Meta-Morphosis ~ Boddy's Journey to the Center of TCG Days 2 and 3


Was once Boddy903
Hello everybody.

Today, I bring you something that seems out of the ordinary, but it's something that I've wanted to do for a while now, and I figured that now during the *coughcough* hullabaloo that's going on, it seems like an appropriate time to go forwards with this project.


I guess I should give this a formal introduction...

I've always held a certain fascination for the Trading Card Game. Ever since I was little, I remember ogling the rare Machamp 1st Edition and the classic Base and Jungle set cards. The cards were something I liked to look at, but never something I never thought of competitively.

Then, years ran its course. I grew older, puberty decimated my body, and I turned 13. I started going to tournaments with decks my brother hand-crafted for me. He spent big bucks on getting me the best cards that went with the most popular format. The first tournaments I went to, I walked in proudly with my Infernape/Delcatty deck. But for some strange reason, I always lost. I ran through countless battles with my brother where I tried to work the strategy, but for some reason, I just could never pull it off.

I didn't know this, but TCG isn't something that comes naturally. I requires a certain heightened sense of prediction and logic, something I, for some reason, couldn't grasp. I went to many tournaments, and would always come out with a 1-3 or a 2-4. It was pathetic. Because I was still in middle school at this time, and my ego got the better of me, I quit going to tournaments.

I came back for a short stint in high school, but I still kept losing.

But now that high school's over, I'm ready to take my game to the next level. I'm hoping to use this thread as a gateway for me to record my progress, and hopefully receive help from others out there. I don't know if this thread will be legal for Pokebeach standards, but...whatever, I'll do it.

In this thread, I'll post anything and everything that happens to me, and is at the same time related to the TCG. I'll be doing this through pictures, (maybe) videos, and some text, because who doesn't love old-fashioned letters?

I'll also try to update this with milestones, which will be basically things I do in tournaments. Be it meeting new people, reporting my battles and wins, or just derping (ok, no derping).

So, without further ado, let's get this show on the road!

Day 1: August 12th ~ Dat Igor
Right now, I have no formal decks to play with, and I have no cards in the current rotation. Swell.

However, I took this time to get acquainted with some of the cards I did have. Lo and behold, my trove:


You'll notice that a lot of these cards are super old. A large majority of them are Team Magma/Aqua and back. There are, however, a few newer ones. I have other cards besides these as well, but they're in my Binder of Secrecy. Maybe if I have time tomorrow, I'll upload some of those as well.

Moving on...

I watched the last battle of the TCG Tournament. Harris (or Harrison, I already forgot) of the USA, and Igor of Portugal. And I just have to say, I've got a bro-crush on Igor. The dude can seriously play some TCG. The fact that he's handsome doesn't help either. (No homo).

Anyways, my take: The Meta-game is something I don't like, but it'll be something I'm going to have to adapt to. The basics nowadays are too strong. For god sakes, The Bidoof of Dragons Exalted has the same amount of HP as the Dugtrio of Base Set, Articuno of Fossil, and 10 more than Fossil Kabutops and Hitmonlee!

Another thing is that evolution seems to be completely kicked out and unnecessary. I remember back when in order to get that kinda monstrous HP, you HAD to evolve into something better. Because there were only few Pokemon that could actually deal damage, had high HP, and still basics, (see Kangaskhan, Moltres, and Zapdos)

But whatever. Judging from the livestream, EXes are all the rage. Looks like I'll be buying some tins in the near future.

Also, today I found a new member of my community on Pokebeach (How lucky for me). One Approved (Teapot) is also from Green Bay. I don't remember who he was, but hopefully I'll make my return to my local Gnome Games soon.

Day 2 and 3: August 14th and 15th~ [12:24] <DNA> that was the derpiest question ever

Today, I figured it'd be best to start working towards my goal the best way I knew how. In December I posted a deck I was working on called Primordial Glacier. It was a simple deck that required fast action to get out the cards I needed. Now that Twist Mountain has been out for a while, I figured now would be the best time to configure it. I won't post a specific decklist right now, but I'll just tell you that this deck has gone through a lot of trial and tribulation.

