BW/BW2 "Let's Play" Pokémon White By Dragon9


Top 16 VGC Nationals

I have begun recording my Pokémon White walkthrough. I am hoping to upload one video per day, although I can not make any promises due to factors such as school.

Most Recent Episode

Episode Two

Previous Episodes

Episode One

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Are you sure you don't know anything about these games!? It just seemed like you knew that Belle was coming up the stairs before she actually appeared! ;) Though I understand if the video was slightly "out-of-sync". Also, does it always lag like that? I thought it was just with the ROM (so I've heard), but you can gain EXP (which you can't on the ROM, apparently). :S

Also I don't have a YT account, so I'll just post here saying that it was interesting to watch.
Well, i Like the Video! So you mean you are going to try to do a walkthrough? Isn't that kinda hard?
Just 1 question: What happened to Zero's lets play?
Anyway other than that the Video was awesome, it was interesting
Thanks guys.

Zero is waiting for his copy of the game and will probably be starting in the next few weeks.
I probably won't start watching until after I'm a good bit into my copy, but I did sub to you and am excited to watch!
Timeshift, you can gain exp. on the roms. The youtube user 654Tidus654 has a video up that shows how to fix the problem. Nice video by the way.
nice video, you should try using a guide; you wont know what youre doing if you cant read Japanese
i resisted the strong urge to make a "first" comment
and i didnt know you were british, lol
Oh yes yes yes! I cannot wait to see this until I get my copy and a little bit more into it.I hope you do well.
^^ I doubt he's British. Sounds more Australian to me. I'm British, so I'd know.
Edit: Oops. You sound really Australian you know. I

This is really interesting... I got white though. I love the way you don't know much at all about the game. I didn't understand anything either, when played.
I''m australian my dad's british and he is british anyway nice vid i don't think you should of gone in the uninformative though.
I like the idea of not knowing what's going on, the viewers and I can find out together haha.
Offtopic: Is Hiun pronounced Hune or hin? Ontopic: True but i thought you would at least know what Pokabu is and other Pokemon but i still like the thought of surprises though.
I pronounce it as Hi-Un, but thats just the way its spelt so, I might be wrong
No knowing what your doing is pretty cool, I mean it would make figuring things out more fun and adventurous
Lol that was awesome, they never leave you alone... Im scared to see how much they talk in the english version, half your play time would just be reading the text XD
You avatar is a Minezumi by the way XD
Haha, nice, I like the lets play. Renjil12 is right, though.. It's minezumi. :p But I call him bidoof the second.
Nice video again! Do you honestly have no idea what's going on!? I mean, you went straight to Belle's house, then straight to the pokemon lab. After that, you walked up to that girl who has a potion. Hmm... :S

Anyway, nice Bidoof avvy you have! XD