Finished Mafia LIV: My Bastard Village-Game Over!

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Zone they are going to send you a reply back saying they are violet
...What does this mean?

Ignoring the... weird flood of messages Math is making that I'm still not understanding, I don't know what firekitten is getting at by saying this.

Ummm... Yes, I am Violet?
Kitten is being played.

Someone sent them a message claiming Agent X is Violet.

It’s the only thing that makes sense.
That wasn't the plan, I was literally trying to get them to vote out math and that's why I was pancking

If you wanted them to continue to vote out Math, you could have said nothing and just continued playing your game! The only thing this has done so far is throw undue suspicion onto me for some story you're making up, and hell, throwing suspicion away from Math when you claim you want them to vote him out!
My plan was to not out as neutral, and get violet to be safe from attacks. However zone wasn't suppose to vote violet. Basically, VOTE out math
If you wanted them to continue to vote out Math, you could have said nothing and just continued playing your game! The only thing this has done so far is throw undue suspicion onto me for some story you're making up, and hell, throwing suspicion away from Math when you claim you want them to vote him out!

Be clear are you claiming Agent X or not?
Kitten is being played.

Someone sent them a message claiming Agent X is Violet.

It’s the only thing that makes sense.
So kitten Violet and I are being played.

The answer is to vote out B.B.

He’s been on the sidelines.

God, you're making zero sense and now it just sounds like you're throwing blame around. Can you listen to what I've been saying? Kitten was the one playing me, in an attempt to play the rest of you. bbninjas has done nothing so far and isn't even involved with this besides being the person I told when firekitten told me they were Agent X.
FireKitten claimed not Agent X by saying you were.

If you are not Agent X and Kitten is not Agent X then scum did that to play us.
I wasn't playing you violet.

LITERALLY wish I could access discord right now to explain cause I can't type fast enough.

If I said nothing people would wonder why you were Town, YOU tbink that I was setting you up however no one votes out a neutral or attacks a neutral. I would have kept you safe however I couldn't explain it on discord cause I can't access my discord right now.

Case and point if you agreed to being neutral you would have been safe from attacks, I sent zone a message to confirm you as agent X so I don't have to out
Then I visited you and sent you the message you confirmed yes?

Yes, but you were not the person who sent it and I know that for a fact. Firekitten sent you that message, and then sent it to you so that you could confirm and pretend to be Agent X to fool everyone.

This was to set up firekitten's plan in order to help you win.
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