At first, I figured adding Darkrai EX would be a good idea, because free retreat with Dark Energy. I have no idea what I was thinking. It hurt me more than it helped, as I was sacrificing precious space for Double Colorless. I completely cut them out, and added Tornadus-EX and Double Colorless. Now, it's Archeops, Kyurem, Terrakion EX, Tornadus EX, and Groudon EX. I've done some testing with it, and find that Groudon EX does not help as much as I've wanted. I'm not sure whether or not to replace it.

Not sure what else to update with. Dragons Exalted came out today, and I've been trying to get to the store. But my hours at work are EXTREMELY long. (usually 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.) I am going to try my hardest to go to League this Satuday, but my family can be pretty testy when I choose not to go to work, (especially for card-playing).

And that's all for this update. For next time, I'm going to try to accomplish the following:

1. Scour the youtube for TCG videos of any kind
2. I need some actual practice crafting decks. I know this sounds lame, but I'm going to try and create a deck using the cards I have. Then I'll bring them to League, and although I probably won't be allowed to play legit, I can play people for fun.

Well, that's all for today. Feel free to comment, discuss my opinion, or recommend a style for me to play. This thread is really just for me to understand how the TCG works, and I can't do this without your help.
RE: Meta-Morphosis ~ Boddy's Journey to the Center of TCG

Is this a blog sort of thing? This seems really interesting. Keep it updated, and I'll surely follow this. :]
RE: Meta-Morphosis ~ Boddy's Journey to the Center of TCG

Hey, this is nice, I can see this helping people get back into the game, keep it up!
RE: Meta-Morphosis ~ Boddy's Journey to the Center of TCG

I See that hidden sewaddle poking out of the side, Boddy.
You Liar.
This seems interesting though. I'll be following it.
RE: Meta-Morphosis ~ Boddy's Journey to the Center of TCG

@Serperior: *Facepalm* That's a really nice and easy way of putting it. I just wish I had thought of it. :p

@Blui129: Thanks for your support. In all honesty, this actually kinda sounds tougher than I started. I don't have that much money, so it'll be tricky getting back into the meta-game. Hopefully I'll get there though.

@Reshiwott: lol, dat Sewaddle. I got it at the NV prerelease, as with some other cards. My record there was 2-2. :/
RE: Meta-Morphosis ~ Boddy's Journey to the Center of TCG

This is really awesome! We're pretty much in the same boat. I've always collected since I think cards look pretty and are fun to organize... lol

But after watching Igor win, I've had a sudden urge of wanting to learn to play and play correctly! Good luck! :) Maybe we'll meet in battle one day! ;)
RE: Meta-Morphosis ~ Boddy's Journey to the Center of TCG


Gee, this is kinda getting hard to update, I'm going to need to start gathering material to put in this blog. Hopefully something will come to me. Today, the update is kinda lame, but you get what you get.

@theducktamer: That's exactly the way I felt after watching the Finals. I hope you get better as well. :)
One of the major reasons Igor won is because Harrison screwed up.

He made a pretty classic newbie mistake (and I know Harrison personally; making such a mistake is totally out of character for him) of overthinking. He could have taken two Prize cards by just using Night Spear, but instead he used X-Ball to remove all of his Energy from the field, waste a Shaymin, and leave himself much more open to a revenge kill. It wasn't a bad play, but it was far from the best he could have made. It was way riskier and more taxing on his resources than a simple Night Spear would have been. He also should have known his Shaymin was Prized a lot earlier. And it didn't help that he literally missed every card he needed to win two turns in a row.

I'm not trying to take away from Igor's win, but Harrison could have won just as easily. Once you get to that level, everybody's skill level is about even.