lost world will make a change for the better!

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Grizzly said:
Yeah, there is no way the professors know what the rotation will be. There's speculation it will be Rising Rivals on, which makes since with what I heard that TPCi wants to do, keeping about 9 sets in after rotation, 13 before the rotation.

TPCi wouldn't lie to us, it will be Rising Rivals-On next Season count on it. Some people are talking about a HGSS-On format which while it would freshen the metagame up it would be a bad idea cause that shrinks the game's card pool for Modified drastically to where there's less deck ingenuity and creativity. Nobody wants that. Charizard would die and so would other popular decks that have a high chance of being in the format for 2 seasons straight.

As for Lucario in Call of Legends being a good tech against LostGar, it's not bad but it's a double-edged sword cause you're relying on the extra damage while you have 5 Pokemon in the Lost Zone and before you even use Dimension Sphere with Lucario they can just play Lost World to win the game without drawing any prizes cause it would depend on the turn order of the game of who went first. Your best bet against a LostGar deck is to run a Dark deck to counter against the deck's main heavy hitter being Gengar Prime.
I know it doesn't say it on there, I'm just pointing out that TPCi would not lie to us about rotating 4 sets a year after Worlds otherwise it would cause major problems to the game.

HGSS-On would be a harsh kick in the balls and that is not something that TPCi would want to do.
In my location, Vilegar has been raging and destroying all decks. Sp are vunerable to vileplume. Gyrados are the only thing that come close. Gyrados rarely defeats it though. Before Gyrados can litterally beat Gengar, Fainting spell already took it out and Rescue energy does nothing at all. Most people suffer from begin unable to use combee cause of dittobolic and pokemon rescue has been locked. The only thing they depend on is Palmers however by the time we get a twins or bebe's the opponent has already potrigeist away most of the pokemon such as sablyeye and corbat and in a massive lead. then the game would depend on a coin flip for tie or they win.

Personally I'd rather not have Lost World but sometimes I've been thinking that releasing it is the best chances of anyone having a fair game not just judged by luck or how valuable your deck is. Everyone will have a fair chance depending on what they play and their opponent plays.
Go play test...
T-1 send Gengar in the LZ
T-2 send a pokemon in the LZ by using mew.
From now, each turn, Lostgar pokemon gets KO by Umbreon. Therefore, they do not have choice to use trainers to get mew back and attach only ONE energy to then, LZ only ONE pokemon per turn. Plus, you got to assure opponent to have at least a pokemon by using Seeker, Spiritomb, Judge. Do you really have place for a 1-1 Palkia G? I would put more pokemon rescue instead.

By poison my umbreon, you wasted a turn just to attack and not get a pokemon in the LZ. That will make you win in Turn 9 instead. Plus, Belt umbreon can survive more. Cool, you just make me win the game for sure. Plus, even if I have a lot of pokemons in my hand, you can just LZ ONE per turn.

As for Twins, I never said you cannot use it (or did I?). Anyway, you don t need it because you can always (well, not 100% sure but...) draw it, so...
And this is, what, the fifth thread we have about Lost World now? Why on earth do we need another one when they all basically say the same thing?
Fighting fire with fire is just the wrong thing to do right now. Introducing a stronger card will just make people switch to the better deck. It would be hard to make equally powered decks.
Why is lostgar such a big threat? It still has nothing on my luxchomp. A friend brought a lost gar to league last week and we played three games, which I won all of. The biggest issue that lostgar has is the single teched weavile g which hits too hard too fast. Since you can't seeker my pokemon back to my hand, because you are playing cards to recover constantly killed gengars, I can very easily have no pokemon in hand. Also to all the people saying mewgar luxary has a 60 damage attack, and there is no way you can lost zone both of my Luxrays turn 2. Lastly for plakia g luxary makes yet another convenient 60 damage attack to one shot it.
If he let GENGARS die, hes doing something wrong.
T1: See Off Gengar
T2-On: Mew your hand away. Pokemon Rescue to get them back, Seeker to muck up your bench.
@ lou cypher we are not talking about mew! MEW SUCKS!

Any1 not running an azelf x in there lostgar (to stop dark) is stupid.
@Kabutops: Since you don't need to actually do any damage, Mew is really just a faster alternative for setting up Gengar. If you get a Mew start, you can See Off T1 and then Hurl into Darkness as often as needed (because it only costs {P} to use).

Azelf X is a bit cumbersome to get out so I don't see how your flaming accomplishes anything.
Wow. kabutops33, that was an interesting post.
First of all, we are talking about Mew. Many people use Mew as the main attacker in LostGar. It sets up fast (gets going T2) and isn't a pain to set up when it gets KOd. Running straight LostGar or LostGar based on Mew is just personal preference. With Mew, you can almost definitely use Gengar's attack every turn. The downsides are its low HP, inability to utilize Gengar LV.X's Level Down, and lack of Gengar Prime's Poké-Body (the latter of which would not hurt much, unless one plans to knock out a Pokémon by way of Cursed Droplets).
Secondly, Azelf LV.X is, as DNA put it, cumbersome to get out. While you cover Gengar's weakness, it not only takes up space in the deck, but also uses up resources and possibly a turn to Level Up your active Azelf and then get it back to the bench again.
Thirdly, don't call people stupid, particularly when you don't understand what you're talking about yourself.
mew is awesome.....and i wish i had one. sure the downside is low hp but you can help that. use rescue to keep him in your hand. snowpoint for an extra 20 anything to keep him in play and just add some extra energies and you can do 2-4 poke per turn into the lost zone
How can Gengar stay alive if I keep hitting it for 140 damage a turn usually by turn 2/3. Seeker does not solve his problem because he is just trying to beat me to the finish instead of actively dealing with the problem. Also Mew is not any kind of alternative, 60 is very easy to get in luxchomp. I have at least 4 ways to get 60+ damage down a turn. Even in the best of circumstances the mew vs. luxchomp is a breakneck race to the finish the difference is that once I have lux x out mew cant do anything about it.
Have fun dealing 60 damage a turn. If I start, I win, its simple as that. Why, you ask?
T1: I Mew my Gengar away.
Your T1: You do something like Call, maybe a Cyrus, but you wont kill that first Mew. You will get some setup tho.
T2: I have 2 energy under Mew by now. I can at this turn Zone 2 of your pokes. 2-0 to me. Odds are I'll have a Collector or something to get my Mews.
Your T2: Having seen some important stuff gone but probably anticipated some of it, you SP Radar your Lux X and start killing Mews. 2-1.
T3: I lost zone something. 3-1
Your T3: You KO something. 3-2
T4: I play Twins and pull Palkia G which I bench. I then proceed to Lost Zone something. 4-2
Your T4: Have fun: Decide on getting rid of Palkia G or Mew. Check.
Also, @novadragon07, Snow Point Temple and E-Belt get Mew's HP up to 100 (clearly, E-Belt isn't the best play, as it doesn't help Mew's attacking power at all, but it helps keep it alive for a turn to retreat into another Mew if need be, Seeker it up, and attach the E-Belt to the now-active Mew. The other plus is that you definitely have a Pokémon in your hand because of Seeker, too).
actually lou its really easy to beat mew. i versed a mewperior at cities and he had a hard time keeping up with his mews going bye bye each turn. you just have to run alot of rescue energies. the problem with mew is that it dies to fast and then you have to have an energy on it. and since it doesnt kill anything it just gets KOed each turn. and im assuming you mean palkia x cause palkia g isnt very threatening. sure its fast but its flaw is that mew dies FAST. you could set up gengar but that isnt as fast...so pick your poison.
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