Matt's Faking Competition - And the winner is...

RE: Matt's Faking Competition - Round 2


Pidgeot ex
140 HP, Colorless
Stage 2, Evolves from Pidgeotto

When Pokemon-ex has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.

Poke-Power: Tornado: Once during your turn (before your attack), if Pidgeot ex is your Active Pokemon, you may put 1 damage counter on all Benched Pokemon. This power can't be used if Pidgeot ex is affected by a Special Condition.

(C)(C)(C) Gale Wing 60
Flip a coin. If heads, discard 1 Energy card attached to the Defending Pokemon.

Weakness: (L)
Resistance: (F)
Retreat Cost: (C)
RE: Matt's Faking Competition - Round 2

Yay, round 2 entries! ^_^

Following Directions: 10/10
HP: 10/10 Really low for Stage 2 -ex, but it balances the card.
Type: 10/10
Size: 10/10
Body: 40/50 Cotton Spore is like Silver Sparkle, but a tad bit worse since it doesn't go back to the hand, but rather to someone else - it's entirely worthless if your opponent has no other monsters in play. You can also word Cotton Spore like Silver Sparkle, but mix some baby rule/smokescreen effect action in there so it makes sense. Also, numbers are always numbers - you got it right in the attack, but not in the body. Moving on to the attack, The first effect is broken. How hard is it to get 1 damage counter on each of your Pokémon? You'll be doing 30 and healing 60, all the time, for a single Energy. It's a bit unfair. The second effect is fine. I don't think there is anything wrong with having Jumpluff have nothing but single-Energy attacks, but in doing so, you are required to weaken it to balance out the Energy cost. It's a bad trade, I think. (No points taken away for that.)
Bottom Stats: 10/10
Total Score: 90/100

Following Directions: 10/10
HP: 10/10
Type: 10/10
Size: 10/10
Body: 44/50 It's fair, but it's not really that great. Paying 4 for 100 is never bad, but if you flip tails, you're a weak piece of crap. He's not exactly easy to get out of the Active spot, either. More wording errors... seems to be a staple of just about everyone. Good job limiting Ghostly Curse to once per turn.
Bottom Stats: 10/10 Not sure he requires double WK/RS.
Total Score: 96/100

Following Directions: 10/10
HP: 9/10 He has nothing that warrants such low HP.
Type: 10/10
Size: 10/10
Body: 39/50 The power is almost entirely useless. Sonic Wave is weak. Bat Swarm Assault's maximum damage is 120, which isn't all that hard to pull off. I guess it's fair. Many wording errors.
Bottom Stats: 10/10
Total Score: 88/100

Following Directions: 10/10
HP: 10/10
Type: 10/10
Size: 10/10 Probably just barely fits. Benefit of the doubt.
Body: 30/50 The body is unfair. This is a Stage 2 -ex; it is highly likely he will take damage all the time, moreso if you heal it. The unfairness continues if you Rare Candy into it; by turn 2 you can be doing an almost-swiftlike 60 for 2 unless they constantly pass, in which case they will obviously lose. I don't think you even tried to get real-sounding wording, so I'm taking off 10 points. Hyper Beam is really the only fine thing about this card.
Bottom Stats: 8/10 Dragonite doesn't resist Lightning. I don't care what any other card says. Also, no retreat is unfair.

Crazy Weavile
Following Directions: 10/10
HP: 10/10
Type: 10/10
Size: 10/10
Body: 44/50 I'm not sure why you would want to damage everyone. You'll need some italic parentheses saying it hits your monsters too, for clarification. A single attack... meh. Weak to Amnesia lol (no point loss). I guess it's okay. I don't think I'd use him. You also discard "an" Energy, not "1" Energy, when attacking.
Bottom Stats: 10/10
Total Score: 94/100

Rank reflects players' updated scores.
RE: Matt's Faking Competition - Round 2

Hmm, may I point out that my score is 94/100?? Thanks for the score anyways.
RE: Matt's Faking Competition - Round 2

So it is. Thanks for being honest when I messed up. You can keep those two extra points.
RE: Matt's Faking Competition - Round 2

Sceptile ex

PokePower: Leaf Grace
Whenever you attach a (g) energy to Sceptile ex, you may move up to three damage counters from one of your pokemon to Sceptile ex.

(g)(c)Leaf Strikes 20x
This attack does 20x the total amount of baisic (g) energies attached to Sceptile ex, but not used to pay for this card's energy cost. You can't add more than 60 damagein this way.

(g)(g)(g)(c)(c) Wither Restore 150
If this attack knocks out the defending pokemon, Sceptile ex does 160 damage to itself. You may choose one pokemon card from your discard pile (excluding this card) and put it into your hand.

Weakness: Fire, Psycic
Resistence: Water
Retreat: (c)(c)(c)
RE: Matt's Faking Competition - Round 2

Following Directions: 10/10
HP: 10/10
Type: 10/10
Size: 8/10 Won't fit when worded correctly.
Body: 35/50 Garbage. The power is stupid and has no practical use I can think of. The first attack sucks (5 for 80 on a Stage 2 -ex? No thanks), and so does the second one. Of course 150 damage is going to KO them, so you can either pay 5 for 80 (ew) or kill the both of you. The effect is completely not worth it. Saying "pokemon" card is vague, all cards are "pokemon" cards. Wording and grammar errors everywhere. No one would want this card.
Bottom Stats: 6/10 You're missing the -30 in Resistance, and the 3 Retreat makes him even more unplayable.
Total Score: 67/100

Rank updated
RE: Matt's Faking Competition - Round 2

PMJ, I gotta quit this Competition.... I am gonna be off for 2 weeks (This weekend and the following week).
RE: Matt's Faking Competition - Round 2

As you wish. Thanks for competing.

