll play I'm a tourney, so I'll post again telling how it worked the deck.
RE: Miasma Wind (Leafeon, Espeon Prime, Blaziken & Roserade) All help needed Before States!!

Ok Thanks alot again you have been a real good help! also a 1-1-1 of blaziken or a 2-2-2?