Nercinator has also dropped out of the competition. The ranking is updated to reflect these changes... six contestants need to make their entries for the second round.
RE: Matt's Faking Competition - Round 2

Victreebel ex 100 HP [Grass]
Stage 2 - Evolves from Weepinbell

Poke Body Chlorophyll
When you attach a [G] Energy card from your hand to Lombre, remove all Special Conditions from Lombre.

[G][C] Sweet Scent 20
Choose 1 card from your opponent's hand without looking. Look at the card you chose. If that card is a Trainer card discard it. If that card is not a Trainer card, return it to your opponent's hand.

[G][G][C][C] Leaf Storm 90
If the Defending Pokemon doesn't have any damage counters on it, the Defending Pokemon is now Poisoned.

Weakness: [R]
Retreat Cost:[C][C]
RE: Matt's Faking Competition - Round 2

Gardevoir Ex - 150 HP - Psychic
Stage 2 - Evolves from Kirlia

Poké-POWER Mother Instinct
Whenever Gardevoir Ex is knocked out, you may search your discard pile for one Ralts or one Kirlia and add it to your hand.

[P][P] Psy Mend 30
You may search your discard pile for 1 [P] energy and add it to your hand. If you do not, remove up to 2 damage counters from Gardevoir Ex.

[P][P][P][P][P] Psycho Blaster 80+
Discard up to 3 [P] energy attached to Gardevoir Ex. This attack does 80 damage plus 30 for each energy card discarded this way.

Weakness: [D] Resistance: Retreat Cost: [C][C]

Bet you didn't see a Gardevoir Ex coming from me.
RE: Matt's Faking Competition - Round 2

Following Directions: 10/10
HP: 7/10 Waaaaay too low.
Type: 10/10
Size: 10/10
Body: 46/50 Lombre, huh? I'm certain you meant Victreebel ex. Sweet Scent could do a little more damage. Leaf Storm is okay.
Bottom Stats: 10/10
Total Score: 93/100

Scipio (I totally did not see the Gardevoir ex coming :p)
Following Directions: 10/10
HP: 10/10
Type: 10/10
Size: 10/10
Body: 47/50 Wording/grammar errors. Psy Mend is good. Psycho Blaster is decent... most times you will be doing 110 for 5 and discard one. The ability to add damage at your discretion to OHKO anything in the game is also pretty neat. A powerful card.
Bottom Stats: 9/10 I believe it should have two Weaknesses. Other than that, okay.
Total Score: 96/100

Rank is updated. I messed up; scores are fixed. Gotta stop doing that.
RE: Matt's Faking Competition - Round 2

I put Lombre? I wonder what I was thinking when I put that.
RE: Matt's Faking Competition - Round 2

Ludicolo EX HP:150 {W}
Stage 2
Evolves from Lombre
When Pokemon-EX is Knocked Out your opponent takes 2 Prize Cards

Poke-Power: Summoning Steps
Once during your turn, (before you attack) you may search your deck for a Lotad, Lombre, Ludicolo or Ludicolo EX and add it to your hand. If you do put 3 damage counters on Ludicolo EX. You can't use more then 1 Summoning Steps Pokepower per turn. This power can not be used if Ludicolo EX is affected by a Special Condition.

{W}{W}{C}{C} Hyper Hydro-Pump 80
Discard a W energy attached to Ludicolo EX. This attack does 10 damage to all Benched Pokemon{both yours and your opponents}.

Retreat Cost;{C}{C}
RE: Matt's Faking Competition - Round 2

Master of the six kings
Following Directions: 10/10
HP: 10/10
Type: 10/10
Size: 10/10
Body: 40/50 Where to start... the power is kinda dumb since 1) you hit yourself for 30 every time you use it; 2) it only searches out Lotad's line; and 3) it's limited to once a turn. The attack pretty much forces you to use CG Dugtrio to protect your Bench from taking damage (or Transparent Walls every turn, lol.) It'd be decent if you weren't forced to discard a Water every time you used it, and you didn't start suiciding your own men. There's a couple wording errors, but nothing major.
Bottom Stats: 9/10 Ludicolo has no Lightning weak, it should be Grass.
Total Score: 89/100
RE: Matt's Faking Competition - Round 2

Master of the six kings said:
Actually both DX and CG ludicolo have L weakness

RS Swampert has L weakness too. Doesn't mean it's right.
RE: Matt's Faking Competition - Round 2

I dont really think that´s fair now, seeing as how it´s on multiple real cards already, wouldn´t you agree? If you use a real card for your reference and all...
RE: Matt's Faking Competition - Round 2

Just because it's on a real card doesn't mean it's right. Like I've said before, if anyone has a problem, they are more than welcome to drop out of the competition.
RE: Matt's Faking Competition - Round 2

Here's my entry.